"Yes, Lord Lingwang. The eldest lady was attacked at the Cornerstone Gate, and now the special zone guards guarding the Cornerstone Gate have all been wiped out."

"Miss, I need your rescue."

Moguai said concisely, but there was no sign of anxiety in his tone.

"Sure enough, they are a bunch of useless wood."

Hearing this news, William didn't have any control over the artificial intelligence that aroused his interest, so he slapped himself on the forehead.

Immediately, a fierce expression appeared on his face.

"However, it's okay, it saves me the time to find that bastard."

Jumped up from the sofa, then quickly walked to the door of Yukina Himeragi's bedroom, with a little force, the door was locked tightly and he pushed it open violently.

Inside, Himeragi Yukina and Kosaka Sayaka were obviously taken aback.

"What are you doing, don't you know we're talking?"

William directly ignored Sayaka Kosaka's anger, and said in a deep voice.

"The attacker from the warehouse appeared last night. He is now attacking the cornerstone gate and is ready to go."

Himeragi Yukina and Kosaka Sayaka were in a daze for a moment, and then they reacted immediately, and showed their extremely high fighting qualities.

Quickly jumped up from the bed, then grabbed the two guitar cases stacked in the corner, and carried them on his shoulders.

"We are ready."

"very good!"

William nodded in satisfaction, then stretched out his left hand, and tapped the corner of the wall lightly.

The pitch-black singularity is like a black hole in the universe, devouring the surrounding air and expanding, finally forming a pitch-black and deep portal.

"Let's go!"

ps: Thanks to Shushu Wu for sending the tip of the blade

Again, thank you very much for your support to the author.

In addition, as a side note, Lan Yu Qiancong's butt is big, it seems that there is an official research?

Chapter 270 The White Iridescent Giant "4000 words for subscription"

The flames of the explosion, the billowing smoke!

The Keystone Gate is the name of the huge complex located in the center of Itogami Island.

The twelve-story building on the ground is the tallest building in the entire Itogami Island. It is an inverted pyramid-shaped building, which can be seen from almost anywhere on the island.

The facilities on the upper floor house public communes such as the city hall, as well as numerous hotels and commercial institutions, both in name and in reality functioning as important towns on the island.

It can be said that here holds the economic lifeline of the entire island.

In the past, the high-level officials of Xianjin Island suggested that William move to live here. After all, this is the place that best demonstrates William's status and status.

Of course, since this is called the most important place, it is impossible to only focus on the economy.

The centralized management facility on the artificial island with more than [-] floors under the sea surface is the reason why this place has such a high status.

Similarly, this is also the center where the four major planktonic plates that make up Itogami Island are connected.

"That's why these idiots should be fired."

The dark door opened wide, and it was William and two of his exclusive guards, Sayaka Kosaka and Yukina Himeragi, who walked in front of them.

Looking at the broken walls and ruins everywhere, as well as the uninterrupted sound of explosions inside, William said with a sigh.

The loss this time is definitely more than that of the previous warehouse explosion and the explosion of the research institute. If it is repaired this time, I don't know how much it will cost.

Looking at the scene in front of him, William thought quietly.

"Monster, what floor has that intruder invaded now?"

"Reporting to Lord Lingwang, they are now at the connection between the ninth and tenth floors."


Open it with one hand and shuttle directly to the space hole on the tenth floor underground of the Gate of the Cornerstone.

Normally, the Gate of the Cornerstone is guarded by a very powerful magic barrier, and magic that can freely travel through space is definitely impossible to work here.

William, of course, is not on this list.

His spiritual power is strong enough to smash this carefully constructed magic barrier.

"Both of you, go to the tenth floor to stop the enemy first. I'll settle down and then go there."

After throwing down these words, William opened a space gap again and stepped in.

——The Security Department of the Artificial Island Management Commune!

Lan Yu Qian Cong was curled up at the door of the heavy iron gate, and let out a short scream again following the shaking.

"Well, how should I put it, is it the right time for me to come?"

The man's voice that came into his ears made Lan Yu Qiancong let go of his hanging heart, and reached out to wipe away the full of tears.

He jumped up from a squatting position and burrowed into William's arms. Two pink fists hit William's chest like drumsticks.

"What are you doing! Really, people are already worried to death..."

"Everyone in the commune was attacked, a lot of people were injured, and buildings collapsed everywhere."

As if venting the grievances accumulated for a long time, Lan Yu Qian Cong raised his voice, and his mouth was like a cannonball.

Nephrite was in his bosom, and the unique fragrance of virgins of young girls also penetrated into his nostrils.

Even so, he couldn't have any strange thoughts now, after all, the girl in his arms was really frightened.

Even if her presence on this island represents a special meaning, in the final analysis, she is just a girl with no power to restrain her.

Superior network operation technology will not have any special effect when encountering this kind of crisis.

Apart from waiting for other people's help, she couldn't protect herself like Himeragi Yukina and Kosaka Sayaka.

William gently patted the sobbing girl in his arms, and his tone gradually became gentler.

"Okay, okay, I'm here to save you, don't worry, nothing will happen."

The man's words were like refreshing orgasms, and the girl in William's arms gradually stopped sobbing, and the movement of hammering William's chest with both hands also stopped.

After a few seconds, Lan Yu Qian Cong raised his head buried deep in William's chest.

"Sorry, I lost my temper."

"No, this is a normal behavior of a girl, don't worry about it."

William stretched out his big hand indifferently, and wiped off the remaining tears at the corners of Lan Yu's light green eyes.

"Okay, go back and take a good bath, and then take a rest!"

Gently stroking Lan Yu's light and smooth blond hair, William helped her open the door to his bedroom.

"Next, leave this guy to me!"

Lan Yu Qiancong is actually a very strong girl, even though she has witnessed the cruelty of the attacker duo before.

With her strong heart, she had already dealt with everything in an orderly manner, and then curled up alone at the door in fear.

Otherwise, relying on the fighting power of those two people, it would have been impossible to break through to the tenth floor for so long.

And after William arrived here and vented his grievances to his lover, Lan Yu Qiancong finally returned to his previous tone.

She is not the only one who has suffered this kind of crisis, and the person in front of her can come to protect her immediately, which is already very satisfying for her.

Get out of William's arms, then step to the computer desk, pick up the laptop that looks like a talisman, and hug it to his chest.

At last, he returned to William's side, stretching out one of his own arms to wrap William's arm.

"I'm going with you and grab that guy myself."

"With your ability, you should be able to protect my safety!"

When Lan Yu Qiancong said these words, she gritted her silver teeth fiercely, obviously looking like she was itching with hatred.

It's no wonder that the crisis in front of her can be said to be the most serious crisis she has suffered since she was a child.

Many of the members of the special zone security team upstairs were familiar with her, and many of them suffered casualties to varying degrees this time.

"it is good--!"

Flicking Lan Yu's furrowed brows lightly with his fingers, William smiled.


Burning flames, damaged buildings, and people in the uniforms of the Itokami Island Guard are all along the way.

Their bodies were covered with blood, and their guns and ammunition were randomly scattered all over the place.

Some people panted heavily, gasping like a gossamer.

Some people were covering their wounds, blood and sweat poured out.

Standing with his back to the raging flames was a burly man over 190 cm tall.

The blade of the half-moon ax in his right hand, and the robe worn on the armor strengthening talisman, have all been stained red with blood.

That's the blood of those who fought bravely, members of the SAR Guard.

Beside him is the vampire who has been rumored to control the white giant beast these days.

It was a blue-haired girl who looked quite petite from the outside, with a cloak over her skin, artificially beautiful features, and those light blue pupils without emotion——

"Astarotte, do it."

"The order is accepted and carried out—"Rose's Fingertip"! "

The blue-haired girl wrapped in the armor of the beast declared solemnly.

Her current appearance is a stone monster with a height of nearly four meters wearing iridescent armor.

The moment its huge fingertips touched it, all the seven barriers protecting the airtight wall were destroyed.

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