After the barrier was destroyed, Himeragi Yukina, who had just arrived here and started preparing for the battle, was dumbfounded and opened her mouth while holding the "Snow Wolf".

"Not... a vampire? How come... why can an artificial life form manipulate a beast."

"Don't be in a daze, Xuecai, the people in front of you are hard to deal with."

Kosaka Sayayaka frowned, and tightly held the "Huang Hualin" in the shape of a broadsword with both hands.

"Huh? There are blockers, you don't seem to be members of the security team on this island."

A deep male voice came from the burly man's mouth.

"Please catch him immediately and make atonement for the crimes you have committed!"

Himeragi Yukina stared at the man in front of her, her spiritual power was transmitted from those plain white arms to Xuexia Wolf's spear.

The secondary blades located on both sides of Xuexia Wolf's main blade also unfolded to the sides with the influx of spiritual energy.

"Oh! To atone for your own mistakes?"

"I never deny my own sins, but compared to the sins on this island, the mistakes I have made are not worth mentioning at all."

The burly man looked at Himeragi Yukina and Kosaka Sayaka with contempt.

There was no regret in his tone, just like what he said just now, he didn't feel how serious his sin was.

"And what you have in your hands is—!"

The man's eyes shifted downwards, and then, a surprised smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The blindfold-like monocle continuously emitted red light, as if it was projecting information directly onto the man's retina.

"The "Seven-type assault demon machine gun" and "Six-type heavy demon-killing bow" of the Lion King agency. "

"I didn't expect to see the secret weapon that can't be hidden in the Lion King mechanism, so let me take this gun and study the legendary godhead vibration wave drive technique!"

The burly man's tone became more and more excited, and his burly body was constantly trembling.

The wide soles of the feet stepped forward fiercely, and a circular pothole immediately sank into the ground.

"Girls, let me, Rudolf Ostach, the teacher of Rothenlingkia, be your opponent."

Rudolph laughed loudly, and then he raised his huge battle ax and rushed out.

"Xuexia Wolf——!"

Himeragi Yukina also yelled coquettishly, clenched the spear in her hand and rushed out fiercely.

The moment the huge battle ax carrying a strong wind was about to strike her chest, she blocked it.

"Huang Hualin—!"

Sayaka Huangsaka had arrived at Teacher Jian's left side at some point, and swung down the huge sword in her hand heavily.

Facing this attack that could not be dodged directly, Rudolph immediately blocked his left arm covered by armor.

A large number of sparks shot out from the junction of the armor and the giant sword.

Immediately afterwards, there was a bluish-white flash that was enough to blind people's eyes.

"very good!"

The gauntlet on Rudolph's left arm shattered immediately, and the two groups also used this to distance themselves.

"As expected of the rumored "Six Types of Heavy Armored Demon Subduing Bow"!This technique of cutting off the link of space is very good. "

Rudolph can be said to be more and more satisfied, the pupils under the monocle shone with an inexplicable brilliance.


He snorted nonchalantly, then shook his hand.

"Astarotte, I'll leave the short ones to you."

After saying these words, Rudolph stepped forward again, the giant ax in his hand spun, and slashed at Kosaka Sayaka's snow-white neck at a rather tricky angle.

Just looking at the power of Rudolph swinging the ax in front of her, if Sayaka Kosaka hadn't defended, the separation of the corpses would have been the best ending for her now.

"Choose me? It can only be said that you made a rather stupid decision."

A sarcasm smile appeared on the corner of Kosaka Sayayaka's mouth, she turned her wrist, and she held the giant sword Huang Hualin in a flat manner.

The rushing giant ax was firmly blocked by Sayaka Kosaka,

"Another ability of Huang Hualin, physical attacks are completely ineffective against it."

Kosaka Sayayaka sneered mockingly, with two slender arms brazenly exerting strength, she lifted out the huge ax that was pressing on the sword body.

Just on the other side of the battlefield.

"The order is accepted and carried out—"Rose's Fingertip"! "

Ferocious magic power spewed out from the petite body of the blue-haired girl, and the iridescent armor was derived from the magic power, forming an armor and wrapping it in the center.

The girl named Astarotti was inlaid in the center of the giant's chest like the giant's heart.

Under the control of the girl, the ferocious giant swung its huge palm towards Himeragi Yukina like the earth was shaking.

"——The God Son of Suan Ni and the High God Sword Witch is praying here!"

"—Dawn of Demon Breaking, Xuexia's Divine Wolf, quickly wish me to destroy the evil gods and ghosts with the might of the God of Steel!"

Following the weaving of the words and spirits of the Lion King mechanism Sword Shaman, the spiritual power in Himeragi Yukina's body was continuously poured into the silver gun in his hand.

In an instant!

With the silver gun fully unfolded, the blade of the gun is full of light, and the dazzling brilliance begins to shine.

The one that shines brightly is exactly what Rudolph said just now, the secret technique of the Lion King mechanism, the Godhead vibration wave drive technique.

The magic formula named Godhead Vibration Wave Driving Technique was imprinted on the three-sided gun blade that unfolded and turned into a complex geometric pattern, intertwined with each other.

The sharp spear that can neutralize all magic power and cut off all barriers is also under the full power of Himeragi Yukina.

It was like under the bright and clear sky, a blazing lightning flashed suddenly in the sky, stabbing bravely at "Rose's fingertips".



The iridescent giant let out a cry that sounded like a scream.

In this fierce conflict, it was Himeragi Yukina who narrowly won.

The silver-white gun tip, relying on the power of the magic power of the godhead vibration wave driving technique, is gradually and slowly tearing the giant palm from the cover.

Astarte moaned continuously.

However, there was no joy in Himeragi Yukina's eyes, on the contrary, there was a look of horror flowing in the blue pupils.

Because, another giant's arm, like the Five Fingers Mountain of the Tathagata Buddha, is attacking her overwhelmingly.

ps: Thank you for the tickets you sent, thank you very much for your support, and finally I would like to ask for your tickets and subscriptions, thank you

Chapter 270 Transformation into an Angel!Himeragi Yukina

The tip of Xuexia Wolf's spear was firmly pressed against the iridescent right palm!

But the left arm of the iridescent giant was still roaring towards Himeragi Yukina like a sea.

But she didn't dare to relax in the slightest, because she knew very well that if she chose to retract her gun and retreat back at this time, the right arm of the iridescent giant would immediately crush her petite body to pieces.

This was a dead end due to her inexperience in fighting!

There is no way, compared to the battle-hardened Sayaka Kosaka who started her mission a year ago.

She is still just a trainee sword shaman until now, and she has been training with her master and friends before, this is her real first time on the battlefield.

And as an excellent sword shaman, she had indeed foreseen her own ending.

The howling wind blew her hair away, and the girl closed her eyes in despair.

The past began to go back in her mind!

"I don't know, will anyone be sad for me when I leave?"

"Snow vegetables—!"

Huangsaka Sayayaka's shrill neigh sounded, and she slashed the Huanghua Lin in her hand vigorously, cutting an invisible space fault in front of her.

An ax blade that Rudolph slashed with all his strength was bounced away, Kosaka Sayaka's feet blatantly exerted force, and anxiously rushed towards Himeragi Yukina's position.

"Yukina, you're being careless——!"

The distance of the voice was unexpectedly close, it was the gentle voice of a man coming from above her head.

That is, the voice of the Protoss of the Moon, William Sphengel.


The rainbow-colored beast seemed to be hit head-on by a super high-speed train. The blue-haired young girl who served as the host of the beast directly hit the wall with the beast, and was deeply sunken.

"His Majesty--!"

Himeragi Yukina opened her closed eyes and moved her lips.

The blond-haired young man standing in front of her was half bent, with his left hand stretched forward, maintaining a posture of flexing his fingers and catapulting.

There was no spiritual energy escaping just now, as a top psychic, Himeragi Yukina was very sure of this.

That is to say, the man in front of him didn't use any spiritual power or magic power, but purely relied on the power of his body to blow away the beast that was comparable to the third-generation vampire elder.

"Is the elf's physical strength so powerful?"

At this moment, Himeragi Yukina had a huge question mark in her little head.

Even the matter of being in crisis just now has been left behind by her, and now she deeply doubts, is her master really of the same race as the man in front of her? (Crap, of course not!)

"Familiars are summoned beasts from a different world that only vampires can control."

"But you chose to find another way, parasitizing the captured beasts in the artificial life forms before hatching, and then catalyzing the artificial life forms."

"That way you get a good disposable battery."

"It's quite an interesting approach."

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