This is a sub-body created by Lanyu Qiansong using Moguai as the model, and its functions can be said to be no different from Moguai.

Only in terms of computing power, because there is only one supercomputer on this battleship, it is only about one-fifth of the monster.

"The network has been connected!"

"Now broadcast the time, August 2095, 8!"

William also sat on the chair, and began to try to recall, there was no way, even though his memory was very good, but more than ten years had passed since he left the evil world.

It is still difficult for him to quickly recall some things that are too detailed.

After a while, he nodded silently.

Sure enough, when he crossed from Xuezhan World to Blood Devouring World, he had already vaguely felt that the freezing of time seemed to have started to work.

Although the flow rates of the two worlds are not exactly the same, he left this world on July 2095, 7, and more than a month has passed now.

According to his guess, this should be caused by his continuous improvement in strength.

"However, the deviation of more than one month is acceptable!"

"It seems that going back like this needs a good explanation from Kazuma Yumei!"

They disappeared for more than a month for no reason, especially in Nanakusa Mayumi's vision, the two had just become a fiancé couple.

"Ah! It's a fucking trouble trying to explain!"

William scratched his head annoyedly, then stood up from his chair.

"Just act according to the original plan! Collect useful things in this world."

The devilish world is a rather deformed world, and the mages here are a race that fully interprets the characteristic of high attack and crispy skin.

However, there are still many things worth learning from here.

It's like the ancient magic that has been handed down to this day, and it has many similarities with the ZG magic in Blood Devouring Strike.

"Of course, you still have to be careful, the magicians in this world are not all useless."

"We know, Lord William!"

"So those who followed you here are all dancers who are proficient in assassination and spells, and witches who have a rough grasp of time and space spells."

Sayaka Kosaka smiled and nodded.

Regarding the magic and systems that magicians in this world are good at, William has already explained them to them.

Although they also wondered why magicians need such unknown things as computing power to release magic.

However, this does not prevent them from targeting the magicians in this world.

No matter how strong your attacks are.

The magic of time and space is enough to easily resist or dodge their attacks.

No matter how vigilant the magicians in this world are.

Learn about curse-type spells, thousands of miles away, get a part of your DNA, and your life is in the hands of Wu Jiyuan.

These methods may be common in the world of Blood Devouring Attack, and everyone who knows magic has corresponding countermeasures.

It's a pity, sorry, people in the evil world don't understand!

So the magicians in this world really have no resistance to this group of dancers and witches.

"Well, that's good, we won't stay in this world for too long, let's hurry up on work!"

"As ordered!"

Seeing William's formal tone, everyone present knelt on one knee, ready to execute the order.

"Then I will go home for a long time, Aye, during my absence, you will be in charge of this battleship."

He moved his shoulders a little bit, although William felt a little uneasy when he thought of the questioning from Mayumi Nanakusa that he was about to face, but there was more expectation in his heart.

After all, this was his first woman, and the woman who made his heart flutter in the first place.

"I see, Lord William!"

Xiandumu Aye got up from the kneeling position.

William also nodded in satisfaction, then closed his eyes, and explored his residence in Tokyo while watching.

Suddenly, the space-time gap connecting him from an altitude of [-] meters to his home in Tokyo unfolded in front of him.

Just when William was about to step in, suddenly, the corner of his clothes was grabbed by a small white hand.

"Snow, what's the matter?"

That's right, the one grabbing the hem of his clothes was Himeragi Yukina standing silently behind him with a guitar case on her back.

"Teacher, please allow me to follow you as a guard."

There was firmness in Himeragi Yukina's pupils, and she released an aura that if William didn't agree, she would never let go.

"The "Maihime" unit is led by Sayaka, the "Witch Unit" is led by Aya-san, and the "Six-Blade Priest" unit is led by Misaki Gongmakan. "

"I don't have to stay here, so please let me follow you to protect your safety."

"Do not--!"

William just wanted to open his mouth to refuse, but it was a very troublesome thing to explain to Nanakusa Mayumi.

If I bring another junior high school student back, wouldn't it be even more troublesome.

"Master William, I think it is still necessary for you to bring Yukina! After all, isn't your matter too surprising? Why don't you explain it with someone from another world like Yukina, maybe it will be more acceptable to Ms. Nanakusa!" ,

Xiandumu Aye said with a smile, and pointed to the guitar case on Yukina's back.

"I think the combination of the "angelization" that doesn't exist in this world and the "seven-type assault demon machine gun" is the best persuasion. "

"That's not entirely unreasonable!"

After a short thought, William accepted Aya Xiantomu's statement, turned his head, and looked at Himeragi Yukina beside him.

"Then please come with me."

Tokyo City, the First Affiliated High School of Magic University, Student Council Room!

The soft and beautiful long hair hangs straight to the waist, and the two strands of hair in front of the forehead fit perfectly on the girl's plump chest.

There was a hint of sadness in the wine-red pupils, and she was turning an expensive pen with one hand, as if she was thinking about something.

"President, this is the last document for today."

The girl with the same smooth black hair gently placed a document in her arms on the desk.

This is also a girl with an overly delicate appearance. Of course, the girl sitting at the desk is not inferior to her in appearance.

It's just that the young girl in front of her is different from her delicate person, the proportions of the facial features are completely symmetrical, and the proportions of the body are completely symmetrical.

"Thank you, Miyuki."

Nanakusa Mayumi pressed the cap of the pen to her brow, and forced a smile.

Then he looked at the file carefully and thought about the solution.

Shiba Miyuki silently retreated to the back and returned to her own seat.

It is the day before the first high school is about to start, so the members of their student union need to prepare a lot of things.

This is why members of the student union gather here even when they are on vacation.

Ichihara Suzune, who was next to Shiba Miyuki, sighed faintly, stood up helplessly from her computer, and walked to Nanakusa Mayumi's side.

At this time, Nanakusa Mayumi also just signed her name on the document and stamped it with the seal of the student union.

"Okay, junior Jiu Dao should suddenly have something very urgent to deal with, and with his strength, there shouldn't be any problems."

"Thank you, Suzune!"

Even with the comfort of her own best friend, Nanakusa Mayumi is still not very excited.

Seeing that Nanakusa Mayumi is still like this, Ichihara Suzune's brows are also tightly clustered.

At this moment, Mayumi suddenly felt a convulsion in her stomach, then quickly covered her mouth with her small hand, and rushed to the bathroom of the student union in a hurry.

Ichihara Suzune, Nakajo Azusa, and Shiba Miyuki looked at Mayumi Nanakusa's back in a daze.

With the sound of closing the door!



Suddenly, there was a sound of vomiting that even the door could not stop.

At this moment, the three people present couldn't sit still anymore, they stood up from their chairs one after another, and rushed to the bathroom in the same way.

"Mayumi, let's go to the hospital!"

Ichihara Suzune supported Nanakusa Mayumi who was still vomiting, and Azusa Nakajo patted Nanakusa Mayumi's back lightly, trying to make her relax a bit.

"Yes, President, you should go to the hospital to have a look. Your body looks very weak."

Shiba Miyuki still maintained a cool tone, but she could still feel the concern contained in her words.


Nanakusa Mayumi, who still had her head in the pool, waved her hand quickly.

"It's okay, it's okay, I don't feel like vomiting now."

"That's not OK!"

Ichihara Suzune firmly grabbed Nanakusa Mayumi's wrist, and dragged her forward.

A big man with a height of 1.7 meters, and a height of only about 1.6 meters, looks like a boyfriend leading a girlfriend forward.

The backgrounds of these girls are absolutely unusual, and Azusa Nakajo, who is always unobtrusive in this place, is a famous family of magicians.

After arriving at the hospital, there was naturally a green light all the way, passing many patients queuing up.

Nanakusa Mayumi successfully jumped in line and lay on the gastroenterologist's bed.

The doctor listened to the symptoms Nanakusa Mayumi had no choice but to describe, and then reached out and pressed Nanakusa Mayumi's stomach.

Suddenly, the doctor stopped his continued diagnosis and asked aloud.

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