"When was your last period?"

The four girls present were all stunned, but they didn't know much about these things, so they all regarded it as an ordinary consultation.

Nanakusa Mayumi answered honestly.

"My period is actually quite accurate. At most, it will be five days in the evening. Today is exactly the fifth day."

After hearing this, the doctor nodded with a smile, and then prescribed a blood test to Mayumi Nanakusa.

"Go get your blood tested first!"

"Is it so serious that a blood test is needed?"

Nanakusa Mayumi became slightly worried.

The doctor pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, shook his head, and said with a mysterious smile.

"Don't worry so much, even a normal examination requires a blood test, not to mention, yours may be a good thing."

In this way, the three people who were confused by Zhang Er went to do the blood test in a daze, and then returned to the doctor with the test report.

They are actually quite smart, and their knowledge is quite good, but after all, they don't usually involve medicine, and these professional terms are added together, and they can't understand them.

Unexpectedly, after reading the test sheet, the doctor directly showed such a smile.

"You don't have to worry, you are not sick because you vomited, so you don't need to worry."

"Your test results show that you are pregnant, 45 days pregnant."

"However, your body is indeed still a little weak. Recently, you need to add some nutritional supplements. I will write you a nutritional supplement list later."

"I still have to come to the hospital for a re-examination at the same time next month. Of course, you don't need to come to me for the re-examination. You can go directly to the obstetrics and gynecology department at that time."

The doctor chattered about the things that need to be paid attention to during pregnancy.

The silver car stopped at the entrance of a small villa that looked quite high-end, Nanakusa Mayumi got out of the car holding two slips in a trance.

"Mayumi, otherwise I'd better go in and take care of you today!"

Ichihara Suzune, who sat inside and was in charge of sending Nanakusa Mayumi back, said with some concern.

"No, no! I don't care."

Nanakusa Mayumi waved her hand mechanically.

Ichihara Suzune, who was rejected again, sighed helplessly, "Then you have to remember that you are not alone now, and you can't live the same life as before just because of worry, is it clear!"

This sentence is not a person, it seems to have directly awakened Nanakusa Mayumi's still in a trance consciousness.

She looked at the two report cards in her hand with complicated eyes, and then her eyes gradually became firm.

"I see, don't worry, I will eat well and protect my body from today on."

Seeing Nanakusa Mayumi seem to really cheer up, Ichihara Suzune was relieved and told the driver to drive away.

However, Nanakusa Mayumi, who was reorganized, also restored her previous brilliance.

Stretching out his light white jade finger, he was ready to press the fingerprint unlocker to open the door.

At this moment, the door opened by itself instead.

"Mayumi, you are back. Whose car is that that brought you back just now? What are you holding?"

With a gentle and familiar male voice, the two report cards held between his fingertips fluttered down with the wind.

ps: Thank you for the reward sent by the dog at Moyu in the empty night and one day starry sky Titi construction site.

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In addition, I still remember that a brother once asked me to recruit Shiba Miyuki.

On the current route, it can be accepted, but it will be very rigid. I am asking for everyone's opinions here.

In addition, Yotsuba Maya and Ayako will soon be able to arrange.

Chapter 280: Conversation with Mayumi "4000 characters for subscription"

The slender young man leaning on the sloping platform of the porch looked at the petite woman with trembling eyes. The warm sunlight and the warm summer breeze made his gaze more and more gentle.

Uncontrollable tears welled up in her eyes, and the two report sheets slowly fell to the ground. At the next moment, the worries and thoughts of the past month turned into actions, Nanakusa Mayumi threw herself into that warm embrace recklessly.


Embrace each other tightly!

This embrace was long lost for both of them.

The two are greedy for each other's warmth and the touch of hugging each other, especially for William, Mayumi has a very special place in his heart.

That was the first time he was tempted, the first time he had a woman with each other.

How could the reunion after nearly 15 years not make him feel emotional!

Embracing tightly, and just when William was about to release his lust and was about to demand each other.

Nanakusa Mayumi suddenly held William's restless hand.

There were still traces of tears on her delicate face, but at this moment, all the worries on her face had faded away.

After all, the person whom I miss so much is hugging her tightly at this moment, this kind of familiar warmth and warmth cannot be faked.

Then, there is only one thing to do next!

"Where have you been for a month and a half?"

At this moment, all the emotions that had been suppressed in Nanakusa Mayumi's heart for more than a month turned into substance.

Uncontrollable grievances surged into Nanakusa Mayumi's heart, making her involuntarily ask.

Just knew it was the case!

William wailed in his heart, but he also knew that this was a hurdle he would never be able to avoid.

Because he knows very well that Mayumi is a gentle and gentle lady on the surface.

In fact, the toughness in this girl's heart is not inferior to any man in this world. If she were a man, the inheritance of the Nanakusa family would definitely fall on her.

Of course, if she must insist on her own, Nanakusa Mayumi will definitely be concerned about her feelings and choose to keep her doubts in her heart.

However, this will inevitably become a thorn in Nanakusa Mayumi's heart that can never be pulled out.

Gently sigh!

"I see, let's go in and talk slowly!"

Time passed by so slowly, from dusk when the sun was setting in the west to dark nightfall.

The experience of more than ten years cannot be explained clearly in a short while. William sat on the sofa like this, holding Nanakusa Mayumi's shoulders, and quietly told his own experience.

Nanakusa Mayumi's expression also changed from shock at the beginning, to calm and silent in the middle, and finally became complicated now.

"This is really unacceptable."

Nanakusa Mayumi helped her forehead with complicated eyes, twisted her shoulders slightly, broke free from William's embrace, and then looked into her lover's eyes with her wine red pupils.

"So, your real name isn't Mitsunobu Kushima, but William Sphengel?"

Is this the first thing you care about?

The thought of surprise in William's mind disappeared for a moment, but he nodded affirmatively immediately.

"This name is my original name. Of course, you can continue to call me Guangxuan. After all, this name means a lot to me."

William said this very sincerely, because he really thought so in his heart.

Originally an orphan, he experienced the warmth of family affection for the first time in this world, and it was also the first time he experienced the beauty of love.

Therefore, in this world, the name given to him by Retsu Kudao is very important.

"Then I'll continue to call you Guangxuan first! It's really difficult for me to change my words all of a sudden."

Nanakusa Mayumi nodded slightly relaxed, and then asked softly while still maintaining a complicated expression.

"You, what you just said, shouldn't be joking with me, right!"

Nanakusa Mayumi couldn't help thinking this way, after all, her fiancé suddenly became a world traveler, and also dominated other worlds, even gained eternal life, and had the power to easily destroy the earth.

For Nanakusa Mayumi, this is really a bit too fantasy.

"Although this is difficult for you to accept, I can only tell you that this is indeed the truth."

"All I can do is let you witness the power from another world."


After finishing speaking, William stretched out his hands and clapped them, making a crisp applause.


The closed window seemed to be pushed open out of thin air, as if no one had automatically done it. From just now, in order not to disturb William and Mayumi Nanakusa, who was talking about the old days, Yukina Himeragi jumped from the height of the second floor and got out of the window. Come in.

Stand still!

"Is this a junior high school student?"

After a while, Nanakusa Mayumi broke away from the state of staring at Himeragi Yukina, and then quietly said this sentence.

"Don't underestimate her like this. Although Xuecai is only a junior high school student now, her aptitude as a sword shaman is indeed the most outstanding in the world of Blood Devouring Attack in the past ten years."

William introduced Nanakusa Mayumi to himself, but he didn't notice the meaning hidden in Nanakusa Mayumi's words at all.

"Then Yukina, please make an angel!"

There is nothing that can prove the truth of William's words more than the creation of myths in this era where there is no faith.

"Yes! Your lord!"

Himeragi Yukina nodded yes, then slowly took off the guitar case on her shoulders and took out her favorite gun.

""Xuexia Wolf"! "


At the moment when Himeragi Yukina called Xuexia Wolf, Xuexia Wolf shook the gun directly, and transformed with the sound of steel running.

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