Finally, Nanakusa Mayumi finally screamed out.

"Didn't you say that you want to know what the car you just sent back and what you are holding in your hand?"

William put it on his belt, then smiled indifferently, and said:

"It's okay, these are small things, and it's okay to talk about it after we're done."

"No! I'm going to talk now, you get me those two paper slips first, I won't agree if you continue to do this."

Although her face was blushing, Nanakusa Mayumi's words seemed unconvincing.

However, the firmness revealed in her eyes made William stop his movements obediently, and then raised his hands high to express his surrender.

"Okay, okay, I see, I'll go find it now."

Frowning, William turned over directly, then stretched out his hand to draw a black gap in the air, and then stuck his hand in.

After a few seconds!

He felt the touch of a foreign object from his fingertips, and with a pinch, he took out the medical diagnosis sheet that Mayumi Nanakusa dropped at the entrance.

"Give you!"

William, who got it, didn't even look at it, and handed the thing in his hand to Nanakusa Mayumi.

"This isn't for me, it's for you."

Nanakusa Mayumi shook her head with a smile, stretched out her hand and pushed the report card that William had handed over to her eyes.

"give me?"

Although he didn't quite understand the meaning, William still put the report card in front of his eyes honestly.

The first one looks like a handwritten word. Although the cursive handwriting is a bit frantic, you can still tell what is written.

If you often have symptoms of vomiting, you can eat more mangoes.

Eating more lotus root is also very good for calming the nerves and digestion.

Eat more kelp, so that for pregnant women, they can maintain a relatively high level of estrogen.


During pregnancy, these two big characters immediately attracted William's full attention. He raised his head blankly and looked at Mayumi Nanakusa, who was full of smiles.

"There's a second one! Let's take a look."

Nanakusa Mayumi pouted her small mouth.

It can be said that William panicked in a rare way, and the paper he was holding suddenly became wrinkled due to the sudden force in his hand.

However, he didn't care about this kind of thing at this time, and he hurriedly looked at the second report card.

This time it was a purely medical report, all of which were computer-typed, and even black and white photocopied patterns.

It was written above that both ovaries were visible, no cystic sites were seen, and no fluid was seen in the uterine rectal concave.

Check what you see:

Early pregnancy live birth (about 7 weeks +)

Central placenta previa status.

The obvious result is that William has a good understanding of biology because of his research over the years. What's more, what is explained in this report is already obvious enough.

"you are pregnant?"

Nanakusa Mayumi nodded sweetly.

"How could she be pregnant!"

The words that didn't go through the brain at all blurted out, Nanakusa Mayumi's face was brushed and then turned black, and she said through gritted teeth:

"What do you mean, you guy, don't you want this child!"

"No, I didn't mean that, I just didn't expect you to be pregnant."

William explained in a panic, with two big hands swinging in front of his chest, as if he didn't know where to put them.

"What do you mean by that sentence!"

The symptoms of black face have been slightly relieved, but Nanakusa Mayumi still frowned and asked:

William, on the other hand, has not slowed down, and he is also thinking about the reason in the process.

In fact, up to now, the number of women who had sex with him is no longer a minority.

During this period, he had already sprinkled countless seeds of himself, and never used defensive measures.

But none of these women of mine conceived her own child, and even La Folia followed her for more than four years, but she never conceived her own child.

So much so that the royal family behind La Folia was anxious to die.

As time goes by, he doesn't insist on the problem of his heirs anymore. After all, everyone is already in the state of immortality now, and in the long years, a solution can be found after all.

But now, Nanakusa Mayumi is pregnant, why?

Obviously, the number of times he actually had sex with her was very few, after all, he went to the wrong world very soon.

Is it really as I guessed?

This is the hypothesis William once made. Perhaps when he was in the wrong world, the reason for improving his divinity led to a higher level of life, which made it difficult for ordinary women to conceive. (Chun Ji's level was very low at that time.)

In the end, when he arrived at the blood-devouring world, he had completely become a protoss standing above all races, and he had completely shed his mortal womb, which made La Folia unable to conceive for four years.

"It seems that this problem can only be reasonably explained after going to Little Garden to obtain godheads for them."

Thinking of this, William couldn't help murmuring.

"What did you say?"

Whispering softly, Nanakusa Mayumi didn't hear clearly.

"It's nothing."

William shook his head, then stretched out his hand to hold Nanakusa Mayumi's catkin, and the gentle look was transmitted along William's arm.

He also gently closed his eyes, and began to feel carefully.

Nanakusa Mayumi just watched her lover silently, exuding the brilliance of motherhood.

Yes, this is his blood.

Although the feeling of touch was quite weak, he really felt the touch of this blood connection.

The reason why he didn't feel it when he saw Nanakusa Mayumi for the first time was all because there were too few primitive human factors in his own body.

"However, from this point of view, my child's aptitude is a little bit bad!"

This time the voice really reached Nanakusa Mayumi's ears, and her expression immediately became anxious.

The hand held by William was also held by her!

"What do you mean by poor qualifications?"

She has already believed in her heart that her husband is very powerful now, so she is very convinced of her husband's words now.

And her own child was judged by her husband as having poor qualifications, which of course made Nanakusa Mayumi feel anxious as a new mother.

"No way, after all, this is the child I gave birth to when I was a human being."

Immediately afterwards, William cut out part of his guess and explained it to Nanakusa Mayumi.

"That's right!"

Nanakusa Mayumi touched her stomach with a complex expression.

Seeing Mayumi like this, the thought that just flashed in William's mind gradually took shape, and the big hand moved, covering Mayumi Nanakusa's flat belly.


Nanakusa Mayumi hadn't finished speaking yet.


With a bang, a radiant aura erupted directly from William's body, and blue light burst out from his eye sockets.

The aura containing divine power directly turned into golden arrogance flames, and woven into air threads of aura.

Immediately afterwards, a phantom appeared behind William, and the "Book of the World" exuding a simple, mysterious, and mysterious atmosphere appeared above his head.

The pages of the book were turned automatically without wind, and turned backwards, and finally stopped on the blank pages on the empty side.

As if they had found their own lair, the airy threads poured into the blank brown paper, forming strange symbols with unknown meanings.


William reached out and tore off the paper that was already filled with mysterious symbols.

Nanakusa Mayumi's belly, the brown paper with the symbol of spirit, William's big hand.

This is the order of positions, which is presented in this room at this time.

Nanakusa Mayumi has completely fallen into a state of downtime, and William's work has not stopped and is continuing.

From the palm, a warm and gentle light was released, and the brown leather paper also produced surprising changes.

Nanakusa Mayumi's lower abdomen was like a calm water surface, the paper that fell on the water surface for no reason was wetted by it, and then slowly sank to the bottom of the water, creating circles of spreading ripples.

"what is this?"

Feeling the warmth pouring from her lower abdomen to her limbs, Nanakusa Mayumi asked in amazement:

She could clearly feel that her body, which had been exhausted due to recent anxiety, immediately became healthy.


William slowly opened his closed eyes, his forehead was covered with sweat, his lips were a little dry, his ruddy face was a little pale, and even his pure white shirt was completely wet.

"I just used my own origin to give you and the child a small gift."

William said in a pretentiously relaxed tone, but in fact, his current state is not at all relaxed.

This is the first time that he has consumed more than one-fifth of his origin in such a short period of time, so that he is now in a short period of weakness.

"Really okay?"

Nanakusa Mayumi asked worriedly again.

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