"Of course it's okay, it's just that I'm feeling a little uncomfortable right now."

At this time, listening to dirty jokes can help divert the attention of the girl in front of him. He doesn't want to make her feel anxious when she is pregnant.

What's more, he really has nothing to do. Now that the twelve star beasts are assembled, his recovery speed is far faster than before.

And even if his strength is severely depleted in this world, no one is his single enemy.

Just when William lamented that his method is easy to use.

Nanakusa Mayumi's complexion did change, but it wasn't a change of shyness.

His face became calm, even indifferent, and there was a weird smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Since it's so uncomfortable, why don't you go to the little girl downstairs, you beast."


It was as if someone suddenly picked up a sledgehammer and hit William's head heavily, making him feel a little dizzy.

His speech suddenly became stuttering.

"Ah... ha! What are you talking about, why... I can't understand what you... mean!"

Touching the back of his head, William tried his best to conceal the vanity in his heart.

"I said, don't you think that when you told about your own experience just now, I didn't guess the deleted content!"

"If you want to cover up, at least weave a paragraph without loopholes in advance!"

Nanakusa Mayumi's hand had already climbed onto William's waist before she even felt it.

"It's over, it's over! It's really over this time!"

There was a cry of sorrow in William's heart.

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Chapter 280 The sixth chapter is not so beast and the beginning of the turmoil

In the early morning, a ray of sunlight poured into the room through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows.

In a luxurious and huge room, a man and a woman are sleeping in each other's arms, the sheets slipped, and the white...

Well, don't get me wrong, William didn't do anything yesterday, the two of them just slept in each other's arms, after all, he is not as good as a beast, and he is still pregnant with his child!


William frowned a little uncomfortablely, the drowsiness gradually dissipated, and finally opened his eyes.

Gently brushing aside a few strands of black hair that fell over his face, William looked at the girl who was still in her arms and was still sleeping at the moment, with infinite tenderness in his eyes.


As if awakened by William's movement, Nanakusa Mayumi raised her fair little hand, rubbed her eyes, and slowly opened her wine red pupils.

"Morning! What time is it?"

Nanakusa Mayumi was still sleepy.

"It's about seven o'clock! What's the matter?"

Now William is quite sensitive to time. He can calculate the approximate time by feeling the sunlight and moonlight without mechanical assistance.

"Hey! Oops, I have to get up quickly, there will be a school opening ceremony later."

Hearing this, Nanakusa Mayumi panicked immediately, and the drowsiness was swept away, and she hurriedly got up from the bed.

The shoulder straps of the pink lace pajamas slipped directly from the shoulders, revealing large areas of snow and deep ravines.

"What time is it?"

William, who also sat up, asked casually while supporting the bed with one hand.

"Nine o'clock! In the school hall."

While Nanakusa Mayumi said this, she stretched out her little hand and grabbed the hem of her skirt, wanting to lift it up and take off her pajamas.

"Then don't worry, go to sleep first, I'll make you breakfast now."

"I'll send it to you directly later."

William reached out and held Nanakusa Mayumi's hand that was about to lift her skirt, and the other hand held her shoulder, and gently put her back on the bed.

After the girl fell asleep again, he tiptoed off the bed, as if he was afraid of waking the girl on the bed.


Time passed by so quietly, I don't know how long I have been asleep, Nanakusa Mayumi walked out of her room with a lot of energy, stretching her waist.

In front of the luxurious long table, William had already prepared breakfast, and the table was filled with exquisitely crafted and luxurious breakfasts.

William was sitting at the front of the table, and Himeragi Yukina was sitting three squares away from William.

The vacant seat was obviously reserved for her.

Such inadvertent details made Nanakusa Mayumi feel a little happy.

In fact, she had already been mentally prepared for William to have other women.

After all, William never made a promise to her as a couple for life.

Being in a family like the Magic Family, she was quite used to this kind of thing. Even her own father had already had three wives and countless lovers underground.

Therefore, although I still feel uncomfortable, it is not unacceptable.

It's just that he didn't expect that his opponent was not from this world but from another world.

However, there is one thing that she will never give in.

That is the position of being a doctor, and Himeragi Yukina's invisible concession this morning made Nanakusa Mayumi very satisfied.

"Okay, come and have breakfast quickly! I'll take you there directly after eating."

Nanakusa Mayumi was not polite, and sat directly beside William, then reached out to pick up the sliced ​​bread that William had spread jam on, put it in her mouth and took a bite.

"What are you talking about! It's 09:30 now, and it's almost ten o'clock after breakfast. I haven't washed up yet, so how could there be time?"

Although Nanakusa Mayumi was very satisfied with the layout of today's breakfast, Nanakusa Mayumi still complained a lot to William about the fact that she was about to be late for class.

After yesterday, she actually already knew that her student career should come to an end for the time being.

Whether it is the fact that she is pregnant with a baby, or that she is about to go to another world.

Therefore, she hopes that she can draw a perfect ending in her final student career.

As a result, having just made up my mind, I am now about to leave an unimaginable stain.

"Don't worry, I'm sure I can deliver it to you safely."

While William was saying this, he picked up the remote control on the dining table, and first pointed at Mayumi Nanakusa and pressed it.

The light blue spiritual power instantly enveloped Nanakusa Mayumi.

Because of going to bed last night, the messy hair immediately became soft, and the face became white and soft, exuding a charming brilliance.

"In this way, you can brush your teeth later. As for how to go, have you forgotten my spatial ability?"

William smiled, then continued to press the remote control to turn on the TV hanging on the wall.

Appearing on the screen, it was a newscasting lady wearing a women's suit with an absolutely iconic appearance, and she was broadcasting quite shocking news with a crisp voice.

"Last night, a prominent USNA researcher, Professor Raymond Shatz Clark, was found dead in his home."

"At the same time, he is also the director of the third department of CAD development of FLT company. He was seriously injured and is still unconscious. According to reports, FIT company said that a large amount of confidential information has been leaked."


Nanakusa Mayumi was chewing, but suddenly stopped, and then swallowed directly.

"What is this? Which country did this? Does he want to start a world war?"

These familiar names broadcast on TV even made Nanakusa Mayumi feel trembling all over.

She felt that she could even imagine that countries were suspicious of each other because of the theft of their confidential information, and finally the whole world was in flames of war.

Himeragi Yukina was silent, and William had a smile on his face.

Nanakusa Mayumi, who was still trembling just now, instantly froze, and an unbelievable thought instantly rushed into Nanakusa Mayumi's heart.

"This...couldn't be related to you guys!"

No wonder she thought so, because according to the photos of the victims broadcast on the news, the cause of death was too weird.

There was no obvious trauma on the body, and no internal inspection showed any organ damage. The unified death condition was sudden myocardial infarction.

Another thing in common is that the victims' bodies are covered with strange black symbols like tattoos.

This is unknown means!

Nanakusa Mayumi was silent, because the attitude of the two of them had already explained everything.

Leaving aside William, for a junior high school girl like Himeragi Yukina, Nanakusa Mayumi, who has been wandering in the upper class all the year round, has a pair of very accurate eyes.

She saw at first sight yesterday that this girl is a girl who is not very good at lying.

There was an awkward atmosphere at the dining table, and after a while, Nanakusa Mayumi said weakly.

"This way, it shouldn't cause any major problems!"

"Regarding this, please rest assured that none of my colleagues have revealed their identities."

Himeragi Yukina's voice undoubtedly proved the truth of this matter.


"Don't worry! If something really goes wrong, I will be responsible for suppressing it."

William waved his hand casually and said.

Even though he really doesn't have much interest in ruling the world, if a war that caused the destruction of the world happened because of him, he will be responsible for finishing it.

Nanakusa Mayumi immediately puffed up her cheeks, angrily like a puffer fish that just exploded with anger.

But soon, she thought that her husband was no longer what it used to be, and the breath in her heart immediately let go, and she directly lay down on the table.

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