"Forget it, I don't care, as long as you really think about the ending."

In this world, ordinary human beings have a great fear of people who can use magic.

As a result, even magicians are being assassinated and severely injured by weird means, which makes ordinary people even more irresistible.

This will undoubtedly increase the fear of magicians among ordinary people.

Breakfast ended in this weird atmosphere, Nanakusa Mayumi ran to the bathroom, and quickly brushed her teeth.

She has a lot of things to do today, not only a lot of school things to deal with, but last night, she also told her father Nanakusa Hongichi about her pregnancy and William's return.

So, at night she needs to go back to Nanicao's old house for dinner.

Of course, the more important thing is that she needs to explain William's current changes to her father, and then let her father make a decision on behalf of the Nanakusa family.

"Then I'll take you there now!"

Looking at the wall clock on the wall, the minute hand has stopped at the number 55.

He gently closed his eyes, and began to recall the impression of the No. [-] High School auditorium in his mind.

Immediately afterwards, feeling the fluctuations in that space, the aura began to radiate.


Like the sound of silk cloth being torn, a dark gap suddenly appeared on the white wall in front of him.

What is shown inside is the endless darkness and the mystery that makes people fascinated.

"Go in! Cross over, and you can go directly to the auditorium."

Nanakusa Mayumi just wanted to step in, and then she retracted her little feet as if she suddenly thought of something.

"Did you take a look at your classmates soon?"

"Forget it, the friendship with them is not very deep, and the time I have come back this time is not too long. I will go back to Ikoma later to visit my grandfather."

William replied in this way, and he really thought so from the bottom of his heart.

In this world, most of the people he knew were nodding acquaintances, but when it came to friendship, Zhao Hufeng and the others in the world of learning wars made him care a lot more.

Even the companions of the Loki family are better than these students.

"Okay, then I won't force you."

Nanakusa Mayumi nodded regretfully, and their plan to spend a good life on campus together was shattered.

However, Nanakusa Mayumi still understands William. After all, time is really tight and there is no time to waste on such things.

Thinking like this, Nanakusa Mayumi has already crossed the gap.

"Yukina, I would trouble you to protect Mayumi's safety. Although she has good strength, she is not suitable for shooting now because she is pregnant."

"This is my responsibility, but my concealment method is not as good as Sayaya Hua, and it may cause trouble for Mistress Nanicao."

Himeragi Yukina said hesitantly.

William gave Himeragi Yukina a weird look, and then used his finger as a brush and spiritual power as a symbol to draw a spell that shone with divine brilliance.

"This is an invisibility talisman that can hide your body and the aura it emits."

"If you encounter something that threatens her safety, you don't have to worry about it, you can just kill it."

A sternness flashed in William's eyes.

"I understand."

Himeragi Yukina trotted back into her room, quickly picked up her guitar case, then nodded to William, and ran directly into the space gap that William was still maintaining.

The room became quiet in an instant.

William was the only one left in the room, and he took out the communicator he had placed on the table.

After dialing, it didn't even pass three seconds before being picked up by the other side.

"Ah Ye! How is the work going now?"

"Yes, we have just completed the collection of country M. The magic in this world is indeed as you said, and it has its merits."

"Moreover, their space station technology and the technology of building colony bases are indeed ahead of our world."

"Then, what about the psion-driven strategic magic in this world, can you use it?"

Although he didn't order this task, he believed that it was impossible for Xiandumu Aye to turn a blind eye to the powerful strategic magic.

"We do have three strategic-level magics recorded in Country M. However, in my opinion, it should be difficult for witches to use this kind of magic."

"However, I should be able to."

When Xiandumu Aye said this, he revealed strong confidence.

Of course, William also felt that there was nothing wrong with what she said. You must know that Xiandumu Aye was called "the secretary's witch".

As long as it is something related to magic, she can never forget it, and record it all in her mind.

There are only tens of thousands of activations, and it is estimated that she can release them without the assistance of CAD, just like William.

From this point of view, strategic-level magic can indeed make up for Xiandumu Aye's usual lack of firepower.

"Then you keep working hard, and if there is anything, report to me."

"Yes, Lord William!"

PS: Thanks for the five blades sent by Shushu Wu, and the two blades sent by @悠然行

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Chapter 280 VII Fujibayashi Kyoko and Elimination of Moths

Nara Prefecture!

It is part of the Osaka metropolitan area, one of Japan's three major metropolitan areas, and belongs to the Kinki area in Japan.

But this time, his destination was the Kushima House located in the mountains on the east side of Ikoma Mountain in Nara.

Normally, he needs to take the maglev train to Nara first, then transfer to the electric car, and finally take the self-driving commuter car.

But now, he doesn't need to be so troublesome at all.

Walking out of the gap in the space, the lush woods immediately caught William's eyes. Looking straight ahead, it was the home of the Jiudao family.

The pure wooden gate and the guard posts constantly patrolling around made William feel like he hadn't seen him for a long time.

You know, he has spent nearly 17 years here.

Walking forward, he instantly felt multiple lines of sight falling on him, but soon, these lines of sight disappeared again.

He pressed the doorbell, and it was a beautiful woman with black hair like ears of wheat who came out to greet him.

Her blue pupils shone with joy, and even impulsively, she gave William a hug by surprise.

Feeling the soft touch on his chest, William stretched out his hand and patted the woman's back.

"Okay, cousin, I have nothing to do."

That's right, the person who came was his biological sister, Fujibayashi Kyoko.

It was in this family that he was one of the few people he didn't dislike, but seeing the excited look of this woman in front of him, he also vaguely felt that he might have misunderstood his sister's feelings before.

"Well! Welcome home!"

Fujibayashi Xiangzi restrained her excited emotions, and at the same time felt that her actions at the moment seemed a little ambiguous, her complexion was a little rosy, and she let go of her brother's arms.

"Has grandpa come back yet?"

Walking side by side with Fujibayashi Kyoko on the wooden path, with green walls on both sides.

The path leading from the outer door of the Jiudao house to the entrance is a labyrinth made of fences more than two meters high.

"Of course I'm back. After receiving your call last night, I rushed back from Ryukyu immediately,"

"If you hadn't said you wanted to come back to Ikoma, I guess Grandpa would have gone directly to Tokyo to catch you!"

"Ah...haha, it looks like grandpa is very angry."

William shrugged and smiled.

"That's needless to say! Since last night, there has been a low air pressure that no one should enter, and I dare not approach it until now."

Fujibayashi Kyouko glared at her beautiful eyes, and gave William a big white eye.

Passing through the complicated labyrinth, the reception room of the Jiudao family was already in front of him, and William stretched out his hand and opened the familiar sliding door.

The person who made himself more complicated sat on the front seat of the sofa.

The old man's hair was completely gray, and the wrinkles on his forehead seemed to be a little more in William's impression.

He was wearing a pure black suit, his back was straight, and his pupils had become completely black due to excessive use of magic when he was young.

The two just looked at each other quietly, neither of them spoke first.

It wasn't until a few seconds passed that the old man spoke in a hoarse voice.

"Tell me! This month and a half has evaporated, where have you been!"

"I used all my connections in the army, the Jiudao family, and even the assistance of the Nanakusa family, but I couldn't find any clues about you."

"Then I'll retire first."

Fujibayashi Xiangzi immediately wanted to retreat, which was an established rule.

Because her surname is Teng Lin, not Jiu Dao, even if she is Jiu Dao Lie's granddaughter, it is impossible for her to hear such confidential things.

Fujibayashi Kyouko turned around and was about to push the sliding door open. At this moment, suddenly, a big hand was placed on her shoulder like this.

"Okay, sister, you also need to listen to the next thing, you also have the right to choose."

Sister and cousin!

There is only one word difference between these two nouns, but to Fujibayashi Kyoko, they have completely different meanings.

Only Jiu Dao Lie frowned and opened his mouth to say something.

"Okay, Grandpa, the reason why I did this, I will explain later."

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