Thinking this way, William took out the communicator, edited out his own order, and sent it to the Leviathan, which was far away in European airspace at the moment.

ps: Thanks to the glory of the goblin for the reward of the blade. In addition, Nangong’s dinner for that month has been uploaded to the group. If you want to see it, you can join the group to watch it. Friends who have finished watching, hope to subscribe again, thank you very much

Chapter 280: The Beautiful Woman Maya Yotsuba "4000 words for subscription"

Time flies, and it's Sunday in the blink of an eye!

The jet-black high-end car was speeding through the highway, and after going around many detours, the car drove into the intersection leading to Shishi Clan and Yotsuba Village.

Like the residence of the Jiudao family, the residence of the Yotsuba family is also hidden in the uninhabited forest.

Of course, this is also very consistent with the policy of the Yotsuba family.

There are several forks in the tunnel. If you want to successfully reach the village of Yotsuba, you must use psion waves of a specific waveform to irradiate at a predetermined location in order to walk on the correct path.

This can effectively isolate the Yotsuba family from the outside world.

And at this moment in the car, Shiba Miyuki, who was wearing a pure white dress and a small vest over her shoulders, was closing her eyes, with light blue psions lingering around her body.

After a while!

Miyuki Shiba slowly opened her eyes, with a perfect smile on her face, she also said to Siba Tatsu at her side:

"Brother, it's finished."

"Thank you, Miyuki!"

Si Boda didn't turn his head back, still staring at the tablet computer in his hand, frowning as if he didn't know what he was thinking about.

"Brother, do you still have no clues about the prisoner who attacked Director Niu Shan?"

Shiba Miyuki knew exactly what his elder brother was thinking at the moment, since the day before the start of school, when Director Ushiyama was attacked for no reason, his elder brother began to investigate this matter.

It was also rare for her to see her elder brother so caring about things other than her own.

"No leads!"

Si Boda also rubbed the center of his brows, then put the tablet by his side, and turned to face his sister.

Even though he is very concerned about this matter now, the matter or problem of his sister is the most important thing to him. (regardless of size!)

Because it was the only emotion left in him.

"As mentioned in the report, the perpetrator's method is an unprecedented unknown method. I didn't even feel any residual phantom at the scene where Director Niu Shan was attacked."

This long-lost sense of powerlessness made Siboda also feel depressed.

"Then Director Niushan doesn't remember any clues?"

Shiba Miyuki asked curiously.

Director Niushan who was attacked, Si Boda had also recast the information in the first place, and Director Niushan naturally woke up.

"No, director Niu Shan is just like the other victims, he has never even seen the shadow of the real murderer."

Shibada also shook his head and said.

Shiba Miyuki who heard it was also a little bit embarrassed.

As her brother's best deputy, Director Niu Shan was also a powerful magician before becoming a researcher.

To be able to defeat this person without anyone noticing, Siba Shenyuki can imagine what kind of master it is just by imagining it.

In this way, the two brothers and sisters drove to the gate of Yotsuba's house while chatting one after another.

The person who came to greet them was Mr. Hayama, the deacon of the Yotsuba family, who had worked in this mansion for 70 years.

"Miyuki-sama and Tatsuya-sama welcome back!"

Wearing a deacon uniform, Ye Shan clasped his heart with one hand and bowed slightly.

"Greetings from Jiushu, Mr. Hayama!" ? 2

Shiba Tatsuya and Shiba Miyuki said this at the same time, both of them have a very good impression of Hayama.

It's very simple, that is, Hayama is one of the few people in the Yotsuba family who does not discriminate against and hate Shiba Tatsuya.

Of course, Siba Miyuki, a serious brother-in-law, had a very high opinion of the butler.

"Then, although this seems very impolite, please move to Madam's reception room immediately."

"Ma'am has been waiting for a long time."

Shiba Miyuki and Siba Tatsu also looked at each other, then nodded, and said in unison again:

"this is necessary."

Following the deacon Ha Shan, the brother and sister shuttled through the corridor, and soon came to a closed double-door wooden gate.

Hayama put his hands on the doorknob and pushed it hard inside.

What caught the eyes of the two of them was a graceful, luxurious and extremely glamorous woman.

The long, smooth black hair hangs down to her waist, and she has a delicate appearance that can fascinate any man and a slender figure that women can envy.

Especially the black and red sexy long dress worn by the woman in front of him, which set off the woman's good figure with bumps and convexities to the extreme.

The plump pair on the chest seemed to burst out at any moment.

The woman just lay lazily on the recliner, her gestures and gestures were full of charm.

"Sit down! Tatsuya, Miyuki!"

The glamorous woman's vermilion lips parted lightly, and her voice was as crisp as a lark, adding a touch of taboo allure.

Shiba Miyuki was a little cautious, until Siba Tatsuya also pulled Siba Miyuki.

"Yes, my aunt!"

The reclining chair has been removed, and the beautiful woman who was there just now is sitting in front of the chair, her delicate little feet are slightly raised.

Picking up the mellow and rich original black tea, he put it on his red lips and took a small sip.

The Sibo brothers and sisters were sitting opposite, and all the other servants, including Hayama, also retreated.

"Then, Tatsuya, you should have already guessed why I called you back this time."

Compared to Shiba Miyuki's formality, Shiba Tatsu, who was suddenly named, also behaved much more normally.

He put his hands on his knees, and looked straight at Yotsuba Maya with his eyes without any fear.

"Yes, my aunt."

"You should be because of the frequent attacks on high-end technicians from various countries."

"Not bad!"

Yotsuba Maya nodded, and then continued to add.

"But that was only a few days ago, and the current situation has the latest development, which is why I want Miyuki to come back with you."

That's right, Siboda also had great doubts about the matter Yotsuba Maya mentioned at the moment.

The attack on FLT is indeed a very important thing, especially for Yotsuba.

After all, this company is already the main source of income for Yotsuba, a family that attaches great importance to militarized power, and the information in it is stolen, and it is indeed worth the Yotsuba family's big fight for it.

It is worth going to war here, that is, to use his existence like a nuclear weapon.

But that's all there is to it.

There is absolutely no need to involve Shiba Miyuki, the strongest candidate for the next head of the family, it is correct to let her continue to enjoy campus life carefree.

There is even no need for the two of them to go here in person, only Maya Yotsuba orders remotely.

Shiba Miyuki still had some doubts in her head.

Shiba Tatsuya made a gesture of wanting to hear more about it.

"Master Yanfeng Takuma, he was confirmed dead just the day before yesterday."

Shiba Miyuki covered her mouth with her hand, opened her eyes wide, and was frozen like a marble statue.

Not to mention Shiba Miyuki, even Sibo Tatsu showed a rare expression of surprise.

"Ha ha--!"

The silver bell-like laughter came from Yotsuba Maya's red lips again, the beautiful woman in front of her laughed wildly, her plump chest trembled with her trembling body.

"I didn't expect that your child would have such a day!"

"Isn't this normal? Auntie, you should know how shocking the things you said are."

Even if he was surprised, it was only for a brief moment, and Siboda immediately returned to his usual expressionless face.

"That's right!"

Yotsuba Maya also sighed with emotion.

Yanfeng Takuma, this name is not well-known in the whole world, and many people will even wonder who this guy is.

Why did Yotsuba, the tenth strongest family in Japan, be the master, all showed sighing expressions.

That's because he used to be the leader and founder of the top ten research institutes that created the ten master families, the first research institute.

Even now, he is still the handful of people who hold the highest power in Japan, and his order is an imperial decree for the magicians who are born in the first research.

And such a person who trembled in Japan and caused a major earthquake in Japan has died.

How could this not shock Shiba Tatsuya and Shiba Miyuki!

"Are the means of attack the same as those who attacked those famous research institutes?"

Si Boda also asked immediately, with a rare hint of urgency in his words.

Maya Clover nodded slightly.

"That's right, the same body is covered with black spells of unknown meaning, which never fade even after death."

At this point, Siboda had fully understood Maya Yotsuba's intentions, and also understood how dangerous the attacker was this time.

"So what do I need to do?"

Si Boda also said concisely, his back was straightened, and he was waiting to receive orders at any time.

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