"Well, then protect the host Qingbo-sama."

"There is also the investigation of the behind-the-scenes forces of this incident. I will leave these two things to you."

The host, Aomami, is the same as Iwamine Takuma who has been killed. This person is also an important figure in Japan, and is also the former sponsor and controller of the Fourth Research Institute.

Maya Yotsuba said confidently, as if this matter had been settled by handing it over to Shiba Tatsuya.

"I understand!"

Shiba Tatsuya also nodded and said, Yotsuba Maya also handed a note on the table to Shiba Tatsuya.

"This is the address of Master Aomami, the host, Tatsuya, you can go there immediately!"

"Gon, Ayako, and Wenmi are already waiting there."

"I see, with the help of the Kuroba family, I will resolve this incident as soon as possible."

After finishing speaking, Siboda stood up and bowed slightly.

"Then Miyuki will trouble you during this time, Aunt-sama."

Yotsuba Maya held up the black teacup on her desk, narrowing her eyes slightly.

"Don't worry! I have already asked Yigao to take a month's leave for you brothers and sisters. During this time, Shenxue will stay here."

Shiba Miyuki, who was still completely in a daze, didn't react until Shiba Tatsuya had already left the reception room.

He got up and wanted to chase after him.

"Sit down, Miyuki!"

What Yotsuba Maya said was like the spirit of words that cannot be followed, Shiba Miyuki's waist froze just as she was about to get up, and she sat back on the chair again.

"Don't think about going with Tatsuya, Miyuki you can only stay here this time."

Maya Yotsuba's words revealed an unquestionable strength.

"Master Auntie, this incident has nothing to do with me! Why should I stay here?"

She didn't want to stay in Yotsuba's main family, the atmosphere here made her very uncomfortable.

Even if she couldn't follow Shiba Tatsuya, she didn't want to be confined to her family for a month, which would only make her already scarce student life even more scarce.

"Miyuki, don't you understand?"

"The reason why Tatsuya accepted my order this time without any doubts is to clear the way for your safety."

The left leg moved away, and the right leg rested on it again.

"Most of the attackers this time attacked high-end research institutes of various countries and major companies, as well as some well-known researchers."

"Tatsuya, the identity of Trustus Silver will be revealed sooner or later."

"At that time, what you and Tatsu will have to face is the assassin organization that can easily assassinate Japanese dignitaries."

"You have been looking forward to this daily life, so naturally there is no possibility of continuing."

These words directly awakened the confused Shiba Miyuki.

At this moment, Shiba Miyuki understood why Sibo Tatsu was so concerned about this matter.

"Of course, if you, Miyuki, have the intention to change the guardian, you can go back to Yigao now to go to school."

"It just so happens that the heads of the separated family have been suggesting this matter to me."

"Then there's no need, thank you, Auntie, for your kindness."

Shiba Miyuki shook her head immediately, expressing a clear rejection.

Yotsuba Maya was not annoyed at all, and continued to drink her own black tea gracefully.

after awhile!

Shiba Miyuki continued to ask.

"Will this mission be dangerous?"

"There shouldn't be any danger, after all, aren't you the clearest about Tatsuya-kun's ability? Besides, his ability to reorganize has already been applied to Mr. Nishishan. Doesn't this mean that Tatsuya has the ability to respond to this strange method?" The restraint ability!"

Yotsuba Maya said calmly, without any hint of worry about this matter in her words.

Gradually, Shiba Miyuki also gradually let go of her heart, and let go of a big rock in her heart.

She also stood up, straightened the folds of her clothes, put her hands on her flat belly, and bowed dignifiedly to Maya Yotsuba.

"Then, I will take my leave for the time being, my aunt."


Maya Clover nodded slightly.

Right after Shiba Miyuki went out, only Maya Yotsuba was left in this room again.

A blurred brilliance had already appeared in her cyanotic pupils, she was lying on her side on the recliner, breathing orchids from her mouth.

"If the world is destroyed in such chaos, it would be a good ending!"

"Giggle cluck!"

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Chapter 280: Lena VS Sayaya Hua

Washington, America!

The bright red liquid on the long silver blade slid down the edge, and the person in front of the woman was a bald man who was vomiting blood, his eyes had turned white, and only a faint breath remained.


After the woman spat out these words in disgust, the long knife in her hand flashed, and a streak of crimson blood suddenly appeared on the man's neck.

"Report, the task has been completed."

After the man's aura had completely dissipated, the woman took out the communicator at her waist and communicated like this.

"Got it, Sayaka, return to the ship immediately."

A frivolous woman's voice came from the communicator.

"Don't call me this kind of nickname, Misaki Kiriha."

Kosaka Sayayaka's mouth twitched, she snorted coldly, and then hung up the communicator directly.

"Then, let's go back to the ship."

Kosaka Sayayaka quickly put "Huang Hualin" back into her guitar case, and carried it on her shoulder.

The whole person is like a female leopard hunting in the dark, wearing a tight black night suit all over his body.

The slender thighs exerted their strength brazenly, and the whole person jumped directly from the height of the third floor.

Riding on the latest motorcycle developed by Ardikia, the red taillights are like red lightning flashing in the dark night, galloping away.

The bustling night scene of Washington was quickly reversed by the super-speedy motorcycles.

The crowded streets are filled with all kinds of crowded vehicles.

But this motorcycle seems to ignore all obstacles, passing through various gaps.

The speedometer on the dashboard has already passed the 200 mark.

Kosaka Sayayaka was lying on the motorcycle in a prostrate position, her left hand was still turning the accelerator pedal, and continued to increase the motorcycle's limit speed.

"What's going on, Saaya Hua, why are you still in the city?"

With the headset in the ear, amidst the howling wind, Misaki Kiriha's voice came again.

"Someone is following me."

Kosaka Sayayaka said in a relaxed and freehand manner, without the tension of being followed at all.

"Hey, so that man is the bait."

Misaki Kiriha also didn't feel the slightest sense of tension, and said with a light smile.

She said, why did this man, whom they hadn't found two days ago, suddenly appear in such an obvious place? It turned out that it was a bait specially released by the U.S. officials to hunt down their tracks.

"Forget it, have you got this man's memory?"

"Well, although I don't think that what this scumbag is researching can be of any use to us."

Kwangsaka Sayaka said disdainfully.

In fact, they didn't have the order to kill the task target, like many task targets, they just weakened their bodies, and they could recover after lying in bed for a year or so at most.

Of course, this is unavoidable, after all, extracting memory is still very harmful to the human body.

However, that scumbag just now is definitely not within the scope of her forgiveness.

Even newborn babies can be put on the operating table by him without any scruples, and he usually takes pleasure in nurturing young girls and children.

This kind of scum should be sent to the King of Hades in a gorgeous manner by her.

Not qualified to live.

"Perhaps it is because he is human scum that the U.S. government uses it as a bait to reuse waste!"

Misaki Kiriha's guess is obviously more in line with Kosaka Sayayaka's guess.

"Then do you want to support it?"

"It just so happens that a witch who is good at space magic came back from a mission, and I can ask her to pick you up."

Sitting in front of the liaison chair, Misaki Kiriha, who was playing with her nails, spoke casually.


Turning the handle, the motorcycle let out a low roar like a beast.

Kosaka Sayayaka pushed the moving lens on the helmet that covered her head, and looked back.

Hanging about 100 meters behind her, was a low-altitude figure.

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