A mocking smile flickered across the corner of his mouth, and he stretched out his delicate little hand to put it on the moving lens, and at the same time pulled it down forcefully.

"It's just one person, get rid of him quickly."


Light blue phantoms linger all over his body, and he is wearing a rather rustic black armor, making it difficult to see whether this person is a man or a woman.

But judging from his figure, at least this is a rather petite person.

At this moment, she is flying rapidly, chasing the target in front of her.

"Report, target entered an abandoned dump."

"Understood, please continue to pursue, Major Sirius."

After turning off the communication, Sirius took out a pistol-style CAD from his holster, and fired a shot at the ground.

The amount of psions released from his body exploded again, and the speed of Sirius' low-altitude flight accelerated again, following the target in front of him.

"Is it right here!"

At the gate of the garbage dump, Sirius saw the motorcycle he was chasing just now parked at the gate, and the people on the car had long since disappeared.

She stretched out her armor-covered hand and tapped on a red button on her chest.

Immediately, the armor covering her head, hands and feet was retracted with a mechanical sense, like a picture in a sci-fi movie.

The girl's more delicate face and those white and tender hands were revealed.

She drew a dagger from her belt and held it in her right hand, while her left hand held a medium-sized automatic pistol.

"Then, start contacting the mission target now."

She said such a sentence to herself, calmly, raising her own alertness to the highest limit.

Then, with light steps, he stepped into the open gate of the garbage dump.

This is an abandoned garbage dump. It is precisely because of the abandonment that there is actually no garbage here.

In fact, this place is more like a large open space surrounded by walls. Children often come here to play as a baseball park or an amusement park.

This is also the reason why the girl named Sirius is so vigilant, because there is no shelter, which means...

Sure enough, as she expected!

Standing in front of her was the girl she had just chased, with brown waist-length hair and a tight black night clothes.

She didn't speak, but quickly raised the automatic pistol in her hand and pointed it at the woman in front of her.

At this moment, the body of the gun also forms a magic formula, which is the fastest magic that she can drive.

It is a single-purpose armed calculation device that can be deployed and activated by just holding it, completely omitting the cumbersome procedures of pressing buttons.

The magic that is activated is information enhancement, various strengthening attribute magic when the bullet passes through the barrel.

In the dark night, the muzzle of the gun that was shining with flames sprayed bullets wantonly. In this quiet night sky, the sound of the gun barrel exploding and the sound of bullets piercing the air were extremely piercing.

Kosaka Sayayaka also had a sarcastic smile on her face, raised the "Huanghualin" in her hand high, and then swung it forward vigorously and slashed it down.

An invisible and colorless space fault formed instantly at this moment, and the ejected bullets seemed to hit a thick iron plate. The moment they came into contact, they fell to the ground with a tinkling sound.

"What kind of defensive magic is this?"

Sirius's cherry lips parted slightly, his expression slightly surprised.

However, the extremely high fighting quality told her that this is not the time to be surprised.

Her hand started to move subconsciously, and Sirius retracted the slide and the pistol-integrated CAD that had come off the barrel back into the holster around her waist.

The short boots slammed on the soft ground. This was a speed that many girls could achieve, but it did not exceed the limit of ordinary people.

Kosaka Sayayaka pulled out a thin silver needle from her thigh and ejected it with her fingers.

The silver needle just tore through the air and flew towards Sirius' forehead, but pierced through it strangely.

No blood splashed out, the silver needle did not shoot into the flesh, but passed through the phantom.

"This is--!"

Kosaka Sayayaka showed surprise on her face, but the "Huang Hualin" in her hand did not stop her movements.

While the snow-white silver light flickered, he swung his knife to meet him.


Countless sparks scatter on the ground from the junction of the weapons of the two sides.

The invisible sharp blade of space flew towards Sirius' ear.

But then something weird happened.

Just like when an electronic product malfunctioned, garbled characters appeared on Sirius' head, and his blood-red hair turned golden in an instant.

Even the height of the woman in front of him seemed to have been shortened out of thin air in a moment just now.

This extremely familiar scene also made Sayaka Kosaka blurt out.

"Dress-up procession?"

The two girls who were fighting fiercely broke apart at the first touch, and quickly opened the distance between each other.

This magic can be said to have been the magic of William's trump card. When he came to the world of magic, William used this magic as a blueprint to explain the principle of this magic to Kosaka Sayayaka and the others.

Of course, it was Sayaka Kosaka who held the "Koka Lin" in the duel with William.

And the current situation is the same as the situation at that time. William stood in front of her majesticly, and she swung Huang Hualin, cutting out the sharp blade that released the space fault.

Of course, the sharp blade also cut in the same direction, but at that moment, her spatial blade cut off the "color", "shape", "sound", "heat" and "position" hanging on William's body.

This made William's cosplay ranks appear momentarily.

In the same way, Himeragi Yukina's "Seven-Type Assault Subduing Machine Gun" can also create the same effect.

"You also know about the costume ranks?"

This is the first conversation the two have had since their fight.

At the moment when Sirius was affirmed, Sayaka Kosaka, who had confirmed her conjecture in her heart, turned on her headset again.

"Anomalies are found, and now the focus is on capturing targets."

"Hey, hey, what's abnormal, you're telling me!"

On the other side of the headset, Misaki Kiriha's angry shouts could be heard.

Similarly, Sirius, who didn't get a response from Saayaka Huangsaka, also lowered his body angrily, and at the same time touched his tactical belt, ready to attack again.

The boots kicked hard on the ground, and while jumping into the air to avoid the six flying knives, Saayaka Kosaka also stood on the concrete pillar standing on the ground.

Kosaka Sayaka raised her left hand holding the sword forward.

In an instant, the silver sword body was divided into front and rear sections. With the part equivalent to the gauntlet as the fulcrum, the divided half of the sword body turned 180 degrees. After the strong silver string was pulled, it turned into the appearance of a new weapon.

On the other side, Sirius frowned.

"'Molecular cutting' doesn't work, though, what does she mean by that, with a bow? "

"However, it's time to stop here."

The girl who deeply felt that her dignity as Major Sirius had been challenged, gritted her silver teeth, and was about to release her strongest magic except for the strategic-level magic "Heavy Metal Burst". (Actually, it can't be used without a dedicated CAD phase.)

She flipped the wrist-shaped CAD inlaid on her armor.

At this moment, Kosaka Sayayaka also pulled out the metal dart from the holster tied on her thigh.

She shook her right hand, and the dart immediately extended into a silver arrow.

With the beautiful movements of flowing clouds and flowing water, he hits the arrow and pulls the bowstring vigorously.

"——Suanni's Wulian and Gaoshen Zhensheji appeal here."

A clear prayer flowed from Kosaka Sayaka's lips.

The spell power refined in her physical ability further increased the body of the bow and filled it into the silver arrow.

Space at Sirius also boiled.

In her palm was a flash of lightning, and the plasma that the gas was split into was already ready to go.

"The flaming steed of Aurora, the unicorn of Huanghua, you command Tianle and Honglei, and they are weapons that wear angry flames and shoot demon spirits and ghosts—!"

The silver arrow shot out!

The sharp flying sound pierced through the atmosphere and turned into a terrifying howl like wailing. In the sky, a huge invisible magic circle with a radius of several kilometers has unfolded.

Countless magic bullets poured down like raindrops.

In the palm of his hand, the "Blazing God Realm" that had been ready to go had quietly disappeared at some point.

The crimson hair, reminiscent of the darkness of the abyss, turned into a golden color that was still dazzling in the faint light of the street lamps.

The sinister golden eyes turned into a clear sky color.

The lines of the cheeks are softened and the body shape becomes more slender.

Even the height looks slightly shorter.No, it looks higher so far.

""Zhen Xing﹨Sui Po""

At the moment when the Sirius girl was surprised what was going on, Sayaka Kosaka leaned close to her arms, and then covered her lower abdomen with her small hands.

Released this fatal blow from zero distance.

Major Sirius, whose diaphragm was severely injured, let out a painful sound, and when his body hit the wall behind him, his eyes turned white, and he passed out directly.

The headset in the ear also fell off and fell to the ground.

"Major Sirius? Major Sirius?"

Shouts came from the headset over and over again.


The thick tactical boots directly crushed the headset, and the voice of calling stopped abruptly.

Kosaka Sayayaka dialed her headset and got in touch with the Leviathan, which was blocking the signal in the sky at the moment.

"The capture has been completed, and now we are returning to the ship."

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