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Chapter 290 Lina's Handling Method "4000 Words Seeking Subscription"

the next day!early morning!

The genius just lit up, and the rising sun exudes soft light, scattered on the earth.

The morning dew is still hanging on the flowers in the villa, and the birds are singing gracefully.

The beauty in a twelve-single kimono put her hands on her lower abdomen, and behind her was a petite woman whose eyes were covered by a black blindfold.

"Sister Aye, come in!"

The thick coded door was pushed open from the inside out, and it was Himeragi Yukina who opened the door.

"Thank you, Yukina, this person will trouble you."

Xiandumu Aye nodded gracefully. While she was saying this, the blond woman who had been cast with more than ten binder spells was also whimpering.

It's just that her mouth has been completely blocked, and she can't make any sound at all.

"I see."

Himeragi Yukina also nodded with a smile, and stood directly behind the restrained heroine, then pushed her hard.

These two people and a prisoner went straight through the entrance and corridor, and came to the living room, where William was sitting on the sofa, waiting eagerly.

Now in this villa, only William and Himeragi Yukina live here.

As for Nanakusa Mayumi, after the day she returned to Nanakusa's house, she decided to stay there for a few days.

In fact, the reason is that Koichi Nanakusa was too shocked by what Nanakusa Mayumi said, so during this period of time, they need to temporarily stay at home with Mayumi who is closely connected with William, and discuss what the Nanakusa family should do.

As for Himeragi Yukina, after delivering Nanakusa Mayumi safely to Nanakusa's home, and earning William's consent, she was relieved of her temporary guard work and returned to William's side.

"I've worked hard on you recently, Ah Ye!"

The prisoner was laid down on the ground, and Himeragi Yukina and Xiandumu Aye sat down on the sofa.

"What did you say? It is a great honor for me to serve you."

Xiandumu Aye immediately responded with a perfect smile, and this was indeed the truest thought in her heart.

Her body, emotions and even her own life, all of her exists for William.

Her life would be meaningless if she wasn't wanted by William.

"Then, this is the person who Saaya Hua mentioned in the report who can use the cosplay ranks?"

After a simple exchange of greetings, William pointed to the wriggling blond caterpillar on the ground, and said in surprise.

Although the Kushima family's "cosplay procession" is not a particularly powerful magic.

However, the special function of the "cosmetic ranks" has always been in the work of obtaining information such as assassination and lurking.

Relying on this magic, Jiudao Lie once shined brilliantly on various battlefields.

This naturally also attracted other countries' coveting for this magic. Countless spies tried to find out the activation method of this magic, but all of them returned in vain.

Actually, even if they stole the "Dress-Up Row", they wouldn't be able to use this magic.

The reason is that this magic is the same as the "Explosion" of the Yiyi family. This is a magic that only people with the blood of the Jiudao family can use.

Even so, the difficulty of using this magic is quite high.

In the current Jiudao family, the only ones who can use this magic freely are himself and Jiudaolie.

The rest are, at best, within the range of usability.

That's why he was able to be elected as the next Patriarch when he was ten years old. Even if the elder brothers above him were adults, they were not competitive at all.

"That is to say, the woman in front of me is related to the Jiudao family by blood!"

An enthusiastic smile appeared on William's face, and he directly turned on the large color TV over [-] inches on the wall.

"Yukina, please take off her blindfold and let her sit in front of the TV."

After ordering Himeragi Yukina in this way, a signal of being connected to the communication also appeared on the big screen of the TV.

The black straps that bound the blindfold were easily cut off by Himeragi Yukina's fluent knife skills.

The delicate face that was once covered was exposed, the bright golden waist-length hair, the face shape is that kind of cute round face, and the color of the pupils is that kind of blue.

In terms of coordination, the girl's proud figure is extremely inconsistent with her face.

It can be said that the girl in front of her is consistent with Qi Lin in interpreting the vocabulary of childlike big breasts.

However, what slightly spoiled the beauty was the girl's glaring look.

Even with Himeragi Yukina behind her, controlling the direction of her head's turning, she was already relying on her own efforts to turn her head around, as if she wanted to bite William's body at any time.

"What are you doing, Guangxuan?"

Although it was still very early, the old man on the other end of the phone picked up the phone immediately.

However, when the old man saw the picture presented by his grandson, he suddenly became a little dazed.

While Jiudao Lie said so, his eyes kept on the little girl in front of him.

For some reason, looking at that round face and high nose bridge, he always had a feeling of déjà vu.

However, no matter how he recalled, he couldn't remember where this familiar feeling came from.

However, when the restrained little girl saw the old man on the screen, she froze and stopped struggling.

"Grandpa, this girl will use our family's "cosmetic ranks". My men met her during the mission, so they didn't kill her and brought her back. "

This girl must have something to do with their family, this is something he is certain of.

This can be seen from observing the girl's expression, she obviously knows her grandfather.

When Jiu Dao Lie heard this, he also had some guesses in his heart.

"Guangxuan, did your men capture this girl in the United States?"

In fact, this point is easy to guess, but anyone who knows the past life of Jiu Dao's family can think of it, but, in William's generation, there is not much to mention the past.


William nodded affirmatively.

"That's right, she should be a descendant of my younger brother living in the United States, so she can use the "cosmetic ranks". "

Here, Mitsunobu Jiudao understood the whole story, and the root cause was that he didn't know that his grandfather had a younger brother who was far away overseas.

"Since this is the case, I am not suitable for using harsh methods against you. The restriction can be temporarily opened for you."

"But what I hope is that after the restriction is lifted, you can honestly explain the problem clearly, you know?"

The blond girl nodded after hearing that, even if she is self-sufficient, she can subdue the group of people in front of her with her own strength.

But the CAD on her body has been searched and taken away by the big-breasted woman on the ship.

Now that she has no CAD, she is like a chef without a kitchen knife, and all the kung fu in her body is useless.

In this case, there is only one way to go.

What's more, she also has something to talk to these people in front of her.

Seeing the blond woman nodding, Xiandumu Aye opened her lips slightly without waiting for William's order, and began to recite her words, releasing the woman in front of her from the shackles.

The woman who was loosened immediately moved her completely frozen wrist, and twisted her delicate body.

Immediately after that, he stood up straight without looking at William, but first gave a military salute to Jiu Dao Lie in front of the screen.

"Hello, Your Majesty Nine Islands, I am Angelina Sirius, Captain of the Star Commander, the USNA-jun magician unit."

"Although it is a bit self-defeating to ask from my current position, I want to know what it means for the Jiudao family to commit so many terrorist attacks all over the world."

Her eyes are very firm, without the slightest fear.

The reason why William was not asked was because she had sorted out the relationship chain at the scene during this period of time.

And according to the normal way of thinking, it is natural to put this shit basin on Jiu Daolie.

"It really is you!"

Jiu Dao Lie said something with emotion, revealing a trace of nostalgia in his somewhat cloudy pupils.

"My brother must have passed away."

Lina frowned slightly for Jiudao Lie not directly answering her question, but due to the current situation, she still nodded,

"Yes, my grandfather passed away when I was ten years old."

"What about your father and mother?"

"My mother passed away a few years ago, and my father's current physical condition is not very good."

Lina answered Jiudaolie's questions truthfully. After all, these questions did not involve the secrets of the US military. The old and the young were really like relatives who had not seen each other for a long time.

William, who was completely left alone, listened to the conversation with an increasingly weird expression on his face.


My grandfather is very strange!

This girl is the Captain Sirius of the U.S. military. According to Kushima Retsu's character, the most important thing is to press for information about the U.S. military.

As for the granddaughter of a younger brother whom she had not seen for a long time, in the eyes of this old man who was devoted to the country, she was nothing at all.

This benevolent look is really Jiu Dao Lie?

Especially when he heard the girl's mother and grandfather both died, his grandfather's words were even more strange.

Now the buildings are crooked and I don't know where they are going!

Lina is also chatting happily now. Although she didn't ask for the information she wanted, she knows that at least she is safe now.

After all, the old man in front of him has already admitted that he is his niece.

Don't look at her calm appearance all the time, in fact, after she was caught on the ship, her heart never let go.

Because, once a magician is captured by hostile forces, there is usually no good end.

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