Especially a female magician like her who is talented, masters strategic magic, has a high status, and has been taken away without any official evidence.

It can be regarded as a renewable resource and recycled.

For example, first forced her to confess her confidential information about Star, and then forced her to reveal the activation of the strategic-level magic "Heavy Metal Burst" and other important military magic.

Of course, these are common operations, and this is something that both male and female magicians will experience.

However, she will have a more important use in the future.

That is, as a sow who specializes in producing magicians, what she will face at that time is to keep giving birth to children for the rest of her life.

When it is too old to survive, it may be sent to the operating table for those researchers to do slice studies.

And for all these actions, the perpetrator does not need to bear any responsibility, because there is no official evidence that she was caught.

It sounds very dark, but this is the reality of this world.

Even William has witnessed such things many times, which is why he dismisses the darkness of many worlds.

It is because he has witnessed a darkness far deeper than that of pediatrics.

Time passed so slowly, and when the two of them were talking and William felt a little helpless, the conversation ended.

"Then, Guangxuan, I will trouble you to send Lina to me later."

"Let me take care of Lena instead of you, is that okay!"

"No problem, I'll let Ah Ye take her there right now, and then I'll trouble you, Grandpa."

William agreed directly and readily, and at the same time gave Xiandumu Aye a look.

"Well, it happens that I can also meet my new granddaughter-in-law."

Kudao Lie smiled cheerfully. He didn't hide this matter from Jiudao Lie. After all, Kudao Lie and Nanakusa Mayumi are still different.

And Jiu Dao Lie is also the most satisfied point in the process of William's travel for so long.

Xiandumu Aye who stood up blushed a little.

"You are overrated. The little girl is just the adult's maid, and she cannot bear the title of madam."

After speaking, Xiandumu Aye pushed the silent Lina out.

"I'll go see off Sister Aye."

Yukina Himeragi, who felt a little uncomfortable under Kudao Retsu's gaze, also used this excuse to chase Xiandumu Aye and throw it out.

The room that was full of people just now became empty in an instant.

"Why, Guangxuan, haven't you accepted this little girl yet? She looks a little shy."

William picked up the black tea on the table slowly, and took a sip of the black tea.

"Don't worry about Xue Cai's matter now, I will go at my own pace."

"It's you, grandpa, the situation is very wrong today! What do you want to do to your niece and granddaughter?"

The old fox is definitely referring to Jiu Dao Lie. He is trying his best to cultivate a good relationship with Lina now, and he will definitely use her in the future. William is absolutely sure of this.

"Oh! You don't have to worry about that."

Jiu Dao Lie couldn't help showing a smile on his face when he thought of his fleeting thoughts just now.

Looking at the completely blacked out TV screen, William sighed faintly.

"Then go on to other things!"

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Chapter 290 The Captive Witch "4000 words for subscription"

In a dojo-like room, an old man with a strange appearance was kneeling on the floor.

His hair is like a monk's head, and his shoulders with sagging muscles look very broad because of the high collar, and he is wearing a very high-end brown suit.

Thick gray eyebrows and acorn-shaped eyes, although not the delicate type, but it is a stylish look.

The reason for saying it was out of phase was simply because the old man's cloudy left eye was born with a strong sense of oppression.

"Come over and have a chat! This kind of vigilance alone is also a very boring thing."

Suddenly, the old man opened his slightly closed eyes, and said to the empty room except him.

"I see!"

There was a replying voice from outside the door, and the Japanese-style sliding door was pushed open the next moment, and it was Shiba Tatsuya who walked in from the door and sat next to him.

Then, the identity of the old man in front of him is very obvious.

One of the actual power holders in Japan, the former patron and owner of the Fourth Research Institute, and the host Aomami.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Shiba Tatsuya. It's a great honor to be your bodyguard this time."

"I am the host Aomami, Yotsuba Tatsuya, and I have been looking forward to this meeting for a long time, although the situation is a little different."

The host Aomami did not use Shiba Tatsuya, but Yotsuba Tatsuya, which is more intriguing.

"Look up! Since I told you to appear, it means I have allowed you to look directly at me."

The old man's attitude was very arrogant, but Si Boda didn't feel dissatisfied at all, as if everything should be like this.


Si Boda also raised his head obediently, still not saying anything, waiting for the old man to speak on his own initiative.

Perhaps, he did not have the right to speak.

The host, Qingbo, was not at all polite, and said directly:

"Like I said, I've been looking forward to seeing you for a long time, do you know why?"

Host Dao Qingbo's tone of voice is full of pressure. If it were someone else, maybe he would have become incoherent because of this pressure.

However, this time is different!

Si Boda is also a person born with a lack of emotion. Whether it is fear, joy, or excitement, which should be human emotions, he will only be touched when he faces his sister.

Other human beings are no different from animals to him.

Obviously, the host Qingbo also understands Sibo Tatsuya's current situation. After all, he also participated in the operation that year.

Over the years, Sibo Tatsuya has grown gradually, and he has never been out of his hands.

Therefore, he didn't care much about Shiba Tatsuya's attitude, and continued to speak on his own:

"The power you possess is extraordinarily huge, and has even surpassed the limit of what an individual can possess. It is impossible for you to continue to master this kind of power."

Siboda also frowned slightly, his own power has always been feared by humans, regarding this point, Siboda has long been self-aware.

Even he did the same, because he felt that there was nothing wrong with what the old man said.

"I have now served in the Army's 101st Brigade Independent Magic Clothing Brigade."

This is the condition he and the Yotsuba family came to after they compromised with the country, and even his exclusive CAD for "Quality Explosion" is in the hands of the army.

"This is not enough!"

Dong Dao Qingbo shook his head and said in a deep voice

"Your strength should not be placed on such pediatric matters. You need a bigger stage to show yourself."

"Your power should be chosen to be used for this country and become the depressing power of this country."

"Become a nuclear weapon that this country can contain other countries, and contribute your strength to the peace of this country."

"Then you mean, you want me to be the apostle of this country?"

The stage that can most clearly demonstrate the military strength of a country is naturally the apostles who can manipulate strategic-level magic in the world.

Only when Siboda also became an apostle and showed his "Quality Explosion" would other countries be afraid of Japan.

"However, this will disturb my peaceful daily life."

Siboda also remained expressionless.

Dong Dao Qingbo's brows were completely clustered.

"You mean, do you think your personal pleasure is above the country's?"

The host Aomami was very dissatisfied with Shiba Tatsuya's answer, but he finally understood that it was because of Shiba Tatsuya's character flaws, which turned into a little depression.

Si Boda was also silent, he seemed to answer directly, but he estimated that he would directly offend the old man in front of him, so he just kept silent.

"That's all! Then let's make a deal."

Immediately afterwards, Dong Dao Qingbo changed the subject, as if he had already prepared it, and suddenly said so.


"That's right, I can give your sister a happy daily life, and at the price you become the restraining force of this country, savoring the boundless loneliness."

Silence, as if the silence of death!

Si Boda also fell into silence helplessly, because the old man in front of him made him a condition that he absolutely could not refuse.

That is to exchange his freedom for his sister's freedom.

It doesn't matter to him, the key lies in his sister Shiba Miyuki.

What does this mean!If he agreed to the conditions proposed by the old man in front of him, his sister Shiba Miyuki would be able to escape from his aunt's control.

Enjoy your life to the fullest.

Wherever you want to go to school, you can go to school according to your own ideas.

The most important thing is that Shiba Miyuki can control her own marriage, and can marry with the person she likes, without having to forcefully cater to Yotsuba's decision.

He knew that his sister had been worrying about his marriage contract when he was an adult.

He himself has been planning to break away from Yotsuba, and it is largely because of Shiba Miyuki's incident.

"Before this incident is over, you can think about it slowly and reply to me."

Dong Daoqing was not in a hurry, and stood up from the kneeling state with simple movements, walked to the edge of the window, opened the window, and changed the air in the room with equipment.

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