But the scene he saw immediately made Qingbo Dongdao frowned.

"This is--!"

Siboda, who was contemplating with his eyes closed, was also awakened by this, and turned his head to look at the sky outside the window.

Under the bright moon, a book was suspended in mid-air.

It was a book that constantly emanated terrifying and mysterious fluctuations, making one feel extremely palpitating.

Immediately, the eyes of the two were attracted by the book exuding terrifying and mysterious fluctuations.

European-style villas, surrounded by lush mountains and forests.

But at this moment, both the villa and the forest have been surrounded by a huge crimson magic circle.

The moment the magic circle engulfed the area, a silvery white mist rose up.


In the next second, in the thick white mist, a thick black figure rose from the ground, making an extremely sharp sound of piercing through the air.

Those were tentacles that looked like octopus feet.

The tentacles, with a diameter of about two meters and an unfathomable length, were constantly wriggling.

"It's almost like something out of a weird novel."

At this moment, Siboda was already standing still in the courtyard, holding a pistol-shaped CAD silver cluster that looked like a Desert Eagle tightly in his hand.

"It shouldn't be a problem to solve this thing!"

Dongdao Aoba's cloudy eyes were full of light, and the tone revealed in his words did not have the slightest worry, and he was full of confidence in Shi Boda.

Shibada also pondered for a while, and then said:

"There shouldn't be anything to do with this fog, but the tree-like tentacles should be within my decomposition range."

Outside the villa, the woods covered by the red magic circle had all disappeared, replaced by countless tentacles wriggling in the thick fog, emitting a disgusting and weird aura.

Below the strange books suspended in the air are two extremely alluring women.

A red dress, like a dancer from a foreign country, is very revealing, connecting the sexy suspenders and the magician's robe.

The other one is completely black, wearing a triangular pointed hat, and a tight coat like a night gown, which also shows off the seductive figure to the fullest.

"Sister Emma, ​​if we use this magic, we will be scolded by the secretary when we go back!"

The woman in the tight black leather jacket smiled charmingly, with an expression of extreme pleasure on her face.

"Octavia, you are obviously looking forward to it too!"

"Although we are also killing people, it is our character to always use that kind of assassination method."

The witch sister named Emma stretched out the tip of her tongue and licked the corner of her lips, showing a bloodthirsty smile.

"Besides, we killed all the people in this villa, didn't we still maintain the principle of confidentiality?"

"That's right, sister!"

That's right, those who are here at the moment are the sisters Mei Ya from the first team of LCO "Philosophy" in the library run by Xiandumu Aye.

In the past, he was a first-class magic criminal who turned the entire state and the entire forest into nothingness in the blood-devouring attack world, and his reputation resounded all over the world.

The witch sister named Octavia suddenly exploded with amazing magic power, and the wriggling tentacles behind her directly violently came out.

Bang Bang Bang!


The sound of air explosion completely exploded in this space.

Countless giant tentacles protruded from the dense fog and whizzed past. While causing bursts of impact, the huge tentacles directly submerged the pure white villa.

But at this very moment!

The tentacles, which were still flaunting their might, were cut off out of thin air under several dazzling white lights, and fell from the air.

The trees at the cut-off position also turned into silvery white powder and disappeared in the dense fog.

"The tentacles were killed?"

"what happened?"

The Maya sisters, who were in a state of joy, suddenly stopped laughing and looked at the changes in front of them in surprise.

It was Shiba Tatsuya who was wearing a black men's suit and walked in meeting the eyes of the two sisters.

And it was Shiba Tatsuya's gaze that made the two witches burn with anger.

My sister likes to watch the desperation and fear revealed by the dying people when they are about to die.

The younger sister likes the gorgeous appearance of letting human brains and intestines scatter on the ground.

Their names, even being mentioned, will arouse the fear of the blood-devouring mad attack of the people of the world.

To them, the people of this world are aboriginals who can't even use magic, they are a bunch of imbecile.

But among this group of imbecile children, there was someone who looked directly at him not with fear, but with contempt.

"Drain all the boy's blood and turn it into nourishment for our magic circle!"

Emma declared angrily.

"That's really good, let me make a specimen of his mummy with mercury and display it in my collection room."

Octavia's face once again burst into a happy smile.

Under such circumstances, Octavia reached into her portable space, took out a magic book, and began to chant.

"It seems that a quick battle is needed. I can't analyze the composition of this fog."

Shiba Tatsuya, who was standing opposite, didn't just stand there all the time, he was analyzing the structure of the mist from the moment it was formed.

Because this is a necessary condition for him to activate his decomposition ability.

His decomposition ability is divided into two elements: cognitive structure and decomposition structure.

As for the cognitive structure, as the name suggests, he needs to understand the structure of the appearance and even the inner image of things.

Afterwards, he could use his decomposition ability to rewrite the structure of the target object, thereby disintegrating it and turning it into molecules.

However, what Shibada didn't know was either.

The thick fog in front of him is completely constructed of magic power, and magic power is a product of non-existence and this world. It is something Siboda can't understand even if he wants to break his head.

But this doesn't mean that Siboda is also an idiot. What the woman in tights is doing is condensing the mist into tentacles.

If it was really done by her, then he would have no way to restrain the two people in front of him.

Shiba Tatsuya's thoughts and hands moved at the same time, and he raised the silver cluster in his hand to aim at Octavia's arm.

Parsing begins!

Analysis finished!

Gently pull the trigger with your finger, "decompose" and launch!

The invisible psion wave spewed out from the muzzle of the silver cluster, and shot straight at Octavia's arm.

"Oh! This is impossible."

Emma, ​​who noticed Shiba Tatsuya's movements, smiled charmingly, the silver bell on her wrist rang, and the wooden tentacles wrapped the two of them in an instant.

The disintegration hit the thick tree trunk, and a large piece of the coiled tree trunk like a python was immediately eliminated, but immediately there will be new tentacles filling the defensive position.

And right in the center, there is still the sound of Octavia chanting the incantation.

"—Monads have no windows, only appearances—"

Shiba Tatsu also felt uncomfortable, reached out and touched his pocket directly, and took out a metal product about fifteen centimeters in shape similar to a pile.

Then it was directly inserted into the muzzle of the silver cluster!

Holding the handle of the gun with both hands, aim the muzzle at the center of the Maya sisters.

"'Heavy Subgun'! "

ps: Thank you for the blade sent by Shushuwu, please subscribe and vote, and secretly tell you that Moyou's manuscripts have been completely written, and now I have done all the manuscripts to the point of being deceived.

Finally, I would like to thank you all for your support, thank you

Chapter 290 Investigating Shiba Tatsuya 『4000 words for subscription』

In the afternoon, when William and Mayumi Nanakusa were enjoying their lunch!

And now, both of them are wearing more formal attire.

This is not because of anything else, just because someone will visit his home in the evening.

"Father-in-law can actually wait at home. It's much more convenient for the two of us to go there directly."

William, who was sitting at the head of the table, said with a light smile.

The girl with burgundy pupils unceremoniously gave William a dirty eye.

"Come on, you clearly know why my father did this."

After several days of discussions at Nanakusa's house, finally, with the information of Nanakusa Mayumi, a conclusion should be drawn.

And just yesterday evening, when Nanakusa Mayumi returned to the villa, Nanakusa Koichi called him through Nanakusa Mayumi's mobile phone, and expressed his intention to visit in a respectful tone.

The time was naturally determined to be this afternoon.

"Okay! How was this lunch?"

William shrugged and said helplessly.

This is an unavoidable phenomenon. With his current status, even his wife's mother clan can hardly express peace in front of him.

Just like an ancient emperor!

The relatives and parents of those concubines, no matter how they usually are, dare not call themselves the head of the country in front of the emperor, and have an equal dialogue with the emperor.

"It's delicious! From now on until I give birth, can I trouble you with my meal!"

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