"I feel that after eating your food, other people's dishes are already inedible!"

Nanakusa Mayumi blinked her burgundy pupils, and said pretending to be cute.

"Of course, as long as I'm at home."

William nodded immediately.

Can't he satisfy the little request of his child's mother?

What's more, he originally liked cooking.

Before he went through the bloodthirsty attack on the world, he often cooked for himself.

However, after reaching the world of Blood Devouring Attack, he has been completely disabled.

The servants of the Ardikia Palace also had the servants of Ryuzi and Aye when they were on Itogami Island.

He really hasn't been in the kitchen for a long time.

However, Himeragi Yukina, who is now almost like a hamster, should prove that his current skills are not lost at all.

At this moment, the doorbell rang immediately.

The chopsticks raised by Himeragi Yukina also paused in the air, a little dazed.

William glanced at the wall clock on the wall, and asked with some doubts.

"Is father-in-law here so early?"

Nanakusa Mayumi immediately looked at her mobile phone, but there was no news from her father on it.

"It shouldn't be. If my father comes over, he should pass the news to me."

Nanakusa Mayumi was sure of this.

My father is the same as the British nobles in the past, and he can say that he is impeccable in etiquette at any time.

This kind of meeting time has been set, but the time is changed privately without notifying the host, and it is impossible to come directly to the door by oneself.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter!"

"Yukina, please take a look."

After receiving the order, Himeragi Yukina immediately put down the chopsticks in her hand, and went downstairs with a thump.

However, not long after, Himeragi Yukina led a very familiar person upstairs.

Even the scene in front of me was exactly the same as the previous few days.

The fire-eyed beauty wearing an ancient Japanese Shinto [-]-piece kimono is followed by a dejected woman in red clothes with eyes full of fear.


"And who are you?"

And that's how it started.

On the sofa in the living room, everyone has already sat down, including Nanakusa Mayumi.

The only one standing was the scantily clad woman named Emma mentioned by William just now.

Reaching out to open the gap, a set of freshly brewed tea and tea sets appeared directly on the table.

At this moment, in an ancient teahouse far away in Kyoto, two old men who had been waiting for the tea for a long time stared blankly at the empty table in front of them.

"Then, let's explain the matter!"

"Looking at your frightened look, you should have committed some kind of unforgivable mistake."

Savoring the tea in the cup carefully, William said casually.

The woman in front of her was mentally tortured by Xiandumu Aye.

William, who has been studying spiritual magic recently, saw this witch's spirit riddled with holes at first glance.

Teeth are chattering, sexy thighs are trembling.

Xiandumu Aye turned his cold eyes away.


There was no sign, but when she saw that sight, Emma felt weak and her knees were sore.

The witch who was kneeling on the ground lowered her head and said in a trembling voice.

"Below is the "Library" witch unit, Emma from the first unit "Philosophy". "

"Oh, remember! Sister Maya, you are the one named "Crimson Witch", right? "

"What about your younger sister, the one called the 'Dark Witch'!Didn't it mean that you two are inseparable and do everything together! "

The "library" is a very evil force. When the "library" was subdued, he had an understanding of all the villains in it.

Those who were disobedient, and those who did not choose to correct them no matter what, were dealt with neatly by him.

However, the Maya sisters are one of the few, the one who is full of evil and quickly sees the situation, and immediately chooses to surrender.

Therefore, he still has a little understanding of these two small roles.

Emma's body trembled even more violently, and her complexion had completely turned pale.

She will never forget that the younger sister who accompanied her since she was a child was pierced through the heart by a blazing light.

Afterwards, his sister's left chest was completely turned into a substance like a block of charcoal, and she lay on the ground with her eyes dazed.

The man rushed forward immediately, and he was unable to fight back because of fear.

He couldn't even recover his sister's body, so he hurriedly used the space to jump and escape.

In the process of the witch's fear, she is also stating her own story at the same time.

"So that's the case, is that so!"

"Not only did you fail to follow the flow of the mission, assassinate the target person, and use eye-catching magic."

"And when the mission failed, he forgot to recover his sister's body and left it to the enemy."

A flat voice echoed in the space.

Xiandumu Aye also lowered his head, his face full of guilt.

"I'm sorry, Lord William, it's because I didn't teach well, and I didn't manage my subordinates well."

"I will immediately lead someone to bring back Octavia's body, and kill all those who have handled Octavia's body."

Xiandumu Aye immediately put on a cold expression, making it hard to doubt her determination at the moment.

That's right, in fact, what William and Xiandumu Aye cared about was never that the Maya sisters used magic that did not meet the regulations, and the mission failed because of it.

After all, this is not the first time this has happened.

The magic guide book will affect the witch's spirit, and the witch is also difficult to be strictly disciplined because of her mental problems, and Xiandumu Aye has always turned a blind eye to this aspect because of this.

However, the problem of not destroying the corpse in time is the top priority.

In any world with special powers, the holders of special abilities are endless wealth for the place.

Just like the ancient legends, like the hero who hunted and killed the dragon, the meat, blood, bones, tendons, marrow, and scales of the dragon are all high-quality materials.

The enemy's corpse is the same.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the body of a person with special abilities is a treasure house by studying the enemy's abilities and countermeasures from this.

"This thing really needs to be done."

"But the magician who can defeat you is not someone who can be ignored at will."

The Maya sisters definitely have a high-level combat role in the world of Blood Devouring Attack.

This kind of character is folded in this world, which is not something that anyone can easily do.

Emma was still caught in fear and couldn't extricate herself, William cast a glance.

He stood up from the sofa, stretched out his big hand, and put it directly on Emma's head.

In the next moment, the pupils also burst into bright blue light from their eye sockets.

Nanakusa Mayumi's pupils flashed a little bit of unbearable, but after all, she just sighed and didn't say anything more.

Although the activation mode is different, Nanakusa Mayumi still recognizes it. This is the way to read memory in this world.

It is a means to specifically deal with enemy spies and agents.

This method is usually not a problem, and the people who have been searched will at most fall into a period of mental weakness.

However, if the spirit of the searched person has been severely damaged...

As time passed, the light in William's eyes gradually dimmed, and the big hand loosened its grip on Emma.


Emma's delicate body suddenly fell to the ground, and various liquids flowed out from her eyes and nose and mouth, intertwined.

Even in the lower part, there was a faint smell of urine.

Xiandumu Aye frowned, then raised his plain white hand.

Emma, ​​who had collapsed on the ground, disappeared immediately. At the same time, a gentle breeze blew away, sweeping away the peculiar smell that had just diffused in this space.

Nanakusa Mayumi looked at William's current state with some doubts.

"What's the matter, Guangxuan, did the memory search fail?"

William, who had already sat back on the sofa, stroked his chin, thinking thoughtfully.

"It's nothing, it's just that I didn't expect that our two original guesses became a prophecy."

There was a question mark on Nanakusa Mayumi's head!

"Forget it, see it with your own eyes, it will be more convincing."

Spiritual power erupted from William's body, and a TV-like image appeared in the air out of thin air and began to play.


The duration of the video is not too long, after all, the battle did not last for a long time.

However, after Nanakusa Mayumi saw it, her complexion also became complicated, and at the same time she was a little bit embarrassed.

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