"I didn't expect it to be Junior Sibo!"

The backgrounds of the Shiba brothers and sisters were not simple. She had personally investigated the fact that the two of them came from the Yotsuba family.

She just didn't expect that Shiba Tatsuya, a junior who didn't show too much actual combat ability in school, could actually serve as the guard of the host Qingbo.

William was also in a state of contemplation, after thinking for a while.

Then he put his eyes on Nanakusa Mayumi and asked.

"Mayumi, do you still have Shiba Tatsuya's contact information?"

He and Shiba Tatsuya still had contact information before, but he didn't know where the communicator in this world had been thrown by him for a long time.

The contact information is naturally gone.


Nanakusa Mayumi shook her head, then continued:

"But Miyuki still has contact, do you need me to contact you?"

Nanakusa Mayumi immediately understood what William meant, and said happily.

William nodded.

"That's right, after all, we were all classmates once, so there's no need to be so terrific."

"Let's talk first and see what he decides."

He and Si Boda are not very good friends, the level of communication is at most at the stage of knowing each other and being able to talk.

I really want to say that there are some deep feelings that are talking nonsense, but it's okay to give it a chance.

Although he didn't have much hope for this, after all, Yotsuba and the old man were bound.

If he could change it with just a few words, he thought it was impossible, after all, his mouth has not yet reached the state of perfection like Uzumaki Naruto.

"A Ye, leave this matter to me for the time being."

"But the search for Octavia's remains can't be put down, find and track her, and wait for my next order."

"I see, Lord William."

Xiandumu Aye, who was eager to commit crimes and meritorious deeds, immediately agreed, and got up and wanted to leave to complete the task William ordered him to do.

"And where is the offer?"

Nanakusa Mayumi, who was already editing news for Shiba Miyuki, asked.

"The environment should be quieter, and a wider place around it will do."

"The time can be set by him for a few days."

There is a high probability that the negotiation will not succeed. This is William's idea, so when the time comes, he will use physical methods to resolve this matter.


Nanakusa Mayumi immediately raised her snow-white neck, and the two index fingers flying on the screen also stopped.

"Okay, the sending is complete, just wait for Miyuki's reply."

"By the way, after returning to the ship, let the mob establish contact with my mobile phone, and help me investigate all the information about Yotsuba since its establishment."

The sudden idea gave William the latest idea.

"I understand, I will do it right away!"

Xiandumu Aye was wrapped in the purple magic circle, and she disappeared in the next moment.

William also dialed his phone immediately.

"Hey! Grandpa, I have something I want to ask you."

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Chapter 290 Three Seven Grass Twins Sent by Father-in-Law

Everything has been arranged, and just now, he has also got in touch with his grandfather Jiu Daolie.

In the eyes of many people, the Yotsuba family is very mysterious, but his grandfather has recorded a lot of information about the Yotsuba family.

This is not only because the former Yotsuba Twin Stars, Yotsuba Maya and Yotsuba Midnight are both disciples of Kudao Retsu.

What's more, my grandfather has always had a deep fear of Yotsuba, a tenth division that vigorously develops military power.

So for so many years, I have never dared to relax with the Yotsuba family, and I have been paying close attention to it.

After getting the information from Jiu Dao Lie, William became more confident about his sudden idea.

Especially the problems that Maya Yotsuba is facing now, he is very sure to solve the things that Lord Yotsuba has always regretted.

Thus making it defect and gain the allegiance of this extremely powerful family.

Afterwards, there were so many things that he, who originally wanted to say that he came to this world for vacation, couldn't help but feel a little busy.

But now, even though there are too many things to be busy with, he now has to receive someone who is still important to him.

Nanakusa Mayumi slowly placed the black tea on the coffee table in the living room, and two girls who looked quite similar to Nanakusa Mayumi were following her one after the other, as if they were afraid of being hurt.

At this time, another middle-aged man wearing black sunglasses to cover up his lost right eye sat on the sofa and spoke.

"Izumi and Kasumi took your sister to the room to have a good rest. She is pregnant now and shouldn't be too tired."

The middle-aged man looked at his daughter serving him tea, and said hastily.

"It's okay, Dad. After Guangxuan's protection, the baby and I are both in good health, and we won't cause problems because of this little thing."

Nanakusa Mayumi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and that's why she came back here in a hurry after not staying at home for a few days.

Not only because her father was eager to have a meeting after hearing what William asked her to tell.

What's more, after hearing about William, his father has already cared about the child in his stomach to a certain extent.

It has even been exaggerated to the point that when she went to school the next day, her father even equipped her with a whole assassination team guard from Nanakusa's family wandering around Yigao.

"No, your current body is very important."

"Izumi Kasumi, quickly help your sister back to the house."

Nanakusa Hongichi first showed a soft smile to Nanakusa Mayumi, then retracted his facial expression, and said seriously to the twin sisters.

"Got it, father."

Nanakusa Izumi rolled her eyes involuntarily, but still obediently held her sister's other arm, and at the same time winked at her sister.

"Okay, let's go, sister!"

Nanakusa Kasumi immediately held Nanakusa Mayumi's other arm, and said coquettishly.

"Good good!"

In the end, Nanakusa Mayumi was still helpless, and was carried back to her room by her two good sisters.

In this living room, only William and Nanakusa Koichi, the son-in-law, were left.

"It's been a long time, father-in-law!"

While the two were drinking tea, it was William who broke the brief silence.

"Actually, for me, it's not too long since we last met."

Maybe it was because William spoke first, or maybe William still called him father-in-law.

From the moment he entered the room, Nanakusa Hongichi had been lingering under an atmosphere of embarrassment, and now it has eased a lot in an instant.

He was very satisfied with this son-in-law, otherwise he wouldn't have given away Nanakusa Mayumi, his biggest bargaining chip, which he had always kept in his hands.

After all, through the marriage between the two, he also successfully established a closer relationship with his teacher, and stood closer in the team that weakened Clover.

He really didn't expect that it was a move that he was extremely satisfied with.

As a result, there has been an unexpected development now.

At the same time, he also had an uncontrollable fear of his son-in-law, but what was more, was the ecstasy gushing out of his heart.

Because he knows very well that this time will be an opportunity that has never been seen in the past hundred years or even after the establishment of the Seven Grass Family.

He knew even better that if his son-in-law in front of him released news, there would definitely be countless forces who wanted to join him.

But now, he already has this world in his hands, and even other worlds surrendered to William's forces, which do not have the advantage.

That is, his daughter was pregnant with the man's first child.

"Father-in-law is right."

William shrugged with a grin, then picked up the black tea on the coffee table and took a small sip.

"So, what are you thinking about what Mayumi told you?"

Hearing William's mention of this matter, Nanakusa Koichi's relaxed mood became a little stiff again.

Keep your legs together and keep your back straight, just like the elementary school students who waited for the teacher to lecture them when they were young.

No way, although the man in front of her is her son-in-law.

He also loves his daughter very much, and his daughter is pregnant with the other party's heir.

But he still didn't dare to be too presumptuous in front of him. After all, this is a person who is a king in other worlds and has the ability to easily destroy the world.

In front of the emperor or the superior, the family card may have a certain effect, but it is definitely not the whole factor that determines his thoughts.

This is his Nanakusa Koichi, the greatest experience he has had in dealing with the world in these years.

"About this point, I have thoroughly thought about it."

"Since Guangxuan, you have given us such a great opportunity for the Nanicao family, if you don't grasp it, it will be too rude."

Nanakusa Hiroichi immediately replied respectfully.

"That's good too, so Mayumi won't be alone there, and can see her family often."

"As for the magicians of the Seven Grass family, father-in-law, you don't have to worry, there are still many vacant important positions."

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