William said with a casual smile.

Don't think he has thoughts about the magicians of the Yotsuba family, but he really has no interest in the Nanakusa family, which is also one of the double walls of Japanese magicians.

The Yotsuba family can arouse his interest, because the magician of the Yotsuba is really outstanding in fighting power.

Moreover, the Yotsuba family has always pursued a small number of elite troops, and all the magicians in it are people who can fight one against two or even three against four.

The Nanakusa family has a policy that is completely opposite to Yotsuba's. What they pursue is to gain more political power and recruit more free magicians to enhance the strength of the entire family.

Among all the digital families, the Nanakusa family has the most private army in the entire magician world.

This kind of family power!There are quite a lot of forces of the same type under him, so he really doesn't have much interest.

"Regarding this point, I plan to let Mayumi manage the magicians going to Miss Himeragi's world, and I plan to stay in this world with her mother."

"After all, her mother and I are not too young, and we don't have any ambition to forge ahead."

Nanakusa Hiroichi said so.

But William didn't believe a word of it.

In the entire Ten Master Clan, any patriarch might be content with the status quo, but this man in front of him alone is impossible.

·The reason why he is in this position now is simply that the strength he has accumulated is not enough.

However, William is not incomprehensible to Nanakusa Hongichi's choice.

He was even surprised by Nanakusa Hongichi's resolute giving up and choosing another detour.

This is equivalent to giving Nanakusa Mayumi all the leadership of the magicians of Nanakusa's family in the blood-devouring attack world.

But at the same time, he was very satisfied with it.

"That's it! It's not that I can't understand your thoughts. At that time, if you want to visit Mayumi, you can come here through the space-time tunnel at any time."

Just as Nanakusa Hongichi expected, William readily agreed with a satisfied expression on his face.

Nanakusa Koichi also nodded in a catered manner while William was speaking.

"But, like this, Mayumi should be quite disappointed! She was looking forward to living with her family in Yukina's world."

"Regarding this, I have another matter. I want to trouble you, Guangxuan. I don't know if it's okay."

Hearing William mentioning this, Nanakusa Hongichi seemed to be waiting for this sentence for a long time, and immediately spoke.

"Just say it directly, there is no trouble or no trouble."

William smiled gently, what Nanakusa Hongichi did just now made him feel very happy now.

"That's it, Mitsunobu, do you think Izumi and Kasumi have the qualifications to learn the world magic of Ms. Himeragi!"

Although I don't quite understand, what is Nanakusa Hiroichi's intention in asking this question.

But after careful consideration, William replied:

"There is no problem. Although it is a bit difficult for Kasumi and Izumi to go the route of a psychic medium, I still have a way to help Kasumi and Izumi learn magic."

These two little girls are the younger sisters that Nanakusa Mayumi cares about the most, and he has long been prepared to help these two little girls change their physiques.

Therefore, when Nanakusa Hiroshi mentioned this matter, it can only be said to be just a coincidence.

"That's good, I want to trouble Mitsunobu you to take care of Izumi and Kasumi in Miss Himeragi's world."

"I'm going to let the two sisters and Mayumi live together in that world from now on."

"It just so happens that they can help Mayumi a lot."

While saying this, Nanakusa Hongichi showed a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

Looking at the one-eyed eye that constantly reflected light under the sunglasses, William only had three words to describe it.

That is - old fox!

Also stay with Nanakusa Mayumi all the time, this kind of lie that can be leaked at the first poke, and noobs who don't understand Nanakusa Hiroichi's character will believe it.

In fact, the two sisters, Izumi and Kasumi, were sent here just to continue to increase the bargaining chips of the Nanakusa family in his heart.

It is the best to be successful, and if you can't succeed, you will really be Nanakusa Mayumi's deputy.

This is definitely the most real thought in Nanakusa Hongichi's mind at the moment.

"Of course, Mayumi will be very happy when she finds out about this."

He readily agreed, as Nanakusa Hiroichi thought, and William thought so too.

If he and the Seven Grass twin sisters really have a development path, then it really doesn't matter if they accept it.

After so many worlds, and the influence of La Folia, a haremist, William's integrity has long been abandoned.

After that, the Weng and his son-in-law did not spend too long chatting.

After that, Nanakusa Hiroichi left William's house directly, and Nanakusa Izumi and Nanakusa Kasumi were also left in William's house directly by him in a state of bewilderment.

Now, Nanakusa Hongichi, who returned to Nanakusa's house, went directly into his study.

Nanakusa Hongichi, who returned to the study, also immediately became busy, making one call after another.

The notebook is also constantly recording something.


There was a gentle push on the door, and a charming and charming woman walked in with a tea tray.

Putting the green tea in the saucer on the table, the beautiful woman did not leave immediately, but just sat on the sofa silently, staring at her husband quietly.

Nanakusa Hongichi, who was stared at all the time, didn't feel the slightest discomfort, and handled his own affairs slowly.

It wasn't until the work temporarily came to an end that he slowly raised his head, took a sip of the cold tea on the table, and said:

"What's the matter? If there is nothing urgent, I'm very busy now, and the magicians who go with Mayumi, Kasumi, and Izumi must be carefully selected."

As William said, there are very few truly powerful magicians in the Nanakusa family.

But this time, Nanakusa Koichi is going to put half of his family fortune on hand over to Nanakusa Mayumi.

Time was silent for a while!

The middle-aged beautiful woman did not speak, but bit her lips with her own silver teeth, until Nanakusa Hiroichi felt impatient and was about to continue working.

"Does Quanmei and Kasumi have to go together, so my children will all go away?"

The beautiful woman's voice was a little choked up, making it easy for people to understand the sadness in her heart at the moment.

In fact, the children of the entire Nanakusa family are not only the three sisters Mayumi Nanakusa.

Above Nanakusa Mayumi, there are actually two elder brothers, and these two elder brothers whose aptitude is far from Nanakusa Mayumi's are the real heirs of Nanakusa's family.

However, both of these older brothers were born to Nanakusa Hiroichi's dead ex-wife.

Only Nanakusa Mayumi, Nanakusa Kasumi and Nanakusa Izumi are siblings of the same mother.

The question from his wife also reminded Nanakusa Hongichi of what he had just experienced at his son-in-law's house.

When he left, he saw through everything and looked at his eldest daughter Nanakusa Mayumi with complicated expressions.

There are also two little daughters who don't understand anything and are smiling.

In the end, Nanakusa Koichi's complexion calmed down again, and he continued to work hard.

Only a faint, emotionless voice came.

"Mayumi needs help, and the Nanakusa family also needs a bigger bargaining chip. This is their destiny as daughters of the Nanakusa family."

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Chapter 290 Two Stupid Younger Sisters "4000 Words Request Subscription"

The gears of time turned again, and in the blink of an eye, it was three days later!

It is still hidden in the host Qingbo's home in the mountains, but the location has changed.

This is the basement located on the second basement floor of the villa!

It was originally a disaster prevention site established by the host Qingbo, and the materials for the basement of the building were selected from the hardest materials in the world.

However, this basement can withstand any natural disasters.

This is also the reason why the villas on the ground are still well preserved after the villas on the ground have been destroyed by the Maya sisters.

But now, this former refuge has been transformed into something else.

Dozens of people in white coats and masks, who seemed to be scientific researchers, walked around here.

In the center of the room was a large single bed, on which lay a naked black-haired woman.

As for her heart, there was a huge cavity, and the area around the heart seemed to be charred, showing an earthy yellow color.

While these scientific researchers were busy non-stop, they were about five meters away from the naked woman.

An old man who looked quite fit and a young man who looked quite young were looking at the newly released report card in their hands, thinking about something.

"Although the body structure is exactly the same as ours, the body contains unknown energy."

Shibada also said in a little surprise.

Although this result, he had already discovered it when he couldn't fully use his analytical ability to see through it.

But after this kind of scientific demonstration, he really showed his amazement.

"Is this a new breed of magician developed by other countries? Or a visitor from another world?"

Although the host Qingbo didn't say this sentence, he still secretly speculated in his heart.

The two were silent for a while again!

"Let's go back up first! Tatsuya-kun, I want to hear your answer a few days ago."

Originally, the host Aomami was very patient, slowly waiting for Shiba Tatsuya's choice.

But now, after so many unknown situations that he couldn't grasp appeared, he felt a little urgent now.

He urgently needs a sharp knife now, a knife that can solve his doubts and solve the crisis of this country.

But now, his current subordinates do not have this ability.

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