In other words, in current Japan, only the boy beside him has this ability.

Shiba Tatsuya's hand also paused slightly, and he put the report sheet back on the table, and his mind was full of thoughts.

Thinking back, in this world, the only younger sister who could touch my heart, Shiba Miyuki.

Shibada also nodded emphatically!

On that night!

William, who was wearing a pure black suit, was standing at the door, holding his forehead helplessly.

"Let me tell you Mayumi, you don't need to dress up like this to see Shibada!"

Nanakusa Mayumi completely ignored William's complaints, and still carefully arranged William's tie.

"Who told you not to go out these few days, these are the clothes I bought for you a long time ago, and I have never had a chance to wear them."

Such a conversation between the two naturally aroused a snigger from Himeragi Yukina who was already waiting at the door.

In the magic high school, there is no need for students in the last semester of the third year to go to school every day.

In addition, Nanakusa Mayumi has relinquished her responsibilities as the president, and now she is already staying at home every day to raise her baby.

This made this usually eccentric and energetic girl feel very aggrieved.

But if she wanted to sneak out to play, her two traitor sisters would immediately report her location to her family's guards.

When the time comes, this will happen!

She walked the streets by herself, followed by a large escort of magicians.

William also knew Nanakusa Mayumi's boredom at the moment, so he let her be at his mercy.

"Then, his safety will be your trouble, Yukina."

"Don't worry! Sister Mayumi, I will protect the safety of His Majesty Lingwang."

Himeragi Yukina responded immediately with a smile.

Through these two days of contact, Nanakusa Mayumi has quickly become a good friend with Himeragi Yukina by virtue of her strong communication and affinity skills.

"It's a pity! I really want to go together."

After tidying up, Nanakusa Mayumi let go of her little hand, pouted her little mouth and said.

"That's not okay, sister!"

Nanakusa Kasumi said with a blank expression.

"That's right, sister! Brother-in-law may be in danger this time, you have to think about it for my little nephew."

"This is also my father's order!"

Nanakusa Izumi spoke in the same tone.

Safely waiting for the birth of their little nephew is the most important task for the two of them right now.

For this reason, my father sent the two of them to my sister's side, and even had to suspend school, so the two of them must strictly complete the task.

Looking at her two silly younger sisters, Nanakusa Mayumi also sighed faintly, and then gave William a hard look.

In this regard, William just touched his nose in embarrassment.

After all, the relationship with him is really quite big here. If he had directly and sternly refused, even if Hiroshi Nanakusa wanted to do this, the twins would not come here.

"Okay, when I go to Yotsuba's house, I will take you out depending on the situation."

"Or after returning to Xuecai's world, you can move around as you like."

William touched Nanakusa Mayumi's head comfortingly, and said in a gentle tone.

"Know it!"

Nanakusa Mayumi said angrily as she pulled off the big hands covering her head.

"Okay, then let's go too, Yukina!"

Looking at the gap that had been quietly opened by himself, William said so.


In an abandoned factory somewhere in Tokyo!

The inside of the factory building is already completely dilapidated, and the roof is even missing.

The bright moonlight hangs high in the sky like a pearl-white jade plate, casting soft moonlight on the young people waiting in the factory building.

That's right, the person waiting here was Shiba Tatsuya who was still at Aomami's place in the morning.

"Brother, have you arrived now?"

Shiba Miyuki's voice came from the cell phone that Shiba Tatsuya was also holding.

"Well, it's just that Guangxuan hasn't arrived yet."

"Brother, you left during the guard work, is there no problem with the host?"

His younger sister's worrying voice came from beside his ear, which also made Shiba Tatsuya's paralyzed face reveal a slight smile.

"It's okay, my task has changed in the morning, and the guard work has temporarily ended."

"After this meeting is over, I will immediately return to Yotsuba's home and report this matter to my aunt."

"Yeah! Then I'll be ready."

Immediately, there was a voice from the other end of the phone, as if something had fallen on the ground, and Shiba Miyuki was surprised.

While the two siblings were still chatting, Shiba Tatsuya suddenly frowned.

"Miyuki, hang up first!"

Without waiting for Miyuki Siba on the other end of the phone to say something, Siboda also hung up the phone directly, stretched his hand to his chest involuntarily, and took out his pistol-shaped CAD silver cluster.

It wasn't because of anything else, at the moment just now, two people who appeared out of thin air were approaching his position.

And the psion fluctuations of these two people were of a type he had never come into contact with.

Since Director Ushiyama's attack began, his "Spirit Eyes" have been deployed around the clock, in order to prevent people from sneaking attacks on him and Shiba Miyuki.

Slowly raise the right hand holding the gun, point the muzzle at the slightly tall figure, and pull the trigger forcefully.

Assailant, keeping one person alive is enough!

No matter how many people there are, even he is prone to the situation that day, allowing the enemy to escape through that weird method.

Of course!

Just when he closed his gun and was about to capture the only surviving survivor and bring him back for interrogation.

A scene that shocked him suddenly happened!

I saw that in the line of sight of his "Elf Eyes", the slightly tall man also stretched out a hand to block his head.

As if a transparent barrier was suddenly opened, the heavy sub-gun he fired hit the barrier directly, and unexpectedly rolled back in an instant, rushing back to his current position.

Shiba Tatsuya's pupils suddenly shrank!

The thick wall also collapsed at the same moment!

"The kidneys are severely damaged, the radiation is spreading, and hemorrhage has begun"

"The vitality drops rapidly and reaches the warning range"

"Self-healing Warlock/Auto Start"

"Magic formula/loading"

"Core individual intelligence body data / read by backup system"

"Repair/Start - Complete"

——This program is faster than Tatsuya Shiba's consciousness, and it is more complete than Tatsuya Shiba's consciousness.

The speed of information processing in the subconscious realm far exceeds that in the conscious realm.

By the time he realizes he's been knocked out, the body's repairs are complete.

It didn't take even half a second for Siboda to complete everything now, and Siboda also raised the muzzle of his gun again, ready to pull the trigger again with a serious face.

The unknown reflex method has made him raise his alertness to the highest level at this moment.

"So Tatsuya-kun, you are still hiding such an ability! This really surprised me!"

This extremely familiar voice in Shiba Tatsuya's ears also made him fall into a state of panic for a short time.

The figure that gradually emerged from the shadows made him even more surprised.

But at this moment, the gun in his hand had been raised again, because even if the person in front of him was an acquaintance of hers, Siboda couldn't relax the slightest because he showed the same methods as those attackers.

Even in the dark, the golden broken hair still exudes brilliance!

It was as if it had been meticulously crafted by human beings, unlike the perfect proportion of five sense organs possessed by human beings in the world!

Wearing a pure black suit, she was obviously just moving forward normally, but it felt like she was walked out of a runway show by the man in front of her.

The woman next to the man has wings on her back, holding a silver-gray spear.

The holy and pure white wings made Siboda instantly think that he saw an angel recorded in the Bible.

Through the "Elf Eyes", he was also sure that he was not disturbed by the spirit, and the wings on the back of the girl really existed.

"Looking at you like this, it seems that I don't need to explain my identity?"

William, who was completely exposed in front of Shiba Tatsuya, shrugged his shoulders and said casually.

Only Himeragi Yukina looked at Shiba Tatsuya with hostility.

This is also normal, no matter who has just come out of the space tunnel, facing a fatal attack, they will be full of anger and hostility.

Of course, the hostility on Shiba Tatsuya's face doesn't have to be less than Himeragi Yukina.

"Mitsunobu Kushima, are you really Mitsunobu Kushima?"

This is Shiba Tatsuya's biggest question right now.

He has always kept in mind the psion wave on Jiu Dao Guangxuan, after all, this is one of the few opponents among the Ten Master Clans that he can really care about.

But now, in the body of the man in front of him, he can't feel any psion activity.

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