What's even more strange is that the strange man in front of him doesn't have psion fluctuations, nor does he have the energy fluctuations in the woman he just dissected.

It's like a completely ordinary person, without any threat.

But just now he rebounded his attack, which is a real thing.

"Tatsuya-kun, what you said is too much!"

"I am the real thing, the real Mitsunobu Kushima, without any falsehood."

Majestic, he walked to the opposite of Shiba Tatsuya, facing Shiba Tatsuya's muzzle, and sat leisurely on top of the piled stones.

"All in all, how about putting down the gun in your hand first, with the ability you showed just now, you shouldn't be worried that I will attack you in an instant!"

Himeragi Yukina also followed, standing between William and Shiba Tatsuya.

After Si Boda thought about it for a while, he also felt that what William said made sense.

Of course, more is the confidence in his own ability to reorganize.

No one in Zichen's world can kill him, because his current reorganization is completely similar to a passive ability. Even if he doesn't react, the reorganization will still be activated as soon as he is damaged.


After uttering these two words, Si Boda also put the silver cluster in his hand back into his bra.

Himeragi Yukina stepped back behind William after seeing Shiba Tatsuya also disarmed, with the appearance of a loyal guard.

"So, where should we start now! Tatsuya-kun."

Putting his hands behind his back, resting his left leg on his right leg, raising his legs, William said leisurely.

"If possible, I would like to know your true identity."

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Chapter 290 Capturing Shiba Tatsuya "4000 words for subscription"

"Hmm! The visitor from another world, the spirit king of Aldikia, the heavenly movement, the star spirit of the moon..."

"I still have many identities, what do you want to know?"

William said casually, the titles he had obtained in various worlds, it can be said that Sibo Da was also confused.

However, he still understood one sentence, that is, visitors from another world.

"Sure enough, then you should have a lot to do with those people who caused terrorist attacks everywhere recently!"

Si Boda also said with certainty that under the circumstances that William had already admitted, these words were actually almost nonsense.

"Yes, these people are all my subordinates!"

"Okay, then I understand! What do you want to ask."

Si Boda didn't continue to ask, just because he knew that the next question was nothing more than why he did it.


Under the current circumstances, it is impossible for the man in front of him to stop because of his few words, and it is impossible for countries that have suffered damage to their interests to give up their revenge.

What's more, what the man in front of him now has is a piece of good fat in the eyes of the forces of various countries.

Just like the host Qingbo, he can't wait to get more information, and then transform the magicians in his country.

"Well, what I want to ask is very simple, Tatsuya-kun, do you want to choose to work for me?"

"I'm very interested in the magic you showed just now."

Si Boda was also stunned, even if he heard William's words, he couldn't help but fell into a stunned state.

In any case, he never thought that this old classmate who had become his target came to recruit him.

"Yes, how about it, do you want to transfer to work with me?"

"After all, I don't really want to kill my old classmates with my own hands."

William continued to speak unhurriedly, but the eyes that looked at Shiba Tatsuya were already full of interest.

This sentence is true, and he does maintain a high interest in Shiboda now.

If it was before, at most, he was interested in attracting Siboda's ability to defeat the Maya sisters.

But after Sibo Tatsuya also showed the ability to reorganize and disassemble just now, he already couldn't wait to study Sibo Tatsuya's body.


The silver cluster came out of the holster again, and Siboda also looked at William with a cold expression.


Almost at the same moment, the two secondary blades of the Xuexia wolf also unfolded at the same time, and the spiritual energy on his body also surged at the same time, pouring into the Xuexia wolf.

At this moment, a frightening look also erupted, and the white and holy wings spread gracefully behind Himeragi Yukina.

"Are you going to do it directly? Can I ask Tatsuya-kun why you chose this way?"

Even though he was pointed at by a gun, William just frowned, not because of anything else, but because he was surprised by Shiba Tatsuya's choice.

"According to my understanding, Tatsuya-kun, you should really want to escape the control of the Yotsuba family."

"I think the working conditions here are pretty good."

Shiba Tatsuya's refusal was so fast that the remarks he prepared later were useless.

"There is no other reason, you should really want to study my body!"

"I've seen that look countless times."

Si Boda also said in a deep voice, and his footsteps were moving backwards gracefully.

"Also, someone has already offered me better conditions, so there is no need for me to accept your invitation."

Back off about ten meters away!Shibada also stopped his footsteps.

"Really, that's really a pity."

"And it seems that Tatsuya-kun, you don't seem to want to break up peacefully."

William's eyes gradually became silent, and his voice became cold and piercing.

"That's right, since the black hand behind the scenes has appeared in front of me, if you are captured, this turmoil will end immediately, and Miyuki can get the life she wants."

Right after Shiba Tatsuya finished saying this, the trigger in his hand was pulled at the same time.

The invisible and colorless Psion burst out from the muzzle of the gun. At the same time, his legs sank slightly, and his waist also exerted force at this moment, and his whole body was shot out like a cannonball.

"Don't you think the same trick will work!"

When encountering this kind of trick for the first time, Himeragi Yukina was still a little flustered, and needed William's help to block Shiba Tatsuya's attack.

Now, how could she still want to be in such a mess just now.

I saw the pure white wings shining with colorful rays of light behind her swung fiercely, and directly intertwined with her chest.

In the hands of Shiba Tatsuya, the invincible decomposition ability met Waterloo again with Himeragi Yukina.

The moment Xiangzibo touched his wings, he turned into the purest element in nature and disappeared between heaven and earth.

"Xue Cai, you are careless!"

At this moment, William's indifferent voice came from directly behind Himeragi Yukina, and Himeraira Yukina looked back in a panic.

Siboda, who was still facing her just now, had already come behind William, who was guarding him.

Turning his palm into a sharp blade, he slashed straight at William's neck.

At the same time William was speaking, his fingers were lifted up at the same time, and they happened to block his neck impartially.


It's obviously just a mortal body, but at this moment, countless sparks burst out from the junction of the palm and fingers, which seem to only appear when metal collides.

Shiba Tatsuya revealed surprise in his eyes!

William still maintained his original posture, with a hint of playfulness in his tone.

"Tatsuya-kun, there is actually nothing wrong with your choice."

"I think you made this decision because you are confident that your own strength is enough to give you the ability to subdue me."

Suddenly, an irresistible force came from Shiba Tatsuya's little finger, and his expression changed.

He was about to dodge, but the speed of the impact had exceeded his reaction speed, and his whole body was directly thrown out, and flew backwards at a very fast speed.

"It's a pity that your vision is too short-sighted."


There was a muffled impact sound, thick smoke and dust rose, and countless gravels were scattered at the same time.

Within the area shrouded in smoke and dust, there was the sound of stones falling to the ground, and then the sound of shoes colliding with the ground.

The one who came out was, surprisingly, Shiba Tatsuya who had been bounced by William just now.

There was no injury on his body, not even a speck of dust on his clothes, everything was just like when he first came.

"Tatsuya-kun, why don't you change your mind?"

The deep voice no longer contained a trace of emotion, and it could be heard from this sentence that it was definitely the last sentence of warning.

"I will not allow anyone to study my body."

Human experimentation was something Shibo Tatsuya hated the most since he was a child.

Because his current state was caused by Yotsuba's human experiments, and because of those people's selfish thoughts, he was transformed into the present neither human nor ghost.

So even now, he has become the world's top magic scientist.

He is still only in touch with mechanical engineering, and he has never touched the human body.

The secrets hidden in one's own body are enough to cause turmoil in the world.

It was even more impossible for him to accept the invitation of the man in front of him to study his own body.

"Really, that's really a pity."

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