Even though he felt it, Siboda also seemed to have misunderstood what he meant.

However, William did not intend to continue explaining.

After all, when he came here, he was already prepared to subdue Shiba Tatsuya with force.

The difference is that his previous idea was to kill him directly, but now it has changed to capture him alive.

Si Boda also took out another handful of silver clusters from his chest, this is the state where he can really exert his full strength.

Even now, Siboda will not be arrogant enough to want to subdue the couple in front of him.

His natural brain calculation field is mostly occupied by the two BUG abilities of "decomposition" and "reorganization", and he cannot use other types of high-destructive magic.

And now his decomposition has been completely blocked, unable to use the two targets in front of him.

As for the taijutsu that he had just learned from Mr. Kunou Yakumo, it had already been applied to the target person.

No effect!

The moment he slashed up just now, he felt as if he was slashing on a steel plate, and he couldn't even shake it a little bit.

So now, all he can do is.

Waiting for an opportunity to escape——!

Si Boda, who had already made up his mind, also began to look around quickly, trying to find the key point to break the situation.

Finally, Shiba Tatsuya's eyes lit up.

Pulling the trigger, continuous waves of psions erupted from the muzzle of the gun, and Himeragi Yukina prepared to continue flapping her wings to defend without even thinking about it.

However, the goal this time——!

Heck, heck -!

Far away on the ceiling, there was a piercing sound, and I looked up.

Most of this factory building has no roof, and what is still on the roof now only has layers of overlapping steel bars.

These thick steel bars support each other, forming a stable structure.

But now, these steel bars are already in the process of falling off, just because Shiba Tatsuya's few psion waves broke down the fulcrum of the steel bars just now.

Those steel bars were like hailstones falling suddenly from the sky, and the carrier's piercing sound smashed towards the three people present.

"Xue Cai!"


Waving her pure white wings, Himeragi Yukina suddenly flew into the air, and hovered in mid-air while lying on her back.

The colorless rays of light above the wings also began to converge, and released a flash of light, condensing into two bright beams of light, which blasted towards the oncoming pile of steel bars.


The light beams and steel bars collided and exchanged in the midair of the factory.

In the sound like melting steel, the steel bars in the air were broken and melted into water molecules in the air.

At this moment, outside the factory building!

A vigorous figure was running in the jungle, holding silver-white double guns in both hands, and every time he took a step forward, a magic circle formed under his feet.

However, on the dirt road where the dark figure continued to run wildly forward.

In the calm space, space fluctuations suddenly appeared. The gap is not obvious in this night, but it has already unfolded.

The pitch-black figure immediately stopped his footsteps, and without even thinking about it, he raised his gun and pointed it at the hole to disintegrate it with one blow.


Still without any effect, the golden hair exudes a dazzling brilliance in the night.

The man had a smile that Siboda hated the most at the moment, and he stretched out his hand, waving it in a pretentious manner.

"Tatsuya-kun, give up!"

"You can't escape."

The crow made a quacking sound. There were no huge beasts in this forest, but the sound of small animals constantly shuttling in the grass could still be heard.

The breeze blew the corners of their clothes, and Siboda was also silent. He didn't know what to do now.

The same plot has been staged three times in this forest.

No matter how he changes his direction, the man in front of him can always appear on the road ahead of him without any mistakes.

He felt that he had been subconsciously planted by the enemy to track him, but he had reorganized himself five times, and still hadn't solved any problems.

"After watching it so many times, I have almost understood the secret of your ability."

Siboda didn't speak either, and the only thing echoing in the forest was William's voice talking to himself.

"Then let me show you the reorganization cracking method that you are extremely confident in!"

As the words fell, Shiba Tatsuya's pupils shrank suddenly, and he wanted to close his eyes directly and manually open his own reorganization.

But it's too late!

Appearing in William's pupils, the five-pointed star-like magic circle pattern has been perfectly reflected in Shiba Tatsuya's eyes.


The two guns held tightly in his hands fell to the soft lawn one after another, making muffled noises.

Sibo Tatsuya stood there like a statue, his whole body was stiff and unable to move.

At this time, a blazing light cluster streaked across the night sky, and shot directly at William.

Himeragi Yukina, who landed smoothly, looked at Shiba Tatsuya who was completely immobile, and then at William who was opposite, with a complaining expression immediately on his face.

"Master William, you dismissed me again and took action on your own."

The resentment in Himeragi Yukina's mouth is very heavy, because William often takes action by himself, without her, and now she feels that she is very incompetent as a guard.

"Okay, okay! Don't worry about such trivial things."

"Besides, you are not very good at mental spells. It is very troublesome to deal with such an immortal opponent."

William waved his hands to comfort Himeragi Yukina who kept complaining.

"It's nothing rare. As long as the Xuexia wolf stabs into this man's body, his body structure will definitely be destroyed."

Himeragi Yukina curled her small mouth and said.

"Okay, let's go, I can't wait to transform my experimental materials."

ps: Thank you for the tip of the blade sent by Jinbei Industry from Zuichaokuangding. I beg you to subscribe and vote. Thank you very much for your support, thank you

Chapter 290

Bright room!

The room was about fifty or sixty square meters, and the whole room was illuminated by the white light.

The ground was covered with a very high-end velvet carpet, and even the surrounding furniture looked expensive.

Looks like a fancy hotel room!

That's right, this is exactly the presidential suite in a high-end hotel in Tokyo.

On the big round bed in the hotel, there is also a Sleeping Beauty, ah no, it should be a Sleeping Man.

"Master William, what is going on with him now!"

Himeragi Yukina, who was standing around the bed, asked a little puzzled, her actions just now were absolutely rough.

The result is like this, this man hasn't woken up yet, the illusion is too deep!

"He! Now he is caught in an infinite reincarnation reorganization."

"To put it simply, his spirit has been trapped in an infinite chain of chains. No matter what kind of turbulence the outside world produces, it cannot wake him up."

Reaching out to open the gap, William directly pulled out a kitchen knife from the gap and threw it to Himeragi Yukina.

"Hit it in his thigh and then pull it out."

"You'll find something very interesting."

Himeragi Yukina didn't hesitate at all, she raised the knife and dropped it, the white knife went in and the red knife came out, the bright red blood spurted out like a geyser.

It can be said that Himeragi Yukina's knife did not hesitate at all, and directly cut off the main artery on Shiba Tatsuya's thigh.

However, a surprising scene happened immediately.

The spurt of blood arrows was only momentary, and the next moment, the deep bone-deep wound on Shiba Tatsuya's leg disappeared.

The only remaining mark is the hole in the trousers that was pierced together with the thigh.

"why is that?"

At this moment, Himeragi Yukina's mind was full of question marks.

"This is because……"

The solid barrier built by the adult woman with short pink hair was instantly shattered. Even though she was still very young, the black-haired girl who already had a beautiful embryo looked at the armed man in despair.

Flames appeared from the muzzle of the machine gun, and the bullets were released as if they didn't want money.

The flying bullets left numerous bullet holes on the bodies of the black-haired girl, the black-haired adult woman, and the pink-haired woman.

The black-haired girl can clearly feel the passing of her own life...

"Deep Snow!"

The boy screamed desperately, the piercing cry woke up the girl who was about to fall asleep, and stretched out his left hand.

The overwhelming information body covered the girl's dying body, easily penetrated the girl's information-enhanced armguard, and injected it into her body.


The black-haired girl is still so beautiful, and her body is intact, showing her smile towards the boy.

The boy hugged the girl's body firmly, firmly, and tightly.

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