While responding to the girl's eyes, he stroked the girl's head vigorously.

But then, the sky and the earth rotate, and time is like a movie that is reversed forward. The reverse flow of time promotes the rotation of the world.

The boy watched helplessly as the girl in his arms was getting further and further away, but he couldn't move an inch.

Just like what I have experienced countless times, I was firmly pressed in place, and I could only watch helplessly as the bullet sank into the girl's body again.

He knew that he must have fallen into some unknown method of the enemy.

But he has used it countless times to reorganize, and he can't break free from this time-like cage.

And the only emotion in his heart was driving himself, even if it was an illusion, he couldn't witness his sister's death with his own eyes.

"It's really a sad thing."

After hearing William's description, Himeragi Yukina said with some emotion.

But she didn't have any sympathy. After all, the man just now did it with the mentality of killing them. She is not the Virgin Mary.

"So, in order to end his sad situation as soon as possible, I can only do it reluctantly."

Himeragi Yukina looked at William with contemptuous eyes, as if she was saying something in those eyes.

William also didn't care at all, and after Himeragi Yukina stepped aside, he stood on the position where Himeraira Yukina had been before.

The aura exuding brilliant divine power erupted brazenly on William's body, and was twisted into a golden thread of divine power under William's delicate manipulation.

The threads of divine power were like leeches, under William's control, they burrowed into Shiba Tatsuya's brain one after another.

The fluctuations of divine power flowed in Shiba Tatsuya's mind!

Some are depicting something, and some are deleting something.

Of course, in the process of this operation, it was more to eliminate the useless things from Siboda's experience from childhood to adulthood, and pour the essence into William's mind one after another.

Everything was rusty, and when he performed this operation on Usla at first, he was still struggling.

When he arrived at Xiandumu Aye, he had already performed quite proficiently.

As for Shiba Tatsuya, his operations are now absolutely at the level of a king.

Siboda, who was lying on the bed, also slowly opened his eyes, and the movement of sitting up was also very natural.

His face was still expressionless, only the moment he saw William!

Suddenly a dazzling brilliance burst out from the plain eyes, as if seeing the goal of faith in life.

He quickly climbed off the bed, walked in front of William, knelt down on one knee, lowered his neck, and lowered his head deeply.

Showed a respectful attitude that was diametrically opposed to before.


"Very well, then sit on the bed, and I will conduct a detailed examination of your body."

In fact, Shi Boda completely misunderstood what he meant, and he had already realized this point.

However, his pride and self-esteem as a protoss made him too lazy to explain something to this stranger who had little to do with him.

Slice studies with a scalpel?

He didn't need to do such a low thing for a long time.

Now using his divine power, he can conduct a detailed analysis of the biological signs, characteristics, and composition.

As for the modification, now that he has completely learned the ancient alchemy formula, he can modify it at will wherever the palm of his hand touches it.

Shiba Tatsuya's thoughts just now had completely flowed into William's mind.

What study him?Want to destroy the world?

Destroy the world and study him?Isn't this what he waved when he wanted to do it?

He doesn't need to do anything else, he just needs to completely release his Twelve Star Beasts, and it only takes a few hours to nuke and level the world.

It can be said that Shiba Tatsuya's current situation is completely a tragedy caused by his self-indulgent sentimentality!


The study room has a heavy desk, a high-backed high chair, a bookcase that can reach the ceiling, and an old tea set.

The beautiful woman is sitting gracefully on the high chair, sipping the black tea in the cup carefully.

It was in stark contrast to the girl who just rushed into the room in a panic.

This room is completely closed to outsiders after Maya Yotsuba inherited the position of Patriarch Yotsuba.

The only people who can enter and leave this room are Yotsuba Maya and Chief Deacon Hayama.

Even Miyuki Shiba, who is hailed as the next capable successor of Patriarch Yotsuba, entered this room for the first time.

But at this moment, Shiba Miyuki had no intention of observing this room that was usually quite mysterious to her.

"Auntie, I couldn't feel my brother's presence just now."

Ever since Siba Tatsuya hung up the phone urgently, Shiba Miyuki has been in a state of fear.

She also called Shiba Tatsuya countless times afterwards, wanting to confirm Sibo Tatsuya's current situation.

But Si Boda also didn't get through to her, this situation is extremely abnormal.

You must know that in normal times, even if my brother is in the process of performing a mission, after receiving his contact, he will definitely reply to him as soon as possible to confirm whether something happened to him.

"Don't panic Miyuki! You should know Tatsuya's strength best. There is no one in this world who can kill Tatsuya."

Yotsuba Maya said slowly, smiling.

"But this time it's different!"

Shiba Miyuki was still frowning, of course she was aware of Shiba Tatsuya's strength, and she also believed that her invincible brother would not have any problems.

However, this time the situation is completely different from before.

"Master Aunt, I can't feel the oath from my elder brother anymore."

As soon as Shiba Miyuki said these words, Yotsuba Maya, who had been calm just now, immediately turned serious, and the black tea in her hand was also placed on the table.

"Is it true? Miyuki?"

Yotsuba Maya's tone was unusually serious.


This is a branch of the Yotsuba family, a kind of unsystematic magic that the Tsukuba family is best at.

The effect of this magic is also very simple, that is, it can seal the psion in the magician's body.

Moreover, it is absolutely impossible for a sealed magician to break through the seal with his own power.

As for why he is so sure, it is because the current world's strongest magician (the Yotsuba family thinks so), Siboda is also unable to break through the power of the seal after being planted with this magic.

The only way to break through this magic seal is to unseal it by the person who is in charge of the restraint of the oath.

And the person who is responsible for the suppression effect of Shiba Tatsuya's "Oath" is the girl in front of him, Shiba Miyuki.

As for why the Yotsuba family imposed such restrictions on the strongest magician in their family, it was because they were worried that when Siboda lost control of his emotions, he would use his huge psions to release his innate magic and destroy this world.

Carrying out such a seal can prevent Siboda from causing too much harm when he loses control of his emotions.

The candidate for the seal was Shiba Miyuki, also because Shiba Miyuki was the only person Shiba Tatsuya could never hurt.

In addition, this "vow" has many other wonderful uses.

This two people can feel each other's existence, which is one of the wonderful functions of "vow".

Shiba Miyuki nodded affirmatively, her restraint on her brother had completely disappeared, that is to say, her brother was now in a state of full release.

Yotsuba Maya also stroked her smooth chin in confusion!Thinking thoughtfully.

Immediately afterwards, Yotsuba Maya clapped both palms!

She smiled lightly like a girl.

"Could it be that Tatsuya has already found a way to break the "Oath"?Wouldn't this make you very sad, Miyuki? "

Shiba Miyuki frowned. If it was normal, she would definitely lose control of her imagination because of Yotsuba Maya's absent-mindedness.

Completely disregarding Maya Yotsuba's horror, ecstasy and swaying his thoughts in this room, turning this room into a complete igloo!

But now that the "Oath" has been lifted, the control power she is most proud of has been fully restored, and she will not cause such a gaffe.

"Master Aunt, it is impossible for my brother to do such a thing."

"That's right! That child may betray anyone, but he won't betray you."

"After all, if something goes wrong with you, Miyuki, that child's heart will probably shatter with a bang."

Immediately afterwards, Maya Yotsuba's eyes lit up with a strong light, igniting the most scorching emotional flame.

"The next thing is probably the scene of destroying the world!"

"This is the most perfect burial object for me who died at the age of ten!"

The flames of madness were burning in Maya Yotsuba's eyes, making no one doubt the authenticity of her topic at the moment.

"My aunt, you are crazy!"

Shiba Miyuki sighed deeply, then put her hands in front of her lower abdomen, bowed slightly and said.

"The most important thing now is to find out about the situation of your elder brother. Please put your wish later!"

Yotsuba Maya stopped her cheerful laughter, and regained a serious look on her face.

"That's true, then Tatsuya went there tonight, Miyuki, you should know that!"


After saying this, Shiba Miyuki began to tell Yotsuba Mayumi about Nanakusa Mayumi's contact with her that day.

There was also an appointment to meet today, as well as the meeting place, and when she and Shiba Tatsuya were talking on the phone, suddenly there was an enemy attack.

Yotsuba Maya was also listening while sipping the black tea in her cup.

"I want to go out to look for my brother, please allow me, my aunt."

This was Siba Miyuki's true thoughts. The worry in her heart had been raised to the highest level, and she didn't want to hear her brother's comfort from others at all, she wanted to witness it with her own eyes.

"that's not allowed!"

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