Time passed slowly!

In this short moment, Jiu Dao Lie thought of many things, and Twilight of the past also began to recall in her eyes.

In the end, Retsu Kushima sighed leisurely, and his voice became a little weak.

"It's enough to get rid of those three people in the end, and the others don't need to move. I will deal with the rest little by little."


These three people are also very obvious, because the remaining three people are the only three people who are more powerful in Japan than Kushima Retsu.

Minister of Military Affairs Gozo Kiyokawa, Minister of Government Affairs Hikawa Okamoto, and Fourth Ken used to hold the host Aonami.

After hearing William's affirmative answer again, Kudao Lie sighed again as if he didn't know why.

"Would you like to find time to meet Zhenye? If so, I can arrange it for you."

William shook his head directly, and pointed to Shiba Tatsuya behind him.

"I don't need to bother Grandpa about this, I just need to trouble Tatsuya-kun."

After being rejected by William, Jiu Dao Lie didn't say anything more, and hung up the phone directly.

From the looks of it, he should be preparing to go down and order something.

After all, the previous policy of the Jiudao family has always been the policy of avoiding the world, and they did not participate in this turmoil at all. Now that they want to join the turmoil, it is natural that the Jiudao family needs to make a certain amount of policy changes.

After Kushima completely hung up the phone, William also turned his attention to Shiba Tatsuya.

"Tatsuya-kun, you should have heard what I just said!"

Siboda, who had been standing behind William and had been waiting for him, immediately turned around and came in front of William, and lowered his head.

"Yes, master! How do you want to visit Yotsuba's house?"

William also touched his chin and thought for a while.

"There is no need to make such a big fanfare, just go to visit normally, and the time is set for tomorrow!"

"The sooner you settle the affairs of this world, the sooner you can leave!"

After saying this, William stretched his waist.

Up to now, the host Qingbo no longer has Si Boda's protection by his side, and it is impossible for him to survive the assassination by Xiandumu Aye tonight.

The same is true for the remaining two important political ministers. The one who assassinated them was Saayaka Kosaka, a top student of the Lion King's organization.

In this world, there is only one thing left that has not been completed.

See if he can complete his temporary idea, complete the collection of Clover, and bring back the world of Blood Devouring Attack.

Of course, a happy success would make her happy.

If he didn't succeed, he thought he had taken two extra steps, and went to solve a big problem for his grandfather, that is, after waving his hands, he would not waste any effort.

After all, Yotsuba has always been a confidant in Kudao Retsu's heart.My old man who is good at calculating will also laugh very happily!

Without Yotsuba and their Nanakusa family, it is truly the first family of the Ten Masters.

After this incident, the Jiudao family will completely break away from the Ten Masters and become a family standing at the apex of the country.

Although he feels that the probability of his success is quite high.

"I see! This subordinate will make arrangements now."

Si Boda was still neither sad nor happy, without the slightest expression on his face, faithfully carrying out William's orders without any objection.

ps: Thank you for the reward of the blade sent by the illusion of breaking dawn

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Chapter 290 The eighth chapter, Miyuki Shiba, who was hit "4000 characters for subscription"

Strong sunlight shone down from the western sky that was about to turn into sunset.

Strong ultraviolet rays must be the enemy of every young girl who loves beauty. In this kind of weather, normally, no girl likes to be exposed to the sun.

But right now, there is a girl with skin as white as snow, who is still standing at the gate regardless of the sun, as if she is waiting for something.

On the other side, holding a parasol for the girl, the gray-haired old man frowned.

"Miyuki-sama, let's go back to the house and wait! Even if you are good at interfering with the surrounding environment, you still have the possibility of heat stroke."

In fact, if it was only for a while, Ye Shan would not give such advice.

But the wayward girl next to me, after receiving the contact from Master Tatsuya who lost contact, clearly stated that the time will arrive in the evening, but the wayward girl still quickly washed and tidied herself as soon as she received the call , came to the door and waited.

No matter who it is, there is no way to persuade the girl.

"It's okay, Hayama-san."

Shiba Miyuki stubbornly shook her head, a few beads of sweat appeared on her white forehead which was rare.

If it was normal, she might have followed the advice of Mr. Hayama, the deacon, and went back to the room to rest temporarily.

But now, she can't let go.

Or it can be said that from the moment the "Oath" was unraveled because of unknown meaning, I have been haunted by a sense of crisis in my heart.

This sense of crisis never faded even after Siboda received the good news of his own safety.

For some reason, she always had the feeling that the person she loved the most had disappeared.

So she had to see it with her own eyes.

Seeing with her own eyes that her brother was fine, and the relationship between her and him was as usual, the anxiety in her heart could subside.

The weather gradually became cooler, when the fiery red sun was about to completely fall into the horizon.

On the road in the distance, a black spot gradually appeared.

But the two people standing here are all powerful magicians, and their sightlines are naturally better, and they can see clearly what the black spot is.

Shiba Miyuki visibly became excited.

Only the Yotsuba family lives here. This road is a road leading directly to the Yotsuba family, and no other cars usually pass by.

And this Porsche is not the car of any of the fourth master's family.

The answer, then, is quite obvious from this.

The black car was moving very fast, and it gradually became clear from a blurry appearance. It took less than a minute to drive to the front of the two people.


The door of the driver's car was pushed open, and the one who got out of the car was Shiba Tatsuya who Miyuki Shiba was thinking about, and Miyuki Shiba's eyes lit up, and he opened his mouth to say hello.


Before Shiba Miyuki could finish his greetings, Siba Tatsu turned his head indifferently and came to the back seat.

Gently opened the back door of the car, then took out the parasol from his arms and opened it, half-bending respectfully, waiting for the people inside to come out.

Shiba Miyuki was still completely stunned, as if she hadn't reacted at all and was completely absent-minded.

It wasn't her fault, because this was the first time since she was born that she felt her elder brother's disregard for her.

This made the young girl in this blooming season full of doubts and grievances at the moment.

Only the deacon Hayama was full of vigilance, and even leaned forward half a step, vaguely protecting Siba Miyuki behind him.

Shiba Tatsuya's state is not right, Hayama is very sure about this matter.

Because something was wrong, Siboda would never defy Miyuki-sama, the situation just now was absolutely abnormal.

Is there a mental problem?

Ye Shan frowned and thought, while his eyes were still fixed on the direction where the car door opened.

"Long time no see, Shiba-san!"

The familiar male voice awakened Shiba Miyuki who was in a dazed state, but when she saw the person getting off the car, her eyes once again fell into a daze.

"Jiu Dao, why are you here?"

This is the Yotsuba family, although she is already aware of the exposure of her and her brother's hidden identities.

But this is the Yotsuba family, a forbidden area that outsiders are absolutely not allowed to enter. Only members of the Yotsuba family can enter, even members of the Ten Master Clan are absolutely not allowed.

Why did my elder brother bring this outsider to me, why did my elder brother suddenly treat me so indifferently.

The continuous incomprehensible questions echoed in Shiba Miyuki's little head, causing her brain to completely shut down.

After all, with Shiba Miyuki's upbringing, he would never show such a gaffe expression.

But there was no way, Siboda also ignored her, the impact was a bit too strong for her.

But Deacon Hayama is completely different. His old wrinkled hands have already touched the CAD on his wrist.

"Your Excellency Jiu Dao, please explain why you came here suddenly, otherwise I will regard you as an enemy and expel you."

As the chief deacon of the Yotsuba family, it is impossible for Hayama not to recognize William's appearance.

But it was because of his understanding that the vigilance in his heart was raised to the highest point, but it was also because of his understanding that he did not choose to do it directly, but first warned him.

This was not only because of William's identity, but also because Shiba Tatsuya had already touched his own CAD, which put heavy pressure on Hayama.

It is impossible for him to beat Tatsuya Shiba, it is inevitable.

I am in trouble, and the Yotsuba family is in trouble!

This is the only thought in Ye Shan's mind at the moment.

"Don't be so aggressive, Tatsuya!"

William stretched out his hand to hold Shiba Tatsuya's hand, and pressed down his left hand holding the silver tuft.

"Didn't you see that Siba-senpai is completely stunned now! It's an order to have a good chat with Siba-senpai."

The blond young man smiled gently, as warm as a spring breeze.

The word "order" also made Shiba Tatsuya's empty pupils regain some of their spirits. Looking at his sister who used to always tug at his heartstrings, he nodded flatly and tastelessly.


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