Hayama directly wanted to remind Shiba Miyuki who hadn't noticed the seriousness of the matter.

But after the word popped out of his mouth, he found that his mouth seemed to be completely sealed.

He also felt an unbearable pressure on his body, which firmly fixed his body in place, unable to move.

She could only watch Tatsuya Shiba helplessly, and Miyuki Shiba, who was timidly following behind Tatsuya Shiba, gradually drifted away towards the courtyard of Yotsuba's house.

It wasn't until the two figures had completely disappeared from his sight that he felt that his mouth regained the ability to move.

"what did you do to me."

Ye Shan's face was full of anger, he wanted to do something, but the only moving part of his body was his mouth.

For him in this state, impotent and furious might be the most appropriate way to describe him.

"It's nothing, I just felt that what you said just now would cause unnecessary trouble, so I just tightened up your actions."

Ye Shan was still struggling hard, trying to shake William's spirit of speech.

But this is completely useless, he does not understand the Lingling system, he wants to use brute force to break free... At least he has the strength to move mountains with his bare hands, so he can barely try.

"what do you want to do."

Ye Shan has calmed down, this is a helpless move, because he has realized that no matter how hard he struggles, it is useless.

"It's very simple, please contact your Patriarch Maya Yotsuba, I want to see her."


Veins popped up on Ye Shan's forehead, and his aged face seemed to be a little rosy due to the sudden surge of emotion.

"Don't be like this, you can report all the abnormalities you see here to Miss Yotsuba, and let her decide whether to see me or not!"

Facing Ye Shan who was still full of anger, William narrowed his eyes slightly.

The invisible pressure increased again, so heavy that Ye Shan even felt that he was about to lose his standing.

The courteous treatment he has given to the Yotsuba family is quite enough now, and what will happen to the Yotsuba family in the future depends on the choice of the housekeeper and Patriarch Maya Yotsuba.

Although the weather has gradually become cooler, it is far from the point where you will feel the chill.

But at this moment, in Ye Shan's heart, what he felt was the chill that penetrated into the bone marrow.

"Help me lift the arm restriction! At least I need to contact Maya-sama."

This is a compromise, and it is also a decision after Ye Shan's careful consideration.

Because he couldn't see a way to forcibly kill or repel the man in front of him, in today's Yotsuba family, the most powerful is the head of the Yotsuba Maya, followed by him as the chief deacon.

But even if it was him, he was controlled by unknown means and couldn't move at the same time.

In addition, in terms of magical characteristics, Shiba Tatsuya completely restrained Patriarch Yotsuba Maya's "Meteor Shower".

At this moment, Ye Shan feels very sincerely, if it can be resolved peacefully, let's resolve it peacefully!


William nodded slightly.

Ye Shan immediately felt that his arm was moving again, and he didn't delay at all, he took out his phone and dialed it directly.

It didn't take long for the phone to ring, and it was connected directly.


It was a female voice that came out of the phone, and the voice revealed a feeling of laziness and charm.

Even if he didn't directly see his own appearance, he felt that he could imagine the beautiful figure and appearance of the woman out of thin air.

"Maya-sama, Tatsuya-sama have returned safely."

"Really, isn't that great! After Tatsuya and Miyuki finish talking, let him come to my room, I have something to ask him."

Yotsuba Maya on the other end of the phone was unhurried and said slowly.

"Maya-sama, something went wrong just now, Tatsuya-sama came back under control."

Up to now, Hayama still thinks that William used some method to temporarily control Shiba Tatsuya's thoughts, so that Shiba Tatsuya also forgot about his attachment to Shiba Miyuki.

In fact, it was Tatsuya Shiba who completely erased the attachment to Miyuki Shiba from his mind.


Yotsuba Maya showed a surprised voice.

"Also, the person currently controlling Tatsuya-sama is His Excellency Kushima Mitsunobu, grandson of Lord Miyuki and classmate of Lord Miyuki."

"There is one more thing that I am ashamed to say. This subordinate is currently completely controlled by His Excellency Jiu Dao Guangxuan."

"I can only watch Tatsuya-sama take Miyuki-sama away."

The other end of the phone was silent, and there was no reply for a long time.

However, this is a normal phenomenon. Even Yotsuba Maya, who suddenly received so many shocking news, was completely unable to react for a while.

Another few seconds passed!

On the other end of the phone came Yotsuba Maya's charming voice like a fox again.

"Is the Jiudao family planning to go to war with the Yotsuba family?"

William raised his eyebrows, raised his hand towards Ye Shan, and immediately released the restrictions imposed on Ye Shan.

As expected of Ye Shan, who has been working as a deacon for many years, even if he is not serving his master, he still immediately paid attention to William's meaning.

Ye Shan, who regained control of his body, put his phone in William's hand with both hands.

Then he calmly stood opposite William.

As a result, William, who got the call, put the phone directly to his ear.

"Patriarch Yotsuba, I came here with sincerity."

"If you really want to go to war with the Yotsuba family, then Tatsuya-kun and I won't be the only ones here."

"Is that so, but in my opinion, if you control Tatsuya-kun, even if you don't bring a lot of people here, you are more than enough to fight against us Yotsuba."

The smell of gunpowder in Maya Yotsuba's tone was very serious.


"So, are you prepared to decline a face-to-face meeting?"

In the villa directly in front of him, he could feel the magicians constantly rushing out from the door, exuding fluctuations.

William's voice has completely cooled down, and the spiritual power in his body has gradually shown a tendency to riot.

Just like what he once said, whether the Yotsuba family submits or not doesn't mean much to him.

It's just a sudden thought when I have nothing to do.

Anyway, Shiba Tatsuya has already acquired the most important things of the Yotsuba family.

"No, I'm ready to accept your invitation. After all, I don't have the confidence to be an enemy of that child!"

"Really, the magician in your courtyard didn't reveal what you wanted to talk about at all."

William sneered.

"Hey! After all, she is just a weak woman. With Ye Shan already under your control, it is normal to want to arrange a good manpower around the peace talks."

Yotsuba Maya's voice returned to the unhurried state before, and the sound of high heels kicking on the floor could still be heard from the phone.

She is really moving.

"In the side yard, I have already set up the table, Mr. Guangxuan, do you want to come?"

In this regard, William did not reply, but just pressed the call button of the mobile phone, hung up Ye Shan's call, and then threw it back into Ye Shan's hand.

"lead the way!"

ps: Thanks to Bingtang Michiliu and Natural Black for the tip of the blade.

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Chapter 290 IX No Right to Refuse "4000 Words Request Subscription"

After completely entering the gate of Yotsuba's house, dozens of eyes fell directly on William.

Following behind Ye Shan, walking on the flagstone road paved with bluestone, the magician arranged by Maya Yotsuba can be seen everywhere.

The distance is not so far, go straight and then turn left.

The courtyard of the Yotsuba family has already appeared in front of me. This is a courtyard with an extremely strong Japanese style.

It is quite inconsistent with the European-style villas of the Clover House.

As far as the eye can see, there are carefully placed sculptures piled up with stones. There is also a small artificially dug stream in the courtyard, surrounded by various bright flowers.

The opposite of William's is a circular stone arch bridge. Opposite the stone arch bridge is a pure white table, and the chair next to the table is on it.

The woman sitting on it was wearing a purple dress with a large open collar, revealing large areas of snow and bottomless ravines inside.

The fuchsia skirt was about the length just above the knees, and the slender legs were wrapped in black stockings, which outlined their beautiful legs.

On her little feet, she was wearing wine red high heels, coupled with the tear mole at the corner of the woman's eye, it added a bit of natural charm to the woman's already seductive posture.

She is the head of the Yotsuba family, and one of the world's strongest magicians known as the "Queen of the Far East", Maya Yotsuba.

"I'll just wait here!"

Ye Shan stopped at the head of the bridge, and William ignored him, stepped on the stone slabs of the stone arch bridge, and walked over.

Even without the slightest politeness, he walked to the opposite of Yotsuba Maya, pulled away the only chair that Yotsuba Maya had prepared, and sat down directly.

"Hoohoo! This is really not a gentleman's way at all!"

Maya Yotsuba put down the cup in her hand, covered her red lips with that slender jade hand, and smiled lightly.

"I don't want to do that kind of nonsense when it's not necessary."

William's eyes were indifferent, he leaned on the table with one arm, supported his chin with his palm open, and gently hooked the handle of the cup with the other hand.

"That's not wrong."

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