After Fujisaka Toyoka took Nanakusa Mayumi and Yotsuba Maya into the room, she returned to the door of the cabin and continued her mission.

And the magicians of the Yotsuba and Nanakusa families have also completely boarded the ship.

As for William, it was here that the latest team of magicians arrived today, the team of magicians from the Nine Islands family.

However, the leader of the Jiudao family who came here was completely beyond William's expectations.

It was a blond girl with hair spiraling down on both sides like a drill, blue pupils, and a rather immature face. She was not considered very tall, only about 1.6 meters.

But with such a stature, the girl has a towering height that others can't match.

Maybe this is the ghost of the American blood in the girl!

"Lena, why are you here to lead the team?"

To be honest, this matter is indeed a rare thing that shocked William.

He knew that if his grandfather took custody of the girl, he would definitely plot something against this distant relative.

Unexpectedly, she became the captain of the "Hidden Thorn" of the Jiudao family's magician unit.

And this magician unit, William has also carefully observed, this is the most elite unit that belongs to his grandfather.

This army has always been the army that his father in this world, Shingon Nine Islands, has always wanted to control.

Because this unit represents the highest level of combat effectiveness of the Nine Islands.

"Why, aren't you going back to America?"


Lina laughed sarcastically, and then said angrily.

"As the few enemies who know your true colors, do you think that old man will really let me go back!"

"What's more, I don't know what method he used to get USNA to list me as a traitor. I don't even know how to explain it now."

In the beginning, the innocent Lena thought that this distant relative of hers was a good person. She rescued herself from the bad guys and provided her with warm accommodation.

Apart from the lack of freedom of movement, Lina really didn't think there was anything bad about it.

She also thinks that is very good, after all, she is a prisoner and there is nothing to be picky about.

After that, she waited for the United States to extradite her back under this rather loose surveillance.

But who knew, what she was waiting for turned out to be an arrest warrant from the United States.

There is also her own father who was forcibly taken away by Retsu Kudao, there is no other way, Lina can only obey Retsu Kudao's order, and lead the "hidden thorn" of the Jiudao family to the new world for a journey.

To guarantee the life of my only relative in this world, my father.

"Really, I think your fate is pretty good."

In William's eyes, Kudao's operation is quite normal. It seems that Lina knows the truth of this incident. If Kudao is released, it will definitely be a fatal blow.

After all, the mysterious forces attacking countries all over the world turned out to be the grandson of the Kushima family in Japan.

Once this matter is confirmed, Japan will be targeted from all over the world in an instant.

Even for a country like the United States, it is definitely not impossible to directly unite with other countries to attack Japan.

And now that Japan has lost the strategic-level magician Shiba Tatsuya, and the strongest magician family, the Yotsuba family.

Japan really does not have the ability to go to war with two military powers at the same time.


Lina snorted coldly, but her expression and movements at the moment not only didn't look fierce, but added a bit of cuteness.

"Anyway, I'll ask you first!"

William reached out and rubbed the girl who looked like a golden retriever. (The original book is a defeated dog)

Lina also immediately stretched out her little hand, and pulled off the big hand on her head.

"You don't need to say, since I have accepted the task, I will carry it out properly."

Lina, who left behind those words, turned her head and left, following the end of the Jiudao family's team of magicians, and went to board the ship.

With the opening of the gate to the world of Blood Devouring Attack, Leviathan gradually disappeared in this world.

Only the ten angels from the blood-devouring attack world, headed by Fujisaka Toyoka, remained in place.

There is also Himeragi Yukina who can transform into an angel at any time.

"Then let's go!"

The deep, dark, mysterious, and twisted door opened again, and William walked in directly.

Himeragi Yukina and Fujisaka Touka didn't hesitate at all, they retracted their wings and followed William into the door to another world.

Labyrinth City Orari!

Famous for being built on top of an underground city, it is a circular city as a whole, surrounded by a solid city wall.

Outside the city wall is an endless wilderness.

Inside the city wall, there are many buildings of various styles.

In the center of the city, there is a tall tower standing there, almost breaking through the clouds.

That is the building built at the entrance of the dungeon and used as a cover for the dungeon - the Tower of Babel.

If you look down from the top, you can clearly see that there are eight main roads leading in eight directions in the city of Orario, all of which are connected to the tower.

On the other hand, the Adventurers Square built around the Tower of Babel is full of people.

Because it's afternoon time!

At this time, it is the peak time for adventurers to explore the dungeon every day. The adventurers who are nocturnal and nocturnal are the time when they have just woken up and their mental and physical states are at their best.

But at this moment, in the sky above Olalie, a group of angels who followed William are hovering here.

"Master, this city seems strange."

Fujisaka Toka looked at William beside her with a strange expression.

You know, they were so frightened just now, from the moment they came out of the space gap, she felt at least a hundred eyes scanning their positions.

If William hadn't led them to hide in time and eliminated her aura, she guessed that she would have been exposed by now.

In a small city, there are so many strong people hidden. Toyoka Fujisaka said that this city is strange, but there is nothing wrong with it.

Himeragi Yukina also tugged at the corner of William's clothes, looking a little scared.

"That's right, I also forgot to tell you about the specific situation of this century."

A brilliant golden look burst out, wrapping up the crowd, and then slowly landed on the wilderness outside O'Lari.

At the moment when the air dissipated, the spells that covered everyone also dissipated. If you observe carefully, a crescent-like symbol appeared on the foreheads of all the girls.

"You were discovered because the air you exude all the time is too eye-catching and familiar to these guys."

"This is a seal that can temporarily seal your aura. When you need to do something, just break through the seal and you can return to your normal state."

Fujisaka Toyoka touched the mark on his forehead, then nodded slightly.

"Then, let me explain the situation in this world."

"The sight you felt just now is all gods, real gods, gods who are much stronger than the true ancestors of your world."

This scene can be said to be so quiet that even a needle dropped on the ground can be heard.

But the problem is, it's outside now!

The bodies of the angels trembled slightly!

Their strength is definitely at the top in the world of Blood Devouring Attack. It can be said that no one can beat them in a one-on-one situation except for True Ancestor and William.

Doesn't this mean that there are hundreds of people in this world who are stronger than them!

"Okay, you don't have to worry so much, these gods are all in a state of being unable to make a move."

"Because all of their strength is sealed, once they use their true strength, they will be sent back to the heavens immediately."

As William's voice fell, all the girls put on strange expressions and looked at William in surprise.

William also began to explain to them in detail what needs attention in this world.

This is a world where the gods and Buddhas use the lower realm as a playground to develop their own dependents, just like a game.

The gods and demons are the players, and the dependents who develop are the chess pieces in their hands.

From this point of view, the world is not very dangerous.

Because among the family members that have developed so far, the one with the highest ability value is the Freya family's "Fighter" Ota, whose level is LV7.

But in fact, the strength of an adventurer is just that. In a real benchmark, Ota's strength is about the same as his slap in the face.

But who can guarantee that those gods will really not make a move!

Even if they are really sent back to the heavens, it should be possible to hit with all their strength before going back!

It was because of this that he came to this world without those unnecessary burdens.

He only brought the ten most powerful angels in his hands plus Himeragi Yukina who can transform into an angel at any time.

Only they have the ability to block the blow of the gods.

After explaining the world to Fujisaka Touka and the others, William brought his guards, Himeragi Yukina opened the gap again, and went directly to Orario's inside.

He can't be bothered to register from the gate right now.

What's more, with his popularity in Orario, once he appears in Orari's city, he will definitely be overwhelmed by those girls immediately.

This sentence is not an exaggeration at all!

The adventurers are all characters who are drunk now and then. Under such circumstances, most female adventurers don't care much about their chastity.

As long as there is a strong, handsome and opposite sex who meets their courtship standards, these female adventurers will pull them back to their rooms for a love battle.

Especially those Amazon female warriors, they are even more open and unimaginable.

"Master William, we are going there!"

Standing among the endless crowd, Himeragi Yukina looked at William in a daze.

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