In this situation, it is really difficult for the young Himeragi Yukina to understand.

Why are these women wearing clothes that can barely cover their private parts, and they can walk on the street without shyness.


William also pondered for a while, and then made a decision that made Himeragi Yukina extremely angry.

"I'm leaving first, Xuecai, you can find a place to play first!"

Just like that, holding the money bag that William had just placed in her palm, Himeragi Yukina could no longer catch William's figure in her eyes.

William, who completely abandoned Himeragi Yukina, did not feel any guilt in his heart.

After all, where he came now, he absolutely couldn't bring a girl with him, or the goddess whom he felt owed a lot would definitely tear her apart.

So where does he stand now?

This is not a very big mansion, and the front of the house is paved with white stone slabs.

The mansion is a wooden country-style building with a spiral lace gate and an atrium full of flowers and trees.

And just above the roof of the house, there is a flag with a symbol of the moon and a bow and arrow fluttering in the wind.

The whole gives people a very warm feeling.

Just above the door plate at the gate is engraved with the name of the mansion "Artemis Court".

Maybe it was just the right time for him to come!

The person he wanted to meet happened to be still in this city, and he happened to be pruning the excess branches of the trees in the courtyard.

The aqua-blue hair casually fell to the waist, and the face that was so exquisite that people would be amazed directly. This is not the face that a human being should have, she should be a goddess.

At this moment, the goddess also took off her usual hunter outfit, which was slim and fit for battle, and put on light and fluffy home clothes.

The goddess is wearing an indigo-colored foreign-style long dress. Although her dressing style is conservative, it still highlights her beautiful body curves.

And the bottom of the skirt is perfectly exposed, the goddess's white and flawless calves.

Below the calf is the goddess's delicate feet that are crystal clear like a work of art. The lovely cardamom-like toes are also painted with red nail polish, highlighting a different style.

That's right, where he is now is the residence of the Artemis family.

And now in front of him is one of the three virgin goddesses in Greek mythology, the goddess in charge of purity, Artemis!

This is also the person he has always consciously owed a lot to.

Because it was the blessing given to me by the goddess in front of me, which made me open the avenue of becoming a protoss.

It can be said that without this goddess, he would definitely not be what he is now.

But when his relationship with this goddess had just started to improve, he went directly to another world.

Besides, this pure virgin goddess definitely wants the kind of monogamous love that will last forever.

As a result, he is now a super playful carrot!

This is also the reason why he did not return to the Loki family immediately, but chose to meet the goddess first.

Taking a deep breath, William became uncomfortably nervous, walked into the yard with his long legs, and yelled softly.

"Master Artemis!"

ps: Thank you for your support, please rest assured to subscribe, after the author's long-term hard work, the manuscript has been finished with only [-] words, thank you for your support, don't be afraid of my appendix and running away

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The meeting scene is not so touching!

After all, in terms of the timeline, it has only been half a month since William left this world.

And half a month is too short for the adventurers of Orario.

It takes at least ten days to go to a dungeon to come to this long-term expedition.

As the Goddess stepped into the door of the "Artemis Court", William also witnessed Artemis' residence in this Orario for the first time.

The interior decoration can be said to reflect the decoration method of the goddess' character, and everything is in the minimalist architectural style.

The house is full of wooden furniture with log color as the main color. Although it is an extremely simple style, there are all the tables, chairs, benches and sofas that should be there.

The inside of the room is also quite tidy, and the wooden floor has even been wiped to the point of reflection.

Sitting on a wooden chair, William looked around at all of this.

At the same time, he was also thinking of ways to organize his words, thinking about how to speak to the goddess later.


A pure white jade hand that was as delicate as a work of art was placed in front of him holding a teacup emitting dense mist.

"Why do you have time to come to my place today!"

Then, what William saw was the slim figure of Artemis.

And Artemis' tone was also full of joy, obviously very happy.

It's no wonder that in the eyes of this lord goddess, she gave her first kiss just ten days ago, and it was the time when she first fell in love.

At this time, his lover came to see him, and it was rare for Artemis to show the attitude of such a little daughter.


William opened his mouth in embarrassment, until now, he didn't know how to open his mouth.

After all, facing Artemis and Nanakusa Mayumi is different.

Nanakusa Mayumi knew very early on that he was not a dedicated person, so at that time he was able to confess directly without any burden.

As for Artemis, he was really afraid that his wording hadn't been used well, which would cause the goddess to be furious, and she would directly unseal her divine power and return to the heaven.

You know, in mythology, this goddess has never been a good-tempered master.

"Ha ha--!"

Artemis stretched out her little hand and covered her little mouth, thinking that William was shy in this situation.

However, she immediately corrected her expression, and her facial expression became more serious.

"William, what is the "divinity" in you. "

When they met just now, she was purely happy and didn't pay too much attention to the changes in William.

But when she was making tea just now, the changes in William could no longer be hidden.

There is no way, the divinity in William's body now is like a brilliant sun suddenly appearing in the dark night to her, dazzling and dazzling.

This kind of exuberant divinity is not as good as even her own.

This kind of change is really too sudden. Even if she has confidence in William, the growth rate is a bit too much.

However, at this moment, her heart is still full of joy.

What does something like "divinity" mean in this world.

It is a status symbol of a god, and it is a property that only a god can possess.

But when such a change occurs to a mortal, it means that the mortal is transforming into a divine body.

Just like Olalie now, adventurers who can reach LV5 actually have a little bit of divinity in their bodies,

It's just that this bit of divinity is like a weak candle, and it's hard to thrive.

As for William's level, to put it bluntly, even gods can't compare to him.

Looking at the probing eyes of the goddess in front of him, William knew that because of his momentary negligence, he had no way out at all.

"I know, but you have to promise me that no matter what I say next, you must remain calm."

"I understand, you can become a god, there must be many incredible things."

"But don't worry! I'm a god, how could I make a fuss like I haven't seen the world before."

Artemis patted his towering chest very confidently, and said confidently.

Horizontal is a knife, vertical is also a knife!

Sooner or later, he will be stabbed like this!

I just hope that there will be no uncontrollable situation later!With this in mind, William did not choose to transmit the memory images directly, but chose to state everything with his mouth.


About two hours passed like this, and the members of the Artemis family still didn't appear to be back.

This is also the normal life of the Artemis family.

Because the Artemis family is a rare expeditionary family in Orario, and they often accept the missions of Orario going out.

And most of these missions are in various dangerous places all over the world, so it is said that members of the Artemis family spend almost four-fifths of their time in the wilderness far away from the city.

So every time they finish the task and go back to Olalie to rest, they will play wildly to soothe their spirits.

However, thanks to this, William was able to slowly explain all this to the Hunting Goddess.

But obviously, our Lady Hunting Goddess doesn't seem to be able to withstand as much as she swore just now.

But what makes William more strange is that the lady goddess suddenly became dazed, and it wasn't the time when he was talking about how many confidante he had.

It was when he said that he had the ability to completely change the biological race and prolong its lifespan, this goddess fell into a daze.

"I'm back to my senses, I'm back to my senses!"

He stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Artemis' eyes.

Could it be that the instant blow was a bit big?In that case, his crime is really too great. At this moment, his heart is full of worries.


Although Artemis replied, he still didn't fully recover, his pupils were still constricted, and his cherry lips were fluttering.

But after all, he was a god, and after a short time, Artemis finally turned around completely.

As strange as William was, the goddess came back to her senses, and the first sentence she opened her mouth was.

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