"Can you really change the life race of a species and make them live longer?"

It's very strange, William's heart is very strange now.

However, due to his current state of being a sinner, he didn't dare to ask rhetorical questions, so he could only nod yes and answer Artemis' question.

"To the maximum extent, how long can the lifespan of the reformer reach?"

This situation seemed to be really important to Artemis, she asked directly without stopping for a moment.

"If you completely become my family member, there will be no life limit."

"It can be said that life and death are completely bound to me, and naturally I have obtained the life span of immortality."


This lady goddess seemed to have completely let go of her strength all of a sudden, and she collapsed on the table without any image.

That delicate pretty face was also completely pressed on the table, and if her family members saw it, they would probably start screaming immediately.

Because they have never seen the noble, elegant, and beautiful goddess of their own family have such a gaffe.

It's over, the blow is suddenly a bit big?

This was the first thought in William's mind at the moment, and he immediately took action, trying to help the goddess up.

But when his body approached, he heard the faint murmur of the goddess.

"It's over, isn't my plan completely useless?"

The plan is useless?what's the plan?

William's hands froze immediately, and his whole body became rigid.

At this time, the curiosity in his heart suddenly rose, and he temporarily forgot about his current situation, and asked this sentence out of nowhere.

However, Artemis is also in an abnormal state at this moment, and he answered William's words.

"What else can it be? Of course, after your confidante has aged naturally, the two of us will stay together and fly together soon."


Although it was just a picture in the artistic conception, William seemed to feel that there were three crows flying over the room.

Artemis also reacted belatedly, her rosy skin was immediately filled with an ambiguous pink, and her ears became hot.

She also immediately sat up from the state of lying on the table, covering her face with her hands, looking very shy.


Silently withdrew his hand, and returned to his seat so quietly that he didn't make a sound.

In just a short moment just now, relying on his powerful analytical ability, he came up with a terrifying answer.

That is, this lady goddess has long known that she has other confidante.

Artemis is too embarrassed at the moment!

This was unintentionally expressing what was in her heart.

That's right, William has long had other confidante, and she has known about this for a long time.

After all, in this world, when William was in contact with several girls who had an ambiguous relationship, he never shy away from it.

Naturally, this lady goddess has known about it for a long time.

However, she has nothing to be discouraged or angry, after all, according to the order, she is actually the latecomer.

She is not an arrogant and domineering goddess, if she will force William to be with her, she will abandon other girls.

However, it is impossible to give up William.

Because her destined lover's artifact had already made a choice for her, she chose William Sfengel.

Therefore, the only candidate for her is William who holds the "Arrow of Orion".

At this time, what should we do!

At this time, Letesa reminded her with an unintentional remark.

That is, the lives of mortals are limited, and the gods are really good.

Like enlightenment, a brand new idea filled Artemis' mind.

Her original plan was to wait for the time being, waiting for all of William's confidante to grow old. During this period, she would maintain a normal relationship with William.

In the end, naturally, she was the only one left by William's side.

And she didn't violate her principles.

Of course, this is based on the fact that William gradually gained divinity, and finally his life continued to prolong.

If William fails to become a god, she still has this second plan.

That is, she stopped recruiting new family members, and after waiting for her group of children to leave, she would return to the heavens, pay the price with the god of death, and bring William's soul that had not yet been reincarnated to her Moon Realm Sacred Palace.

Give him a new body, and the two will live together forever in the heavens.

It can be said that Artemis' plan is very perfect. If William is an aboriginal at the wrong time, there is nothing wrong with her plan at all.

But the problem now is that William is not an aboriginal, and when he obtains eternal life with her forever, eternal life.

He can also give his other confidante eternal life.

This is where Artemis is in a dilemma and doesn't know what to do.

But at this moment, William's heart was filled with ecstasy.

As I said before, he has guessed Artemis' thoughts through the comprehensive information fragments, while lamenting the high-end operation of Artemis.

He also felt that the problems that bothered him seemed to be solved.

After a long time, Artemis still maintained this posture, not daring to move the little hands covering his face.

"Master Artemis?"

William called softly, but Artemis didn't answer, only the perfect body with bumps and convexities was trembling slightly.

I smiled secretly in my heart.

William stood up from the chair, then walked slowly to Artemis' side, leaning his face against Artemis' ear.

As the man's scorching breath scraped against Artemis' neck, Artemis shuddered directly, and her delicate body could not help but move back, trying to avoid William's approach.

"Then I'll come back to ask Lord Artemis the answer in a few days."

The sound gradually faded away, and Artemis moved away the pretty face covered by his hands when he suddenly remembered the loud sound of closing the door.

Then with a deep sigh, the lady goddess collapsed on the table again.

"What should I do!"

"What do you mean?"

It was the head of the Artemis family, Letesa with fiery red hair who was as passionate as a flame, who opened the door and entered.

Behind her is also followed by a group of Yingyingyanyan girls.

"You are back, Letesa!"

The main god of her family is still so perfect, holy, and beautiful. Just sitting there, Letesa has a high respect and love for Artemis.

But, was it just her illusion?

Why did she seem to see her Lord God lying on the table in a very shapeless manner, moaning.

"Hey, Lord Artemis, do you have any troubles?"

Lanti, who was the liveliest and could not read his face, jumped out from behind Letesa immediately, asking Artemis.

"No, it's okay, you heard wrong."

ps: Thank you Rabino of the Nether for the reward, please subscribe and vote, thank you very much.

Chapter 4000 The slave family has no opinion "[-] words for subscription"

The wind whistling around here!

The location of Orario is actually similar to the tropics in the earth, where the temperature is normal in all seasons, and there is almost no cold time.

But now, at this season, if you stand at an altitude of 80 meters, you will feel the slightest chill.

The howling wind kept blowing, and the girl stood on the second tallest building in Olalie, looking at the whole picture of Olalie with a cold expression.

Don't get me wrong, the girl is not actually admiring the sight of Orario.

The back was a little bleak, the girl clenched her silver teeth, she was actually looking for the lord who ruthlessly left her behind just now.

"Why didn't you shop around, didn't I give you money?"

At a certain moment, a somewhat dumbfounded voice sounded from behind the girl.

After the girl heard the sound, the tiles she was stepping on shattered immediately, and the spear in her hand unfolded in an instant, stabbing behind her without hesitation.


The sharp tip of the gun was actually gently held against by the man's fingertips, no matter how hard the girl tried, the gun body was in a state of being unable to penetrate an inch.

"I said Xuecai, why are you so angry?"

It's good that the man didn't speak, but when he spoke, Himeragi Yukina immediately became ashamed and annoyed, the silver teeth in his mouth were almost crushed.

"Throwing your guards on the street at will, and you don't know what to do, you have the nerve to ask me why I am so angry."

Not only is the anger rising, Himeragi Yukina is also full of grievances at the moment.

She just wants to do her own task well, why is it so difficult!She often loses the sword shaman who protects the target. She thinks she is the only one in the entire Lion King mechanism.

Himeragi Yukina has a not-so-good problem, that is, she is prone to rage without knowing it, and after the rage, her observation of the surrounding environment will suddenly drop.

Like now!

Her feet suddenly stepped on the air, she lost her mind for a moment, and Himeragi Yukina seemed to fall headlong.


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