Santiao Yechun Ji came out with a bowl of steaming noodles, and put it on the table made by Luo Ji.

Loki immediately regained his vitality and sucked up the noodles.

When she was halfway through eating, she suddenly stopped her chopsticks, chewing something in her mouth, and said with some slurred words:

"By the way, what about William, isn't he with you?"

Loki, who did not give up, still wanted to do his best to keep Sanjo Yeharuhime here.

"Master William said that there is something to do in the dungeon this morning."

"And I also have a lot of things to pack, so I can't go with Lord William."

Haruhime Sanjo said with a smile, not being influenced by this guy Loki at all.

"Going to the dungeon?"

Loki stopped eating noodles immediately, trying his best to swallow the last mouthful of noodles in his mouth.

"What's the use of him going to the dungeon now?"

Just yesterday, Loki had thoroughly understood William's current specifications, which was far beyond her level.

She didn't think that the dungeon today would be attractive to that guy.

"It seems to be about solving the last trouble! After all, I was too tired in the morning, and I didn't hear what Lord William said clearly."

"Solve the trouble?"

A question mark appeared in Loki's head.


Sanjo Yeharuhime's face was a little shy because of what happened in the morning.

"It seems that she said to go with Ais-sama!"


The floor of the Loki family canteen is the kind of floor paved with bluestone, because Loki's chopsticks made a crisp sound immediately when they fell on the ground.

"Well, Chun Ji, you heard me right in the morning, right?"

The current Loki is that kind, slightly dazed, with an expression of not being able to believe his ears.

"It should be true! When Refia complained in the morning, she said the same thing."

Regarding this point, Santiao Yechun Ji still nodded affirmatively, making sure that she was not wrong.

Next up!

The heart-piercing shouts immediately shook the entire Loki family.

"William, you bastard."

The shouts of the entire family resounded, and even Finn in the office heard it for real, and almost threw the pen in his hand out.

"What the hell is Loki doing?"

Looking out the window with some headaches, Finn said helplessly.

"I don't know what the hell Loki is, but it's absolutely true that William is an asshole."

What made this usually elegant and noble elf royal family show such a gritted expression!

At this moment, Rivilia was hugging her tea pot, looking at the tea leaves that had almost bottomed out, feeling distressed to death.

Fortunately, after she learned that her disciple had returned yesterday, she was quite happy!

As a result, now, it is better to go as far as possible.

"never mind!"

Shaking his head, the head of the family continued to work hard. He was in charge of such a large family, and now he was about to start an expedition again. His daily work was very hard.

Accompanied by a heavy trembling sound, the big foot that had been like a tower slammed on the ground, causing the ground to shake suddenly, and the whole cave room trembled accordingly, sprinkling countless dust.

A huge humanoid monster with a height of nearly ten meters, the floor master named Goliath trampled on the ground like this, raised his fist and swung a blow like a gust of wind.

All of a sudden, the silver light flickered!

The girl wielding the silver holy spear, carrying the violent thunder, directly cut through the giant's muscles and bones, pierced its skin, and directly shattered the giant's core.

The scene is not earth-shattering, but it is definitely shocking.

At least that's the expression on Ai Si's face right now, she looked at the short-haired girl in a sailor suit in front of her in surprise.

Killing Goliath alone was no problem for Ais.

But she definitely can't do it so easily and freely. If she is asked to come, at least she needs to deal with it for a while, and then find an opportunity to kill with one blow.

In other words, the only adventurer in Orario who can kill Goliath in an instant is Ota, the "violent" of the Freya family.

In the end, does William's friend have such strength?

Silent Ais stared blankly at William who was stroking the wall of sighs, lost in thought.

And what is William doing now!

He is now carefully observing the dungeon, which is constantly producing monsters.

From his perspective just now, he almost completely dissected the process of giving birth in the dungeon.

When he put his hand on the wall of sighs, he looked directly at the energy gathered in the wall, watched the energy materialize, and turned into a magic stone that was almost as tall as his current height, and then the magic stone absorbed the surrounding The heterogeneous energy formed just now the floor master, Goliath!

In fact, from his point of view, there is no sense of disobedience in treating the dungeon as another god in this world.

Combined with the history of this world, we can know.

The reason for the birth of this dungeon should be that the self-protection consciousness of the planet is at work.

Its purpose should be to suppress the development of human civilization in this world, so monsters are continuously created.

So the dungeon is immortal, because it represents the planet itself.

In this way, it is understandable why the gods will be rejected once they enter the dungeon.

As for William entering here, the reason why he has not been rejected by the dungeon is probably because he is not from this world.

The method of identifying gods in this dungeon doesn't seem to work on him.

"Let's go, Yukina, Ace!"

Silently withdrew his palm, and the light blue light curtain once again enveloped Himeragi Yukina and Aisi.


Above the gray dome, grains of purple magic stones shone faintly, illuminating the uneven ground.

On this ground, a huge shadow hangs over everything.

It was a monster of the opposite sex.

With a huge body more than six meters high, it exudes a cold temperament all over its body, and its whole body is made of dense white bones.

Huge body, ferocious horns, hollow eye sockets with faint candlelight flickering in the hollow.

It holds a dark long sword in one hand, and as a monster, the most important magic stone is on his chest.

After killing the No.17 floor master, Goliath.

In just half an hour, the three of them crossed the 30th floor and came directly to the No.[-] seventh-floor owner "Udaios".

However, in front of this huge monster with a height of six meters, just below its sword tip, a figure that looked quite small stood under it.

There is no fear in the eyes!

The appearance of her holding a silver gun is like a Valkyrie in Norse mythology, majestic and heroic.

"These monsters are really weak, they are no different from those adventurers!"

The monster understood the girl's voice?

Normally, it is impossible, because monsters are irrational creatures.

Udaios tightly held the long sword with his bony hands, opened his mouth and roared in a short moment of concentration and solemnity!


The huge roar even shook the entire floor, countless gravel and dust were scattered from the roof, and the ground was suddenly filled with gunpowder smoke.

In the midst of this roar of anger, the monster swung its big sword vigorously, swirled the air around it, and slashed straight at the girl with majestic momentum.

To this, Himeragi Yukina had no unnecessary reaction.

He just silently raised the Xuexia wolf over his shoulder, then held the silver gun in one hand, and then threw it forward forcefully.

The lasing spear pierced the air, with a piercing sound, as if entering the land of no one, it tore up the huge long sword and strangled the long bony arm.


In the end, the silver spear pierced the huge magic stone in Udaios' chest.

Immediately afterwards, spider web-like patterns spread across the top of the magic stone, with Himeragi Yukina's Xuexia wolf at the center.

"Another blow!"

Ais, who was standing quietly beside William, didn't know what to say at this moment.

"Then, go ahead!"

"There is no need to kill the floor masters after that."

He has experienced the changes in the dungeon giving birth many times, and now he has no interest in this dungeon.

In summary, this dungeon is definitely interesting.

But it can't be said to be useful, in case there is no need to learn from it at all.

In this way, the group of three people continued to move forward, and within a short period of time, they went down another thirteen floors!

The building owner on the 49th floor just now, Barol, was directly ignored by William.

Therefore, it was also lucky to survive for a while, waiting for the family members of the next expedition to knock it down.

As for now, they are on the deep edge of the dungeon!

The entrance to the ultra-deep layer is also the last safe floor in the entire dungeon.

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