Right next to a pile of bright campfires.

Amidst the crackling sound of firewood, the three people who had been in the dungeon just now were sitting gracefully on the stools they found somewhere.

The man is drinking black tea elegantly!

The two girls slowly savored the box lunch they bought in the morning.

Aisi, who was eating, was in quite a complicated mood.

Today she experienced too many things that she was shocked to the point of unbelievable.

First it was the light curtain released by William, but after being covered by that light curtain, even if they passed in front of the monster, the monster didn't notice it at all.

Moreover, that light curtain seemed to have an auxiliary effect, because she felt that her speed had been strengthened a lot invisibly.

And the girl who is currently opposite her!

Strength, really——

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-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Strength, strength is really——

It's too abnormal!

She thought she was a girl who could be compared to Freya's Familia "Fighter" Ota, but she realized that she was totally wrong.

Even Ota couldn't complete an instant kill on No. 30, the seventh-floor master, Udaios.

Regarding this point, she who has been in a state of confrontation with the Freya family all the year round is the clearest.

Also, what happened to William who displayed this special ability, she had never seen William use this ability before.

If the girl named Himeragi Yukina showed such strength, after all, she would attract competition from many main gods of Orario.

The ability to ignore monsters shown by William will definitely attract the madness of the gods of Orario.

This is like the capability of war nuclear bombs.

Even Ais, who is usually too lazy to care about this issue, can clearly realize the horror of this ability.

For example, the dungeon level they are in now.

This is an absolute forbidden zone for all the family members of Olali. In the whole of Olali, only the Loki family, the Freya family, and the Ganesha family can reach here.

But even for them, it would take at least a week to get here from the first floor.

During this period, a lot of materials will be consumed, and every time they arrive here, they will not be able to explore deeper floors due to insufficient materials.

Of course, these are all good.

The bug that really reflects this ability is that he can evacuate the battlefield at any time, which means that with this ability, when they are unable to explore due to injuries, they can evacuate the battlefield without casualties.

A lot of questions linger in Aisi's heart, and they won't go away for a long time.

In the dancing flames, the burning firewood made a crackling sound.

"You, what's going on here."

In the end, Ai Si still couldn't hold back the doubts in her heart, and spoke to William.

"I'm waiting to see when you'll ask."

Picking up the black tea and putting it in his mouth, he took a sip, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"As for my changes and my strength, let's wait for a while and talk about it later. Now I will answer your question first."

"Ais, do you know where our final destination is this time?"

The orange flames reflected Ais's delicate face, and there was a puzzled expression on that delicate face.


Yes, the destination.

It was only then that Ais, who was belatedly aware of it, remembered that this was still an important question.

Without waiting for Aisi to ask, William also put down the cup in his hand without any intention of showing off.

"Our goal this time is the goal that Ai Si has been chasing."

Breathing gradually became heavy, and Aisi's pupils also began to dilate slightly.

"Located in the deepest part of the entire dungeon, the most terrifying monster in the world, the black dragon!"

The wind is blowing gradually!

The colored airflow flowed around Aisi's body, and the gradually agitated airflow directly blew out the still burning fire.

Air currents are rioting!

But if you look closely, there seems to be something mixed in that bright green airflow, and the thing seems to be extremely devouring, swallowing Aisi's innate ability.

"Ace, calm down!"

Frowning, William released his abilities, and quickly completely enveloped the black air surrounding Aisi.

As if in her father's embrace, Aisi, who was gradually losing her mind, suddenly felt a warm feeling that she had not seen for a long time.

My restless heart is becoming calmer.

The pitch-black wind became clear again!

It seems that the black dragon does have a heavy influence on Ai Si, but is this Ai Si's hiding method?

Just at that moment, William felt the power of strong emotions contained in the flowing black air.

It was a feeling of hatred like a demon.

It was only just now that he finally understood why Aisi was regarded as a trump card by the Loki family.

This is not only because of Aisi's unique talent, but also because of her special ability to kill monsters.

Aiz who broke out in this state has a strong ability to restrain the aliens she thinks.

"In this case, with this ability, maybe this time I can really let this girl untie her knot."

That's right, in fact, from a long time ago, William vaguely felt that this girl should be obsessed with those monsters.

That's why he didn't take anyone but this little girl in this action to kill the black dragon.

The purpose is to let this little girl witness the end of the world's strongest monster with her own eyes.

"But now, the plan can be slightly changed."

William didn't say what was in his mind, but now he had a new idea.

It was on Aisi's side, because her mood had gradually calmed down now, and the uncontrollable power of the explosion just now was regained by her.

His eyes became clear again.

"William, do you want to defeat the black dragon?"

Ai Si said very firmly, possessing such magical power, Ai Si naturally would not feel that William is still weak now.

What's more, he also specially called that friend who she couldn't see clearly what his strength was.

In addition, isn't it easy to guess where the black dragon wants to go.

Aisi's tone was very flat when she spoke, but maybe she didn't know it herself, but the unwillingness hidden in the depths was clearly understood by William.

Yes, in the bottom of her heart, Ai Si has actually determined that this man should have the strength to defeat the black dragon.

The little white hands had been clenched unconsciously, and the distribution of blood vessels could even be clearly seen from the taut skin.

"Yeah, I originally thought so."

William nodded his head as a matter of course, and Aisi's hands were clenched even tighter.

"But now my thoughts have changed a bit, does Ace have any idea to do it herself?"

When the voice fell to the ground, he let go of his clenched fists, and a daze appeared on his puzzled little face!

That was the performance of Aisi who was completely absent-minded.

Immediately afterwards, as if she didn't hear what William said clearly, she cast a searching look at William.

William nodded!

"Can I?"

In a battle against monsters, it is not that the more people there are, the better.

If the difference in strength is too great, the weaker person will become a burden to the stronger person, unless the weaker person is elected cannon fodder.

Although she is very unwilling, Ais admits in her heart that there is a gap in strength between herself and the girl named Himeragi Yukina.

With such a self, she doesn't think she has the qualifications to intervene in this battle.

But it was because of this that a strong unwillingness lingered in her heart at this moment.

Obviously, if William and the others succeed, their father's revenge will be avenged.

But she is not reconciled.

If it is really possible, she does not want to borrow the hands of others.

What she hopes is to use the tip of her sword of despair to completely smash the one-eyed dragon's magic stone.

"With your current strength, of course it will be a little difficult."

"So I need to give you something in a short time."

Such a breathless sentence almost made Ai Si lose her breath, and this girl also rarely showed a resentful expression.

However, these are not important, she has been attracted by William's words.

What to give her?

What can make her stronger quickly?

She didn't think that William would arrange a brand new training method for her like before. Although it was effective, it would not immediately increase her strength in a short period of time.

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