What new weapon?

No wonder Ai Si thinks this way. All adventurers in the world think that the only thing that can achieve qualitative growth in a short period of time is to spend time on weapons.

However, Aisi was wrong this time!

What William is going to do is to attack both sides at the same time.

"Ais, do you mind changing your race completely?"

Himeragi Yukina, who was eating silently, suddenly stopped holding the chopsticks and looked at the still dazed girl.

It seems that another mistress will be added.

"Can this defeat the black dragon?"

Without the slightest hesitation, it seems that in Aisi's eyesight, the only thing that needs to be determined is whether she can defeat the black dragon after accepting William's transformation.

"Although I haven't seen the black dragon with my own eyes, after transformation, with your monster killing skills, it should be no problem to pair it with Xuecai."

Although the black dragon is the strongest monster in this world.

But in his prediction, the strength of this black dragon should not be considered very strong.

The remodeled Ais and Xuecai, who has been able to fully control the angel, should be more than enough.

No matter how bad it is, isn't he still here to cover the bottom line!

Big stubble will not come out.


It was still the same as before, without the slightest hesitation, after getting William's affirmative answer, Aisi nodded and agreed directly.

"it is good!"

Gently wave your hand!

William didn't tell Aisi that after becoming his dependent, his life would be affected by him.

Because he'd seen it in Aiz's eyes, and she didn't care about anything else.

Faint particles of golden light emanated from William's body, and then condensed on his chest, forming a black leather classic book.

There are no patterned characters on the cover of the black book, but it just floats there, still bringing the same feeling to Ais and Himeragi Yukina present.

Mysterious, profound, profound, and most importantly, sacred.

Yes, it is holy.

The cover of the book is automatic without wind, and the pages of the book are also flipping. The things recorded on it are shrouded in a mysterious halo. Can't figure out anything.

In the end, the pages of the book turned to the end and stayed on a blank page.


There was a crisp tearing sound, and at the same time William put his fingers on his lips and bit them hard.

The bright red blood beads directly floated on the fingertips, flicked lightly.

The pure white paper was dyed bright red, exuding bright golden brilliance, and slowly submerged into Aisi's body.

"Xue Cai!"


Without waiting for William's order, Yukina's movements were already in progress at the same time. She put down the chopsticks in her hand, ran behind Aisi, and easily supported Aisi's slumped delicate body.

With light armor and the weight of an adult girl, there is no difficulty in front of Himeragi Yukina who is also petite.

William waved his big hand again!

Something like a beach cloth appeared directly on the ground, and Yukina carefully placed Ais on it.

Himeragi Yukina, who had put away Ais, came to William's side.

"Did Lord William transform Miss Wallenstein into an elf?"

Nowadays, the only species that William can transform are elves and girls with psychic qualifications who can be upgraded to angels.

But psychics don't exist in this world.

Therefore, the only things that can be transformed are elves whose combat power is not too strong.

In this regard, William just shook his head.

"What I did for this girl was not just something as simple as an elf."

"Because I found something very interesting when I was remodeling her just now, so I took advantage of the situation and made some changes to her."


Himeragi Yukina couldn't help but have a question mark on her head.

"That's right, in this world, without the popularity of God's Grace in ancient times, how did people fight against powerful monsters!"

"At that time, the gods in the sky were also very distressed."

"Because weak humans cannot resist the slaughter of monsters, they have fallen into the crisis of genocide."

"At this time, warriors who can fight against monsters appear."

While popularizing historical knowledge to Himeragi Yukina, William already felt the trembling of Ais' eyelashes.

"That is an elf who has accepted the power of God and has divine power stored in him."

"And those elves who are completely opposite to other elves are called fairy spirits!"

"Aisi is the girl with the blood of the fairy spirit in her body."

"What I did was to fully bring out her physique, and then signed a contract with Aisi just like those gods."

"That means, William, have you become a god now?"

Ais, who was fully awake, looked at William and said softly.

She already felt it, her body was completely filled with William's power.

Several attack methods and special abilities appeared in his mind.

"These things are not very important."

"The important thing is Ais, you need to control your body with soaring strength in a short time."

"If the time is too slow, I will leave you behind."

"I see!"

After saying that, I will do it. After completing the control of the body, Ai Si only feels that she is full of strength now.

Pull out the rapier at his waist, "Sword of Despair"!

Unexpectedly, at this moment, there was a piercing sound of piercing through the air, and then with a buzzing sound, the long object was delicately inserted into the ground beside her feet.

"You can use this from now on!"

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Chapter 4000 The One-Eyed Dragon King "[-] words for subscription"

Dungeon, No.70 floor!

This is the deepest part of the dungeon that threatens the comfort of the world at all times.

This is a forbidden area for human beings, a field that no one has set foot in since thousands of years ago.

The blue sea is surrounded by lush trees.

There is a soft sandy beach under your feet, and on the edge of the coast, there are many coral-like reefs.

"It's hard to imagine, this is actually the deepest layer of the dungeon, right?"

Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him, the corners of the blond man's mouth raised slightly, and the expression on his face at this moment was one of satisfaction.


"It's hard to imagine that we have passed through so many harsh environments just now."

Himeragi Yukina also had a shocked expression on her face.

The environment of the dungeon, starting from the safety zone on the No. 18th floor, goes deeper and deeper, and the environment will become more and more harsh.

This is the law summed up by all the adventurers.

Just like just now, they passed by first, there are basins where volcanic magma is erupting everywhere, the frozen soil is more than [-] degrees below zero, and the waters are completely filled with seawater without leaving any gaps...

It can be said that starting from the 62nd floor, it gives people the feeling that it is not an area that ordinary people can pass through.

But what is here, is it a resort?

"But doesn't that mean that the Black Dragon is quite good at enjoying it?"

William shrugged his shoulders and stretched out his hand to create a narrow gap in the air.

A whole set of beach leisure equipment fell out of it.

Beach chairs, umbrellas and small white tables.

Just above that little table, there are two cups of triple freshly squeezed juice.

Then, under the helpless gazes of Himeragi Yukina and Aisi's stunned eyes, William lay down on the reclining chair calmly.

After putting on the sunglasses, "Okay, you two, go for it!"

After finishing speaking, it was as if the next thing had nothing to do with him, and he just came here for vacation.

"Well, Lord William, I should leave the next thing to me, but neither of us seems to have the ability to search."

"And it looks like it lives on the bottom of the ocean."

Isn't this natural? Apart from the beach, here is the sea. With the divinity of the black dragon recorded in the hero story, if it is on the ground, it must be visible at a glance.

The silver-white light armor perfectly covered the girl's vital parts.

The girl's delicate face also showed sleepiness, and she followed Himeragi Yukina to William, her pointed ears trembling slightly.

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