William secretly glanced at the glass behind Artemis, and said with a slightly weird expression.

Artemis didn't notice, and the two walked out of the "Artemis Court" side by side.

Just after the two of them walked out of the gate completely, a few little black heads from the window just now jumped out again.

"I said, Letesa, have we been discovered by "Ray Thunder"? (Remarks: I'm afraid you will forget, this is William's title when he was in the wrong place.)

"I feel the same way, so shall we continue to follow?"

"Isn't that of course? This is related to whether we can have a sweet love in the future. Time is very important."

Judging from the skin, this looks like a female warrior from the Amazon tribe.

For the female Amazon warriors who are more dissolute by nature, how long she can stay in Artemis, a family that does not allow love, she really loves Artemis deeply.

"Then let's continue to follow, at most we will be punished by Lord Artemis afterwards."

Lanti, who is often punished by Artemis, has already developed a pair of diamond iron bones. Punishment is nothing more, so I don't have to be afraid at all, okay!

In this way, the Goddess of Protoss walked side by side.

A few little followers followed at a distance of about 100 meters.

"How about just sitting here!"

Along the way, looking at Artemis who turned his head frequently, William snickered secretly, grabbed Artemis' little hand, and pointed to the teahouse beside him.

In fact, Artemis has already felt it, as if someone is following her.

This is her instinct as a hunting goddess. Even in a state where her divine power is sealed, she can rival LV2 adventurers with her superb fighting skills.

If it wasn't for Letesa and the others who knew Artemis very well, it would have been exposed long ago.

"Uh, okay!"

Artemis nodded thoughtfully, and was led into the teahouse by William's hand.

The owner of the teahouse saw the most popular "Thunder" among Goddess and Orari, and immediately prepared the best room in the teahouse for the two of them.

“Very elegant setting!”

Artemis who just sat down couldn't help but admire.

She really likes this fresh and elegant style, it's not so elegant, nor too rigid, just sitting here, as if living in a secluded forest.

"As long as you think it's good, try this black tea. It seems that the boss has taken out the bottom of his press box."

William pursed his lips with a smile, poured a cup of tea for Artemis in a standard manner, and placed it in front of Artemis.

However, Artemis did not drink tea directly, but frowned again, and then asked William with some doubts.

"Did you really not notice that someone was following us?"

"Let's talk about this later!"

"We want to hear Lord Artemis' answer now."

He already knew who the people following him were, and he decided to take advantage of these little girls who had been helping him secretly.

Hearing what William said, Artemis did not continue to pursue this matter, but just stirred the black tea in the cup with a teaspoon.

After taking a sip of the black tea, Artemis spoke quietly.

"Do you still need to ask? I think my attitude along the way should be very obvious."

Now she felt that William was teasing her on purpose!

Those who know her well know what kind of character she is, she is the kind of character that never drags one's feet.

If she really decides to give up William, she won't even receive him the moment he enters the "Artemis Court".

Not to mention going shopping with him, William held her hand, and she didn't have any objection, so she let William hold her hand.

"In that case, let's go tomorrow."

William immediately said impatiently.

So far, he has solved all the things in the wrong world where he is now.

After that, all he had to do was go to the world of Xuezhan City, report safety to Sylvia and Kirin Toto, and open up the passage between the two worlds.

Just when William was thinking this way, Artemis shook his head,

"I won't go with you, I'm going to stay in this world."

William immediately raised his eyebrows, a little puzzled.

"Master Artemis, are you worried about your family? It doesn't matter, everyone will go to my world together."

"And in my world, they can also experience the fun that the girls here can't experience."

There is nothing wrong with this sentence.

The Earth Fault World is a technologically deformed world. Even though there are showers and steam engines, this world has not even invented electricity.

So entertainment is a pretty simple thing in this world.

Regardless of men and women, after returning from hard work in the dungeon during the day, the only options for entertainment are casinos, hot springs, pubs, and happy streets.

"No, it's hard to adapt to a new world immediately, especially that world, as you said, is a world where technology develops at a very high speed."

"I am going to accompany them in this world to have their own lives, and then go to find you."

"Anyway, this is just a short moment in our eternal lifespan. During this period, you just remember to come and see me when you have time."

Artemis said quite frankly.

There is nothing wrong with what she said, but it is a hundred years at most 200 years, which is really negligible for the Moon Goddess who has a lifespan of almost [-] million years.

Think for a while!

"Okay, I'll come back often when I find time."

Without too much hesitation, William agreed directly.

After the space-time tunnel is opened, the flow speeds of the two worlds will be completely consistent.

Since Artemis and Ais are planning to stay here, then he will really take the time to come back here at least once every two or three months.

"That's it!"

A consensus was reached directly, which made Artemis very happy.

Although this result was not what she wanted at the beginning, nor was it the kind of intimate relationship she had expected at the beginning.

But compared to a complete loss, this is a barely acceptable result.

This may be the difference between being a long-lived species and a short-lived species, and it is a common result.

"By the way, are you leaving now?"

Artemis, who had finished talking, had a faint smile on his face again, and said in a happy mood.

"That's not in a hurry, why is Lord Artemis going to go to another place together next time?"

"That's not necessary, and there will be time to react later."

"You still tell me who the person who followed me just now is!"

"Now that I've given you the answer, there shouldn't be any need to hide me anymore!"


William crashed immediately, and then he said to Artemis dumbfounded:

"No, I said you really care about this matter so much!"

"Of course, you dare to follow me, how can you not teach me a good lesson!"

Although Artemis had a smile on his face, he didn't look quite as pervasive as it looked, which was blatantly malicious.

He is very speechless!

He never knew that this lady goddess had such a small heart, she was just following her, but she was so ungrateful.

However, seeing how persistent the goddess was, he felt that he might have to break his promise just now.

I sold these little assistants. After all, judging by the appearance of this lady goddess, if he didn't speak out, he might be the unlucky one instead of them.

At this moment, on the roof opposite the teahouse!

This roof is an umbrella-shaped roof. A few girls lay on the roof, just quietly showing their little heads and observing the opposite side with binoculars.

"Wow, what a pity, both of them are sitting sideways, so we can't tell what he's saying by mouth-shaping!"

Letesa was still dressed as a female hunter, and her well-developed breasts were pressed under her body without hesitation, turning into a flat pancake shape.

One of the two binoculars of the entire team is in her hand.

"Yeah yeah!"

The other Lanti who was holding a telescope also kept nodding.

"Wait! It doesn't seem right!"

In Letesa's vision, Artemis stood up suddenly, then came to William's side, and bent down.

The next picture is not visible through the telescope.

The overlapping of the two heads completely blocked the line of sight from this angle, preventing them from observing the battle situation carefully.

However, this didn't stop these little girls from having a carnival!

"Yeah! It finally worked, and now Lord Artemis can no longer stop us from falling in love."

The first to cheer was the black-skinned sister from Amazon.

You know, as she gradually grew into an adult, the blood in her body has already been agitated.

Even the elf girl who seemed to be the least interested in this matter had two blushes on her pretty face.

It seems that Artemis has really suffocated these girls.

"Hey, wait a minute, everyone!"

While the group of girls were having a carnival, a voice suddenly came from Letesa who was holding a telescope in her hand.

"what happened?"

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