"Lord Artemis and Thunderbolt are gone! "

Letesa swung her binoculars up and down, trying to catch the two people in her sight again.

At this time, a tender little hand stretched out and snatched the telescope from Letesa's hand.

"Okay, Letasha, it's already confirmed that Artemis is in love anyway, so there's no need for us to follow up anymore, and it's time for our carnival."

Letesa thought about it for a while, and felt that what Lanti said was indeed reasonable, and she immediately felt relieved.

But immediately, the words that rang out out of thin air made all the girls feel a biting chill.

"Everyone, are you happy to observe my private life?"

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Chapter 310 Sylvia's Bathroom "4000 words for subscription"

"That's it, Haruhime, Mayumi will trouble you to take care of her for the time being!"

William, who had returned to the world of bloodthirsty attack, said to Santiao Yechunji who was full of envy.

Santiao Yechunji is the only one who came to live in the world of Blood Devouring Strike from Earth Wrong World.

The channel connecting the two worlds was also opened up by William in his own workshop, and he also informed Loki at the same time.

Let her set her place as a forbidden place, and don't let the family members go casually.

Besides, if it is set here, it will be very easy for Artemis to go back and forth. After all, she and Loki are still good friends.

"Are you still going to pick up the girls?"

Nanakusa Mayumi, who was lying on the bed, stared at William and said quietly.

In fact, if she really counted, she had just arrived in this world, and it was about an hour or so before William left.

After coming to this world, she was immediately warmly welcomed by Nangong Nayue and the others.

It made her feel a little uneasy, and she immediately let it go, especially when she heard that she was pregnant, and the connected meetings were saved, and she was directly sent back by a space transfer in Nangong that month. She got the room ready.

But in that short process, Nanakusa Mayumi realized it deeply.

Now my husband is not just a simple philandering radish, he is a super philandering radish.

Although she hadn't fully recognized the huge group of girls who greeted her at that time, when she heard that she was pregnant, the group of girls collectively showed the same envious expressions as Santiao Yechun Ji, she still saw all of them. Under the eyes.

That's when she made up her mind!

These girls either already have a relationship with their husbands, or they are going to have a relationship soon.

Walking over, gently smoothing Nanakusa Mayumi's messy hair.

"Okay, these are the last two, and they may not necessarily settle here."

For the two girls who have a relationship with him in the Xuezhan world, he really doesn't think that the two of them will immediately abandon their lives there and come to this world.

"Then you can say it, there are really only two."

Nanakusa Mayumi sighed helplessly, she had completely given up on her husband's fuss.

But it is still necessary to control the number of people in the harem, because there are too many now.

"I know, don't worry!"

With a casual wave of his hand, the door to the world of Xuezhan City opened directly in front of William, and he walked in directly with his long legs.

The noise came to my ears immediately!

This is a very bustling street in Xuezhan City World.

The pedestrians around came and went by William's side, but none of them noticed William who suddenly appeared here.

That's because he concealed his figure the moment he entered this world.

There is no way, with his popularity in this world, I am afraid that the moment he appears in this world with his true colors, he will be surrounded by that group of fanatical female fans.

This has nothing to do with his own god-level charm ability, it is purely because his performance in the two Star Martial Festivals is so invincible that almost all women all over the world have become his fans.

Still very crazy!

"Hey, have you heard, it seems that the rocket that landed on the moon has a problem again, and all the astronauts on the rocket seem to have stayed on the moon."

"Really, that's really a pity!"

Almost all the students around were discussing this matter, and these were naturally heard by William, who had excellent hearing.

William also frowned immediately, and reached out to get his mobile phone in this world from the gap.

I started to browse the latest news on the Internet and determine the current time.

After a while, William put away his mobile phone.

Now it is about half a month after he left this world!

But for some reason, the moon landing plan, which was clearly a secret, was leaked by someone with a heart.

Although there has never been an official confirmation, but the official has never appeared to clarify.

This also led to the rumors starting to intensify.

That is, has it been revealed that he is the astronaut of this rocket? If it is revealed, it will immediately set off a riot among women all over the world!

"Forget it, these things have nothing to do with me anyway."

The sky has gradually become dark, and he is ready to do another thing.

That is to give Sylvia and Kirin Totō a surprise, appearing in front of them without informing them.

Silvia's itinerary does not require face-to-face inquiries.

Because her popularity in this world is so hot, and every time she goes out to work, she has to update her official website and personal blog.

And when she is not working, she is a complete house girl.

After reading all her official websites, he was sure that Silvia must be in Liuhua City on the water at this moment.

And Kirin Toto was also instructed by himself to act together with Silvia during this period of time.

Therefore, if Silvia can be found, Kirin Totō must be by her side.

The alias of Xuezhan City is called Misakami Rikka.

That's because the city looks like a hexagon when viewed from above.

And the six colleges are located in every corner of the hexagram, as if forming a guardianship.

The sea surface was not calm tonight, huge waves slapped against the wall and shore, forming a huge crashing sound.

The sound of water waves is particularly pleasant in the quiet night.

Kui Enwei Children's Academy is located in the northwest of Xuezhan City!

It seems to be the reason why William appeared in this world. The bright moon, which was originally covered by dark clouds, immediately showed its bright and beautiful posture.

The warm and soft moonlight even turned into a goddess' tulle, which was gently draped over the men and women who were still wandering outside even at night.

At this moment, William was standing in front of the school gate of Kui Enwei Children's Academy, the holy place that men all over the world dreamed of.

It's about ten o'clock in the evening now!

At nine o'clock just now, the sky was still slightly bright, but now it has completely entered darkness.

However, the students of this women's college still did not return to their dormitories to rest.

They are still walking in small groups on the campus, or doing sports in the sports field, taking advantage of the beautiful moonlight.

Especially now that it's hot summer, these female students also because they are in a girls' school, usually no men will come in at all, and they are dressed very coolly.

If any man came here, he would probably be so fascinated by the beautiful scenery in front of him that he couldn't take his eyes off it!

Unfortunately, William is a well-read man.

There's no way he'd be moved by it.

Still concealing his figure, William walked through the path in the forest and came to the tallest building in the entire Kuienwei Children's Academy.

Feel the space coordinates he once stayed in Silvia's room.

The golden light flashed, and William's figure disappeared into the night.

It's on the top floor of the student dormitory of Quinnwell Girls Academy, where the room of the number one ranked "Warrior Witch" Sylvia Luneheim is located.

The next moment, William stood in the room where he and Silvia had been happy.

And something is happening here that makes the blood of men all over the world spurt.


Under the sound of the pattering water, the hot air permeated the bathroom.

In the hazy heat, vaguely, two extremely graceful figures were bathed in the spray of the shower head.

Hot water washed the delicate bodies of the two girls.

The two girls seem to be helping each other wipe their backs.

On the fair skin, bean-sized drops of water slipped down!

The beautiful long purple hair and the short shoulder-length silver hair are already completely wet.

That's right, the two girls who were taking a bath were exactly the two girls who had a close relationship with William.

A world-class super popular idol, her fan base can be said to be regardless of gender, regardless of age, she is the yearning of countless people, the most beautiful singer, Sylvia Lunaheim!

The other girl who also partnered with William at the "Phoenix Star Warriors Festival" and became famous in the first battle also has a good fan base.

Kendo gifted girl, ranked fifth in the World Dragon Sequence, titled "Geek Wind Blade Thunder", the next suzerain of the sword and vine style, Toto Kirin!

Silvia just closed her eyes, enjoying Kirin Toto's back rubbing service.

This should actually be a very comfortable part, but the soft touch from the back from time to time makes Silvia a little upset.


"Huh? What's the matter, Sister Weiwei!"

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