"Indeed, Miss Sylvie's singing voice is not only beautiful, but most importantly, she can soothe people's hearts."

Yotsuba Maya who also got up from William's arms also said in admiration.

It can be said that the Yotsuba family is very good at manipulating the human spirit.

Even with one hand, even in the world of Blood Devouring Attack, their family's methods are definitely among the best.

But after hearing Silvia's singing, they all felt ashamed.

This is why Silvia has been studying songs that heal people's hearts, if she studies the evil ability to change other people's minds.

It is estimated that the current Silvia, as long as she opens her mouth, can rule half of the world without bloodshed.

Look at Silvia who is showing off her charm to the fullest on the stage.

The feeling of pride in William's heart became even stronger.

This is not only the relationship between Silvia being his own woman, but more because Silvia's current strength can become so strong, he is absolutely indispensable. (Why the credit is indispensable, think for yourself.)

And Ayako Kuroba was wandering back and forth on the edge of the collapsed house.

The three of them watched TV quietly like this. It was not until two hours after the concert that the two women got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to wash up.

William, on the other hand, was lazy and used the refreshment technique on himself.

And took out his mobile phone, sent Silvia a news that the concert was great, and went downstairs.

In the courtyard of the castle!

Since Sanjo Yechunji came to this world, the planning of this courtyard was completely handed over to Sanjo Yechunji who stayed at home every day.

In her words, she is not very good at fighting anyway, so she just needs to take care of the house for everyone at home.

However, I have to say that Santiao Yechun Ji's taste is really good.

The previous courtyards were all demolished and rebuilt.

The blue waves are clear on the surface of the lake, and there are ripples as the majestic breeze blows by.

The lake also reflects the trees planted by the lake and the neatly trimmed bushes.

The design of the road has changed from the previous design of white stone slabs to the one with gaps in the middle of the solid wood planks.

And the location where the floor leads is the newly built gazebo by the lake.

Inside the gazebo, two women were sitting on chairs and enjoying tea.

One of the women has fox-like ears and a fluffy golden tail, and wears a red kimono.

The other woman was wearing a rather loose maternity dress. The protruding belly made the clothes bulging, but the woman's exposed thighs and arms were still as thin as before.

"Chun Ji, please bring me a drink too!"

Suddenly, William appeared in the empty chair between the two of them.

Of course, Sanjo Yeharuhime and Nanakusa Mayumi were not surprised at all, after all, this was considered a daily routine.

No matter who William stayed at yesterday, with a few girls, he would appear to be alone with the two of them for a while during the tea time between them in the morning.

This is also a symptom of William's fear of Nanakusa Mayumi's anxiety.

You know, there is nothing wrong with Santiao Yechunji, and she will sleep with him occasionally at night.

But Nanakusa Mayumi, who has such a big belly, can't do anything about it.

William who does this every day also reassures Nanakusa Mayumi a lot. Earlier, she would slap William from the side for sleeping with someone, but now she doesn't even ask.

"I see, Lord William!"

Santiao Yechunji took out a teacup with ease, filled it up for William, and then sat down slowly.

After lightly sipping the black tea, William stretched out his big hand to Nanakusa Mayumi.

Nanakusa Mayumi also directly put her catkin in William's palm.

The divine power passed along the connected arms of the two, and William also began to feel the state of the fetus carefully.

This is also one of the courses that William must do every day. There is no need to go to the hospital, and he uses divine power to wash and baptize the child every day, and feel the current changes in the fetus.

"no problem!"

"There are two more weeks until the birth."

Hearing what William said, Nanakusa Mayumi frowned slightly.

But just like that, Nanakusa Mayumi's facial expression changes were still caught by William.

"what happened?"

Biting her lip slightly, Nanakusa Mayumi finally let out a sigh of relief, and muttered.

"Didn't you say that you will go to Japan to do business when you bring it back! The day I gave birth, I still want you to be by my side."

"What is this!"

"This little matter, I can solve it in two or three days. Don't worry, I will accompany you to give birth."

Some couldn't help but pat Nanakusa Mayumi's head.

"Then you should go to work quickly and stop dawdling here."

Still afraid that William would miss the time, Nanakusa Mayumi pushed William's waist and motioned him to leave quickly.


With a helpless expression on his face, William walked out of the courtyard.

Two black shadows rushed directly to William's side, and stood on the left and right sides of William, like guardians on the left and right.

That's right, it was Sayaka Kosaka and Yukina Himeragi who came.

"Yukina, inform Yuantang and Xianguyong to leave for Japan immediately."

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Chapter 310 The Beauty of Hot Springs


The Lion King Agency, the former site of Takagami's Shrine.

This used to be the headquarters of the Lion King's agency. Whether it was training newcomers or issuing some tasks, they all carried out here.

As for why it is called the old address!

That's because the Lion King Agency has been abandoned since the department was moved to Itogami Island.

The Japanese government also came here to search for it, but the Lion King agency can say that it has moved everything here.

Nothing useful was left to Japan.

Of course, that's not to say there's nothing left in it.

Although Japan has great resentment towards William's dominance and the betrayal of the Lion King organization, if it is said on the bright side, it will completely turn against William.

Sorry, the Japanese government really doesn't have the courage.

So the former Lion King Agency has become the Lion King Agency's office in Japan.

Most of those who stay here to work are members who don't want to move to Ito Kamijima, and members who left their blood in Japan.

High God's Society!

Outside the quaint Japanese shrine.

A woman wearing a scarlet priestess costume, who looked very old, was waiting.

Beside her, there are two girls who are wearing the school uniform of the Lion King organization and look quite handsome.

Of course, this so-called delicate beauty is only compared with those of Himeragi Yukina and Kosaka Sayaka.

In fact, these two girls are quite outstanding no matter where they leave here.

After all, the name of the Lion King dating agency is not just for nothing, and those who can join the Lion King organization, apart from qualifications, are absolutely impossible to be poor in appearance.

A pitch-black void unfolds from above the clearing!

The first one to come out of the gap was Xian Guyong, who was wearing Caihai Academy's high school uniform, rustic braids, and round-rimmed prescription glasses.

Following Xian Guyong was Yuantangyuan who had short light green hair and was an elf.

There is also another Sansheng "Anbai Nai" with white hair, lavender eyes, and two completely different styles of youthful and mature faces.

"Welcome, Your Majesty Lingwang!"

After the man with blond hair stepped out of the gap for the last time, the old woman bowed her body respectfully.

The two little girls beside her were also flustered, and bowed to the old man a little too late.

William didn't speak, but just set his eyes on the old man.

The old man immediately understood what William meant, and continued to speak:

"Old man Xiao Fei Sano, although he retired from the active duty swordsman of the Lion King Agency 20 years ago, he recently accepted the re-employment of the Lion King Agency and once again became the head of the Lion King Agency's Japan office."


Hearing this name, William became a little interested.

"Yes, I am Nagisa and Gucheng's grandma. During this time, Nagisa and Gucheng have really been taken care of by you."

Xiao Feisha said very sincerely.

What she said is indeed correct, Xiao Nagisa and Xiao Gucheng are indeed living very well in Xiangami Island now.

Not only is there usually many people protecting him, but he has also become good friends with many of William's family members.

This alone is enough for the two brothers and sisters of Shangxiao's family to have a high status in Xianjin Island.

This will of course make Xiaofei grateful. (It's a pity that the old man didn't even know that Xiao Nagisha had the current treatment, but he would have to pay it back later. Xiao Gucheng was just a passing item.)

"It's nothing, Nagisa is also a friend of Agulola and the others."

"But old man, your physique is really pretty good."

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