Ordinary human beings now stand in front of him without any secrets at all.

No matter what kind of spying secrets they have planted on them, none of them can stop William's insightful eyes.

He could clearly see that under the loose priestess costume, what was hidden was not the thin body that an old man should have, but the strong muscles that supported the entire priestess costume.

"You're joking. If it weren't for the ability, the Lion King agency wouldn't have hired back an old man who was about to die."

Xiao Feisha waved her hand and said with a smile.

"Speaking of which, I have a friend here who usually likes to compete with people with advanced martial arts skills. I may trouble you when the time comes."

This Xiao Nagisa's grandma is definitely a strong martial artist!

And he is one of the few martial arts masters in the world.

If William is not mistaken, Xiao Fei Sanai's martial arts realm is at least on the same level as Fan Xinglu's.

That is the smell of a master, which can only be exuded from the whole body if one has delved into the deepest level of skill.

"You're joking, Laoshen's skills are not at the level of showing off."

"Of course, thanks to you, when your friend comes, I will sweep the couch to welcome her."

Xiao Feisha is actually quite happy in her heart at this moment.

Who is this man in front of me?

That is one of the most powerful people in this world. It is undoubtedly the highest praise for one's own martial arts to be recognized by such a person.

This kind of praise is unavoidable even for Xiao Feisha, who is nearly seventy years old.

"Okay! When can I go to Shensheng Lake?"

"Regarding this point, in order to unseal the seal of Shensheng Lake, it is necessary to start the special landscape of Shensheng Lake."

"According to our calculations, five o'clock in the morning tomorrow is a good time."


William couldn't help frowning.

He came to Shensheng Lake this time to receive the legacy of the sealed saint,

According to predictions, this thing is very likely to be the Holy Annihilation technique that he has always wanted to obtain.

And the reason why he didn't come over immediately and use violence to break the seal and take away the inheritance was because he was afraid that his tyrannical means would have a bad effect on the spell and lead to the loss of the spell.

That's why he followed the advice of the Lion King's agency, waiting for the moment when the seal weakened, and broke the seal in a normal way.

It's just that he didn't expect that he would come early.

As a subordinate, always observe the changes in the leader's expression and take actions that make his boss feel at ease. This is what a good subordinate should do.

And Anbai Nai of the Lion King Agency is obviously a very good subordinate.

She took her own steps, came to William, and bowed slightly.

"It's still a long time before dawn. Would you like to enjoy the hot spring and special food here, His Majesty Lingwang?"

"In the shrine of Demon Officer Akatsuki, there is a hot spring that is very effective for recuperation and relaxation."

"Usually when we are tired, we all like to relax there."


"In that case, then lead the way."

Looking at the clouds flowing in the sky, soaking in hot springs is indeed his favorite activity, so it doesn't hurt to go and have a look.

Taking the car prepared by the Lion King agency, the convoy drove slowly to a secret shrine deep in the mountains, and stopped slowly in front of the torii gate.

The torii gate of the island country is a crimson building, similar to the archway of the Celestial Dynasty.

In the island country, the torii represents the entrance to the domain of the gods, and it is used to distinguish the domain of the gods where the gods live and the secular world where humans live.

The meaning of the torii is to remind visitors that stepping into the torii is equivalent to stepping out of the realm of the gods. After coming here, you must pay attention to your words and deeds to avoid offending the gods.

And here is the Shenxuta Shrine where Xiaofei Saano's family has always lived.

This shrine is almost unknown, except for the villagers who have lived here for generations, almost no one comes here to pay homage.

But its history is very long, especially it is deeply related to spells.

As the priest of this shrine, Xiaofei Sano has also contributed a lot to many magic disasters in the past.

For dinner, Xiao Feisha was prepared by them, and they really put their heart into it.

The slender dining table is filled with all kinds of Japanese delicacies, and there are more than 50 dishes just by counting the plates.

So William had a very happy dinner.

And now, William rested his head on the edge of the bathtub, and let out a leisurely sigh of relief.

This is the open-air bath where the shrine maidens of the Kanzuta Shrine and the sword shamans of the Lion King Agency used to relax.

It can be said that this hot spring has welcomed male customers for the first time in 500 years since the establishment of Shenxuta Shrine here.

The surroundings are also the natural construction style of stone masonry.

Because it was already very late, and he was the one taking the hot spring.

So in this Nuoda hot spring, he is the only one taking a bath right now.

"Phew! It's quite comfortable..."

Taking a deep breath, William floated on the clear water, and said in a satisfied voice.

The spring temperature in the bathroom is about [-] degrees, which is exactly the kind of temperature that is neither too hot nor too cold.

And, although it didn't work for him.

But he could feel that the hot springs here are not only like ordinary hot springs, but also have the effects of healing muscles, joint pain, healing after illness, and skin care.

The reason why witches and sword shamans are so enthusiastic about this hot spring is probably that this hot spring has a special function of restoring the consumed spiritual energy.

"It should be the spirit vein!"

Slowly closing his eyes, William whispered softly.

"Let's decide like this! After getting the Saint Annihilation, immediately give Xian Kamijima a transformation."

All he has ever wanted is to have a natural hot spring in his residence.

It's just a pity that his residence, no matter in Xuezhan City or in Blood Devouring Raid, is on the artificial island.

And this matter is something that he can't solve even though he is a protoss.

After all, the protoss and the technology of creating out of thin air are still not very compatible.

This is also the reason why he has always wanted to obtain the holy annihilating technique.

After all, this firstly satisfies his curiosity, and secondly makes up for one of his shortcomings.

"However, it doesn't seem interesting to just soak like this!"

"Who are we going to pull here?"

William, whose eyes were completely empty, began to think secretly in his heart.

The hot spring is indeed a good thing, but if there is a beautiful woman next to it, wouldn't it be more beautiful, beautiful.

And this question is also very simple for him.

As long as he wanted, he could connect the space tunnels of all his women's rooms and pull them over at any time.

This is the benefit of being able to use space abilities, and it is something that other people simply cannot envy.

Now what he needs to consider is who to pull over, and how many to pull over.

Of course not too much, too much, he is afraid that it will delay things in six hours.

However, this is the time!

Suddenly there was a rattling sound.


"Bai Nai, please be careful."

It was a very familiar voice, after all, the owner of this voice had been staying by William's side recently.

"I know! But why didn't I come out as a mature one, but asked me to do this kind of thing, I'm only 17 years old this year!"

"I'm sorry, Bai Nai, because An Bai Nai said that a young girl like you should be more in line with Lord William's appetite."

"So after telling me to arrest you, I went back."

Himeragi Yukina said sternly, it can be said that Bai Nai was choked to death.


"Then why I can only come wrapped in a towel while the two of you can come in your bathing suits."

"Sorry because it would be embarrassing to look straight up naked."

"Then why do I..."

"This is also Anbai Nai's order."

It can be said that this sentence completely blocked Bai Nai's other words, because during this short journey, she had been choked back countless times by the words like panacea.

She really wanted to oppose this unreasonable situation.

But it's a pity that she doesn't have the ability to resist Himeragi Yukina, an artificial angel.

Don't look at her Three Saints of the Lion King Agency!

But she is actually just a very normal 17-year-old girl. The reason why she can inherit the Three Saints is purely because there is another elf consciousness in her body.

This special physique capable of carrying two souls in one body is also the reason why their family has been able to hold the title of "Dark White Nai" of the Lion King's agency for generations.

Therefore, in the absence of the spirit in her body, her strength really cannot be considered very strong.


Sighing helplessly, An Bai Nai stretched his hands towards his abdomen, and broke away Si Si's jade hands that were holding him.

"Also, Sayaka, don't hide behind me all the time."

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