Mitsunobu Kushima wasn't worried, but just wondered if the student union would have a lot of troublesome work because of her personality after that senior sister became the president.

"Ah, Xiao Azusa's character is indeed a bit..." Nanakusa Mayumi laughed.

"But Xiaozi is very capable, you just trust Xiaozi!"

Kushima Mitsunobu took a deep look at Nanakusa Mayumi, and then said.

"Senior sister, you have explained such a sentence more, but it is even more worrying."

"But! You are sitting side by side with a beautiful girl like me, but Guangxuan-jun, you have no intention of attacking me at all."

"I'm so sorry! Sister, I'm such a toddler."

Nanakusa Mayumi's words suddenly changed, showing an aggrieved expression, using a rather exaggerated tone, and her graceful body was also slightly twisting.

So don't be so shy as to die, and at the same time make moves to seduce me!

The corner of Mitsunobu Kushima's mouth suddenly rose, and then he put a hand on Nanakusa Mayumi's shoulder.Fix its twisting body firmly on the chair.

At the same time, his gaze met Nanakusa Mayu's burgundy eyes.

"Could it be that the president is expecting me to do something to you?"

Kushima Mitsunobu's other hand was not idle at all, and gently stroked a strand of hair between Nanakusa Mayumi's forehead, and the distance between the two became closer and closer.

"Isn't it! Obviously Miyuki is more in line with your aesthetics!"

"During the freshman ceremony, when my sister and I were on stage, you had no intention of watching at all, and kept your eyes closed."

"When Shenxue came to the stage, Mr. Guangxuan, you couldn't take your eyes off it."

"Do you want me to introduce you to my sister?"

Nanakusa Mayumi pretended to be angry as she spoke, she turned her head away, and no longer met Mitsunobu Kushima's eyes, her cheeks on one side quietly puffed up.

"I didn't expect that senior sister has been paying attention to me!"

Mitsunobu Kushima smiled slightly.

"However, President, you don't have to worry at all. Because compared to Shiba-san, you are still in my strike zone!"

"Liar, you're so calm even though you're so close."

【too close】

Nanakusa Mayumi was trying to be brave, but in fact, she was already in a mess of panic in her heart.

"It's just because of the surveillance camera behind me. After all, I don't want to leave any news that I attacked the student council president on the first day of school."

Mitsunobu Kushima let go of Nanakusa Mayumi's hand, sat up straight again, and then pointed to the surveillance camera behind him.

Nanakusa Mayumi also quickly breathed a sigh of relief, the scene just now was too exciting for her.

"Then what if there are no surveillance cameras!"

Nanakusa Mayumi, who breathed a sigh of relief, couldn't help but feel a little frustrated.

Obviously she wanted to moleste this junior whom she had a crush on, but in the end she ended up blushing, but the other party didn't respond, how could she be reconciled to that!

So she was trying to die and said something that she regretted.

Mitsunobu Kushima didn't get used to her thoughts at all, and the body that had already left approached Nanakusa Mayumi's ear again.

The strong masculine breath lingered around Nanakusa Mayumi's body again, and the heat coming from her ears made Nanakusa Mayumi's whole body go limp.

"Of course, I will put you in my arms, senior sister, unceremoniously!"

"Hey... hey~~~"

Nanakusa Mayumi's face was already blushing, but now she was as red as if she was about to bleed.

Feeling extremely flustered in her heart, she immediately jumped up from the chair, and climbed up on the wall as well, as if she let you pick it and I felt sorry for it.

"Just kidding, kidding."

Mitsunobu Kushima hurriedly comforted Mayumi Nanakusa, the surveillance camera behind her was still filming!

Nanakusa Mayumi's current appearance is the same as if he wants to rape her, he doesn't want any bad rumors to spread!

"It's really a joke!"

The panic in the corners of Nanakusa Mayumi's eyes had not completely faded, and she asked Mitsunobu Kushima timidly.

Senior sister's appearance now is exactly the same as that senior sister Nakajo, just like a frightened little rabbit.

After a while, Nanakusa Mayumi also recovered.After tidying up the corners of the slightly messy clothes, I restored the usual unrestrained appearance and put it on the chair again.

"Guangxuan-jun, you can't always make fun of senior sister!"

Nanakusa Mayumi taught Mitsunobu Kushima a little angrily.

"Yes, Nanakusa-senpai."

Mitsunobu Jiudao readily agreed. He did reflect on himself just now.

No matter what Nanakusa Mayumi did, but in this age of conservative society, he shouldn't have molested a girl in her boudoir like this.

"Call me Mayumi—"

"What did you say?" Mitsunobu Kushima questioned his hearing for the first time.

"It's nothing, let's exchange contact information! It will be more convenient to contact in the future."

Nanakusa Mayumi hurriedly took out her contact terminal in a panic.

Nanakusa Mayumi stood at the gate of the school, looking at the back of Mitsunobu Kushima, who was riding away on a motorcycle.

"Huh? There is contact."

"See you tomorrow, Mayumi-san."

Nanakusa Mayumi put the terminal back in her handbag, with a magnificent smile on her face.

She didn't know what happened to herself today, it was obviously just a boy she met for the first time.

But getting along with him gave her a throbbing that she had never had before. Maybe he solved the problem that had been bothering her.

Perhaps the atmosphere with him is very comfortable.

She didn't think she would fall in love with someone so quickly, but he seemed to have an irresistible magic power, which made her unconsciously want to get close to him, get close to him, and understand him.

"What a wicked student!"

Nanakusa Mayumi regained her mood. After all, it's useless to think about anything now. Mitsunobu Kushima doesn't know, at least her life is not under her own control.

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Chapter 6 This child will become a great weapon

The key was turned, and the heavy iron mesh door was pushed open.

"How can there be a door with a key in this era? When is this house an antique?"

Mitsunobu Kushima pushed his motorcycle and parked it in the parking space.

Back home, he put the helmet on his head on the counter in the entrance hall.

After brewing a cup of coffee, he put it to his mouth and took a sip, then put it on the coffee table.

When he dialed the communicator in his hand, the large screen on the background wall also lit up with the same pattern as on the phone.

Only a few seconds later, the pattern of the call on the big screen changed, and an old man who was nearly seventy years old with dark eyes appeared on the screen.

It seems that the other party has been waiting for a long time, otherwise it is impossible to answer the phone so quickly.

Mitsunobu Kushima stood up the moment he picked up the phone. "Grandpa, good evening."

Jiu Dao Lie nodded, and then asked. "How was life at school today?"

"Everything is going well."

"Yes, that's fine."

"Guangxuan, the matter discussed by the master clan has caused you trouble. After all, I was the one who called you back on the day of the exam in a hurry." Jiu Daolie's tone was apologetic.

"It's okay, this is what I should do, grandpa, you don't need to apologize."

Mitsunobu Kushima shook his head. He was an orphan when he came to this world. It was the old man who cared for him in every possible way that made him realize what kind of family affection is.

Jiu Daolie didn't say much anymore, probably because of guilt!He has never had an emotion for his grandson Mitsunobu Kushima.

Although he is not exactly like those magicians, he completely treats magicians as weapons and tools, but he was not so kind when he was young.

Therefore, the relationship between him and his children cannot be said to be very good, and the relationship between him and his older grandchildren can only be said to be average.

It wasn't until Mitsunobu Kushima, a child full of wrong definitions of magicians, was born that he finally realized what he should do.

"Well, have you seen Nanakusa Mayumi from Nanakusa's house today?"

Seeing that Mitsunobu Jiudao didn't want to get entangled in that topic, Jiu Dao Lie didn't continue, but asked another question.

"See—I've seen him before, he is a caring senior!"

The reason why Mitsunobu Kushima's tone was a little elongated was because he thought about the scene in the reference room after school in the afternoon, and couldn't help feeling a little trance.

Kudao Retsu seemed to have noticed the moment when Kudao Mitsunobu was in a trance, and a smile appeared on his wrinkled face.

"Then what's your impression of Miss Nanakusa's family?"

As soon as Kudao Lie's words came out, Kudao Konobu knew what he was planning.

Because similar dialogues had been staged many times when he was 15 years old.

"I told you, Grandpa, I don't care much about this kind of thing, you can arrange it when the time comes." Mitsunobu Kushima replied indifferently as before.

"Okay then! But after the Nine Schools Battle, probably a lot of people will come to me!" Jiu Dao looked at Mitsunobu Jiu Dao narrowly.

Mitsunobu Kushima was speechless for a while.

Because there is nothing wrong with what Lie Jiu said, what the magician advocates is early birth and early childbearing, and it is best to have more children.

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