The genetic factor of an excellent magician is even more sought after, and even if you are so good that a lady from a big family comes to your door to be your concubine, this kind of thing is not unheard of.

If he can beat all the heroes in the Nine Schools Battle, coupled with his status as the Nine Islands family of the Ten Master Clan, it will really be as Nine Islands Lie said.

There should be an endless stream of documents making marriage requests!

"Grandpa, if there is nothing more important, then I will hang up first."

Canteen at noon the next day

Mitsunobu Kushima was looking for a vacant seat with his own dinner plate.

"Huh? This kind of breath."

A figure as thick as a mountain was standing behind him and staring at him.

"Nice response."

The burly man stared at Mitsunobu Kushima and praised him.

"Hello, Senior Shiwenzi."

Thick chest, broad shoulders.And a body full of muscles that can't be stopped even in a uniform.

Not only the physical body, but also all the elements and the density of his presence have been compressed to the limit.

This is the next head of the Shiwen Family, Shiwen Keren!

"It's really an existence that cannot be underestimated."

"Members of the same Ten Master Clan are welcome, how about it, do you want to chat together."

"Vice President Hattori of your student union is also here."

Jumonji Koren stopped Mitsunobu Kushima from saluting.

"Of course, I also want to chat with the seniors."

By the time Mitsunobu Kushima followed Jumonji to the dining table, there was already a man with short brown hair waiting on the seat.

The man with short brown hair was about to get up and salute when he saw the Jumoniker coming.

Shiwen Keren had a different attitude towards Mitsunobu Kushima just now, and accepted it frankly.

At the same time, he also called Mitsunobu Kushima to sit down, and introduced each other to the two people who met for the first time.

"Then Hattori-kun, how do you think about what I told you yesterday?"

After the process of introducing each other was over, Shi Wenke asked questions.

"Of course, since Senior Shiwen has invited me, I naturally have no reason to refuse."

After all, he himself knew very well that he had no hope of becoming the president of the student council, so he might as well join the association.

A resume such as the head of a society association is a very good resume whether it is for applying for university or taking part in a job in the future.

After saying this, Hattori Hanzo looked at Mitsunobu Kushima and smiled gently.

"Besides, with such an excellent junior as junior Jiu Dao, I don't have any worries."

This child will become a great weapon in the future

Mitsunobu Kushima was not that fond of flatterers, but he didn't leave any trace of what others praised.

Regardless of other things, at least Mitsunobu Kushima has a good sense of him now.

"Where, Senior Hattori praised you."

"If Senior Hattori doesn't mind, just call me Mitsunobu from now on."

Since people have goodwill towards him, he can't be too indifferent.

"It seems that you have a good talk."

Said the Shimonike who had been eating lunch silently before.

"Since the decision has been made, then Hattori, don't rush back to the classroom later, and follow me to the joint headquarters of the association."

"I'm going to do some formalities for you."

"Your signature is required."

Hattori Hanzo nodded without any objection, and at the same time, the movement of eating with his hands was a little faster.

After all, he couldn't keep the Shiwenke who was about to finish his lunch waiting for a long time.

Mitsunobu Kushima had nothing to do, so he decided to chat with Jumonikeren about school matters while eating.

"Okay, Guangxuan, you can eat slowly, and I and Hattori will leave first."

Hattori Hanzo obviously ate very quickly, he finished eating without saying a few words, and left with Jumoni Keren.

The second is sent, the usual request for tickets, please collect, please comment

Chapter 7 looks interesting

Mitsunobu Kushima was packing up his belongings when Nanakusa Mayumi appeared outside the door again, but this time she didn't come alone.

There was another tall, short-haired woman outside the door, who looked very heroic.

"Mayumi-senpai, is there something wrong?"

He didn't really want to waste time on insignificant things today, because he heard that someone was going to settle accounts with Shiba Miyuki's brother who was a second-year student before school was over.

So now he wanted to go over to see if he could see that Shiba Miyuki made a move to protect his brother.

In this way, he might be able to see some clues from Siba Miyuki's magic.

"It's nothing! It's just that Moli is a little curious about you, Guangxuan, so I brought her over to have a look."

Nanakusa Mayumi waved her little hand to Mitsunobu Kushima while talking.

"Mayumi, I clearly said that I look forward to seeing you at noon tomorrow."

"It was you who insisted on pulling me over and saying that I would go now."

Watanabe Mori obviously felt compelled and helpless towards Nanakusa Mayumi's character of thinking and thinking.

"Don't care, don't care."

"Let me introduce you! This is the current Disciplinary Committee Chairman, Mori Watanabe, my good friend."

Nanakusa Mayumi obviously didn't care about Watanabe Mori's complaints about her, and introduced it like Mitsunobu Kushima on her own.

Naturally, Kushima Mitsunobu packed his things in a hurry, and hurried to Nanakusa Mayumi.

"Sister Watanabe, hello, my name is Mitsunobu Kushima, please give me your advice in the future."

"Watanabe Mori, I will take good care of you in the future."

Mitsunobu Kushima stretched out his hand at the same time, Watanabe Mori stretched out his hand and shook it with him, and they broke up instantly.

"However, I discovered something very interesting? Mayumi."

Watanabe Moli glanced at the two people present, and combined with the previous conversation, as if thinking about something, the corners of his mouth slowly curled up.

"What's the matter?" Nanakusa Mayumi tilted her head and said.

"Obviously they are all the seniors I just met, but the names are completely different."

"Plus, you always mentioned this junior when you were having lunch at noon today."

"Mayumi, using me as an excuse doesn't seem too good, does it?"

"Molly, what are you talking about! I'm just showing you."

Nanakusa Mayumi did not show the blushing look that Watanabe Mori wanted to see.

On the contrary, his calm face made Watanabe Mori think that his guess was wrong.

"Besides, the mention of Guang Xuanjun is only because he gave me a good idea to solve the problem."


Watanabe Moli narrowed her eyes, she still felt that Nanakusa Mayumi was not quite right.

Although Nanakusa Mayumi always calls the juniors who are more familiar with her name directly, she is the first to let the juniors call her own name directly.

This alone made it difficult for her to dispel her doubts.

But the appearance of the two of them was completely too calm, it didn't look like something happened at all.

"Well, although I am very happy chatting with the two seniors, there is something I want to see."

Mitsunobu Kushima saw that the two seemed to be leaning against the doorway to talk for a long time, and interrupted.

He glanced at his watch just now, that Senqi and his friends had been out for nearly 20 minutes, if it was slower, he might not even see the end.

"Is there anything urgent for you? If there is, it doesn't matter now, don't worry about us."

Watanabe Mori said.

Mitsunobu Kushima glanced at his watch again, then said with a sigh. "If you two are free, would you like to come with me?"

"This matter should be under the jurisdiction of sister Watanabe."

Now no matter how fast he speeds up, he won't be in a hurry, why don't he just take these two people and settle the matter!

As for the observation of Shiba Miyuki's strength, it's better to wait until the next opportunity.

"Oh, tell me about the situation in detail."

Watanabe Mori became interested in Kushima Mitsunobu's words.

"whats the matter?"

Nanakusa Mayumi's expression also turned serious, since Kushima Hikunun said Watanabe Mori's jurisdiction.

That thing must not be a small matter.

"The two seniors don't have to be so serious, let's speed up the pace, let's talk about the specific situation while running!"

Yes, three people have already started running.

But when it comes to running, it's just that Mitsunobu Kushima looks more like running, while Nanakusa Mayumi and Watanabe Mori look more like skating.

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