This time, Sayaka Kosaka was also silent!

If it was changed to the original, when she still had male phobia, she would definitely speak out against what An Bai Nai said.

But now, since William changed her childhood memories, she has long had a high degree of affection for William in her heart.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be so dedicated to the task William ordered.

The reason why there has been no progress for so long is purely because of the mentality of the youngest daughter.

And it's the same for Himeragi Yukina!

Although she didn't understand what was going on before, but after Anbai Nai made everything clear.

Not only did she not feel the anger of being sent away as a commodity, but what lingered in her heart was the sweetness that could not go away for a long time.

There is no way, such a long period of close contact has already buried a growing feeling in the heart of this young girl, Himeragi Yukina.

He looks so handsome that he doesn't look like a human being!

The strength is the strongest in the whole world!

Although powerful, he treats people with kindness and is never arrogant and domineering!

In particular, he helped her a lot, always taking care of her in a hidden situation!

Let me just ask, if such a man appeared in front of a little girl, even his lewdness was not very important, any girl would be hopelessly attracted to him.

"Since you don't deny it, I will take it as your acquiescence."

"But you don't have to be shy, because I will be with you too."

Glancing at the two shy little girls who were bowing their heads, Anbai Nai said rather tiredly.

She also did not expect that because of the shift in strategy, she would have to take this step.

Time went back to the present.

William shifted his gaze to Sayaka Kosaka again.

Needless to say about Kosaka Sayaka's figure, she was originally the kind of girl with a very well-proportioned figure and a tall figure.

She was wearing a pink cherry bikini with a ribbon border today, but she still wrapped a shirt over her bikini, but because of the bulging breasts, it made the swimsuit more conspicuous.

She hid most of her body behind An Bai Nai.

Even though she had been mentally prepared for a long time before coming in, when she really faced this moment, the overwhelming feeling of shame made her almost unable to control herself.

"Well, tell me how you feel!"

Sayaka Kosaka, who kept peeking at William's reaction, said with some dissatisfaction.


"Is your bathing suit a little too small?"

Kosaka Sayayaka's size is relatively grand, but maybe it's because the swimsuit feels a bit small, plus she still has her head down, the already deep gully has become bottomless at this moment .


"Is there any way to do this, have I bought a new swimsuit recently, I can only wear the old model from a year ago."

"Okay, although this is indeed a bit embarrassing, Sir William, please come out of the hot spring, let us help you wipe your back."

Shyness is indeed shyness.

But after such a long period of mental adjustment, Anbai Nai also completely shifted his mentality.

The tone is not as cramped as before!

In fact, Bai Nai knew why An Bai Nai gave himself the initiative in this matter.

In An Bai Nai's family, the elves represented by An Bai's personality are passed down from generation to generation on each patriarch.

Because the personality of An An can preserve the spiritual power of every patriarch when she is dying.

Then board again on the next Patriarch.

Therefore, every Patriarch maintained two states when he was young.

That is, when fighting and dealing with important events, the dark personality takes the lead, and when living and nurturing life, the white personality takes the lead.

Because after hundreds of years, the dark personality has long been tired of the love affairs between men and women.

Therefore, every generation of An Bai Nai's husband is actually Bai's husband, and has nothing to do with An.

And the man in front of her has already been determined to be her Bai's husband for the rest of her life. Of course, Bai must take the lead in this situation.

"If that's the case, then I'll be blunt."

Swimming slowly to the periphery of the hot spring pool, the three women, who saw the man naked for the first time, blushed again and shyly.

However, William didn't respond. He just walked quietly to the small stool made of stone and sat down, then pointed his back at the three girls.

Taking a deep breath, the mountains that Anbai Nai was about to emerge from appeared even more ups and downs.

"Then I'll go first!"


Suddenly, a snow-white lotus root arm directly blocked An Bai Nai.

"Xue Cai?"

Like Anbaina, Himeragi Yukina was also panting heavily to calm down her mind.

"Let me come first!"

After finishing speaking, Himeragi Yukina put on a heroic look, stepped on the white stone slab with her smooth little feet, walked up behind William, and squatted down.

Immediately, a sweet body fragrance filled William's nostrils.

Then the two little hands were placed directly on William's shoulders, and they began to knead properly.

Himeragi Yukina's body temperature is much lower than that of ordinary people.

So even around the steaming hot spring, her skin is still icy and cool, and this feeling is quite comfortable.

The massage lasted about 10 minutes.

William spoke slowly.

"Xuecai, if you are not ready, you can wait."

Time froze for about a few seconds.

This period of time is also the time for Himeragi Yukina to do mental construction.

Then he felt that cool little hand gradually moved from his back to his front.

"I'm ready, Lord William!"

ps: Hey, I want to check out the recommended slot for the new book, but it’s really a headache.

I have no choice but to wait for it to go online on Monday. I hope to save the tickets in my hand for these two days. I will give away my new book when the time comes. Please, everyone.

Chapter 310 Seventh Swamp Dragon Glenda

It's daylight!

It was early morning now, standing in the middle of the courtyard, William changed into a dark kimono.

Standing beside him were Anshiro Nai and Kankoei who were also wearing kimonos.

Of course, the current An Bai Nai is in the state of the dark personality, and she has already returned to the body with the white personality, and she is too shy to control herself.

Himeragi Yukina and Kosaka Sayaka were also in the same state, resting in the Japanese room.

However, it was also fortunate that there were three of them together last night, or if it was the first time for them, they probably passed out completely by themselves!

"Then, please follow me to the sealed place, Your Majesty!"

Anbai Nai leaned slightly and said softly.

Xiaofei Sano's shrine is very close to the location of the seal, or the entire distance does not exceed three kilometers.

Following behind An Bai Nai and Xian Gu Yong, along the blue stone path covered with moss, the three of them headed towards the destination of this trip, Shensheng Lake.

The speed of the three people was very fast, and in about 5 minutes, they came to the edge of the lake.

There is a pier inside!

The pier is that kind of wood, and there are two small wooden boats docked on both sides of the pier. The inside of the wooden boats has been filled with fallen leaves and rainwater, and it seems that they have not been used for a long time.

Xian Guyong directly used spells to clean the cabin, and the hull immediately became completely new.

Boarding the small wooden boat, William stood in the middle of the cabin, Xian Guyong stood in front, and Anbai Nai stood in the back, wrapping William in one after the other.

However, what is more peculiar is that this ship does not have such a thing as an engine, and no one is paddling.

It was as if the hull was pushed by an invisible current, driving the wooden boat forward.

"Your Majesty, the Lord of the Bee and Snake, who seals the legacy of the Saint Annihilation, sleeps at our feet."

The wooden boat probably stopped at the southeast of the lake, which happened to be about 50 meters away from the center.

"According to past records and ancient records, when the Bee Snake Master fully awakens, disasters will descend on this land and wipe out everything."

"In the past, the Lion King agency, in order to strengthen the seal of the Lord of the Bee Snake, would select a suitable witch and sacrifice it every time the Lord of the Bee Snake was about to break the seal and riot."

"And if Your Majesty wants to get the Lord of the Bee Snake, it is the most appropriate time."

Of course, this is only the reason for the lack of information from the Lion King's agency, so they regard the sealed thing here as a disaster.

But in the past six months, the entire MAR Group was completely included in the bag, and after the soul search of the former MAR chairman Shavriar Lian was carried out.

What lies beneath this lake is no secret to him.

The so-called holy annihilation heritage of Shensheng Lake is actually the dragon clan that is used as a container and is responsible for guarding and recording the holy annihilation formula and the coordinates of the different world.

The Dragon of the Swamp - Glenda!

In her current state, she actually turned into a dragon egg and fell asleep quietly at the bottom of Shensheng Lake.

Named by the Lion King Agency, the two-winged western dragon, which is regarded as a disaster, and the bee snake have reached a symbiotic relationship.

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