The Bee Snake regularly provides Glenda with the necessary energy to survive, so that Glenda will not wake up in the process of eternal sleep.

However, although the power to survive does not need to worry.

But Glenda is an intelligent creature after all, not a mechanical creation without thinking.

Being in the seal for a long time has made Glenda's spirit a little bit riddled with holes.

It is precisely because of this that every time Glenda loses control, she will cause riots, and bees and snakes will swarm out at the same time, destroying this small land.

And why does the Lion King agency regularly offer the memory of the witch as a strategy to suppress disasters!

The witch's diary information can help Glenda's broken memory be repaired and strengthened.

This is why Glenda, the Dragon of the Swamp, would give up driving Bee and Snake to make trouble every time the Lion King Agency offered up a witch.

In this way, Glenda and the Lion King agency reached a consensus under such a coincidence and formed a delicate balance pole.

Of course, the Lion King agency is not inhumane.

Every time they offer sacrifices, the priestesses are retired sword witches who are about to march and volunteer.

Because of this, they can let the last gleam of their lives bloom with the afterglow they should have.

Instead of lying on the hospital bed, quietly waiting for death to come day by day.

Of course, Glenda would not have any objections to the old witch.

Because this kind of old witches, who have already had a short lifespan, have accumulated information in their lifetime that is far beyond the reach of those young people.

In this way, one wants to complete his own personality, and the other wants to let out the lingering fire of his own life. The two parties formed such a tacit understanding by accident.

So what to do is very simple.

If you want to get this unknown holy annihilation legacy, as long as you don't sacrifice it to the witch, you will be fine.

Time passed so slowly.

The waves on the water are swaying. Normally speaking, the two small canoes are actually designed to be connected together.

After being connected together, it will become a simple wooden altar floating on the lake.

At this moment, the change began!

A sense of fear of unknown origin suddenly hit Xian Guyong's heart, bringing a deep chill in the scorching summer.

She set her eyes on the bottom of the lake!

At this moment, the bottom of the lake is no longer as clear as it was just now. The first thing I saw was a black polyhedron floating in the lake water like a snail, which appeared at an unknown time.

Its surface is like a black pearl, swaying irregularly like a mirage, a strange object with the characteristics of both living things and man-made things, and it doesn't look like anything on land.

"Is this the seal used to seal the Lord of the Bee Snake?"

Xian Guyong asked An Bai Nai curiously, even though she is the Three Sages of the Lion King Agency, the time for her to inherit the Three Sages was only a short period of time.

Moreover, the last time she sacrificed to the Bee Snake Lord was 60 years ago. Naturally, her knowledge is not as rich as that of the dark personality who has lived for thousands of years.

"That's right, this is the seal that seals the calamity sleeping under the land of Shenxuduo. Those guys in the Self-Defense Force call it the Black Shell."

And now, because the time limit has come, no priestess has sacrificed to the dragon of the swamp.

The current black shell seal is completely on the verge of riots. The black mass at the bottom of the lake, shaking the shell irregularly, looks like a film that seals the powerful magic inside.

Gives people a tendency to explode at any time.

William, who was feeling the changes at the bottom of the lake all the time, frowned suddenly, stretched out his finger and touched the shoulders of Xian Guyong and An Bai Nai.

Xian Guyong and Anbai Nai immediately floated up.

"What's the matter, Lord William?"

Xian Guyong clutched the corner of her kimono skirt in a panic, and suddenly flew up, she almost faced the crisis of being naked.

"It's okay, we'll be out soon!"

William, who was also floating in the air, ignored Xian Guyong's flustered look, and just quietly watched the turbulent lake bottom.

Cracks appeared on the surface of the black shell, and countless figures emerged from the gaps. It was a shiny creature with an iron-gray appearance, like a bee with compound eyes, or a snake with a long tail.

A monster that obviously has the outline of an organic living body, but its texture is similar to a man-made object.

"Master William, please forgive me."

Anbai Nai, who was floating in mid-air, bowed slightly, and said respectfully to William.

Don't look at her having a close relationship with William now, but Anbai Nai, who has a dark personality, still maintains a respectful attitude towards William.

"This amount can only be entrusted to you, Lord William."

Xian Guyong also begged William weakly.

The number of bee snakes is increasing infinitely, and this amount is beyond the reach of Han Guyong and An Bai Nai.

Xian Guyong is definitely considered powerful, but her magic, "Absolute Priority to Attack" is a magic that can only be used in one-on-one situations.

Anbai Nai is indeed good at multiplayer battles, but her magic, "God Save the Queen" needs to be manipulated by the crowd to exert its power.

"I see, don't worry!"

After quietly throwing down these words, violent spiritual power erupted from William's body.

In an instant, the sights of An Bai Nai and Xian Gu Yong were shrouded in blue light.

It is the freezing air that turns everything into dust due to the shrinkage and embrittlement caused by rapid freezing.

In the position of the three of William, a huge ice crystal like a whirlpool was quickly rolled up, and the pure white mist and ice and snow quickly covered the rippling lake, the surrounding hills, and the lush forest.

It was the dead silence of all things!

After the ice fog swept across, except for the howling cold wind, no life activity could be heard in the entire forest.

The vast lake surface of Shensheng Lake, which has a total water storage capacity of more than 6000 million tons, is completely frozen even on the opposite shore.

The increased volume of the lake after freezing caused the lake to bulge like steep icebergs.

Added two body temperature maintaining charms to the two shivering girls, and the three of them slowly fell from the air to the ground.

The bees and snakes that swarmed out just now were completely wrapped in ice.

Some were directly frozen in the lake, and some had already flown out, their bodies were covered with a thick layer of frost, they were directly frozen to death, and then fell on the ice.

Xian Guyong looked curiously at a strangely shaped ice sculpture.

The state of this bee snake is just about to fly out of the water.

Its wings were completely spread out, its eyes stared straight ahead disdainfully, its long beak opened wide, revealing the sharp teeth inside.

However, its lower body remained on the surface of the water, and the splash of water just floated on its abdomen, like a blooming ice lotus.

Stretching out the silver-gray spear in his hand, Xian Guyong didn't even use his strength, he just lightly tapped on the ice sculpture.

Suddenly, the ice sculptures that were still glowing under the refraction of the sun just now.

Just in an instant, it turned into a pile of snow-white powder.

Xian Guyong's pupils shrank suddenly, and then remembered that it was William's handwriting, so he could only accept it helplessly, and sighed deeply.

"What temperature did it reach to achieve this level?"

"Lord William?"

An Bai Nai stomped his clogs in some puzzlement, the thickness of the ice surface may have penetrated to the deepest bottom of the water.

Under this kind of density, she would not think that anything could break through the ice from this tight structure.

Such a move to block the bee snake is indeed very effective.

Even now all the bee snakes have stopped their life activities, but wouldn't it be putting the cart before the horse?

You know, their original purpose should be to capture the swamp dragon.

In this situation, Anbai Nai felt that even the Swamp Dragon couldn't break through the ice.

"It came out, look, it's here!"

As William's voice fell, Anbai Nai and Xian Guyong also felt that breath at the same time.

The atmosphere was trembling slightly, and the snow-white ice fog began to roll back,

In An Bai Nai's eyes, he was completely frozen to death, and the unshakable lake began to shake irregularly.

It seemed that some huge object was making trouble under the lake.

"Is that a foreign land?"

The abnormality that suddenly appeared on the ice was very similar to the space gap that William used to use.

It's also black, but this time, someone opened the tunnel on the ice, besides the black, there are also many speckled colors like starlight.

That's right, this is the thing that everyone in the blood-devouring attack world turns pale upon seeing, a foreign land.

According to the legend, no matter who enters the foreign land, no one can survive successfully, and will only be swallowed.

There is only one successful survivor.

That was the former Fourth True Ancestor!

What instantly emerged from the foreign land was a black figure like a fortress.

The broad wings that resemble twisted knives, the sturdy limbs that look weak even compared to armored vehicles, the head that resembles a vicious carnivorous lizard, sharp fangs and deep red eyes.

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo!"

While rolling up the pure white mist, the pitch-black giant roared furiously.

"Let me just say it! If the legendary dragon of the swamp who controls the foreign land can't bypass the mere ice, then it's too much."

Anbai Nai and Xian Guyong also looked at the giant dragon staring at them with admiration.

Of course, there was no sense of fear in their hearts, after all, the strongest man in the world was standing by her side.

The three saints of the two Lion King agencies just stood there.

William took his own steps, and his handmade leather shoes slapped on the ice, making a crisp sound.

The pitch-black giant dragon also did not make any threatening or aggressive movements, but its huge dragon eyes followed William's footsteps.

"Hello, Guardian of the God's Legacy!"

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