With both hands around Mitsunobu Kushima's neck, the two slender thighs were clamped around Mitsunobu Kushima's waist, and the girl's unique body fragrance rushed straight to the tip of Mitsunobu Kushima's nose.

Because Watanabe Moli's boyfriend will come with her later, she still wears a conservative swimsuit.

She was wearing a skirt-style swimsuit, with only her snow-white shoulders and smooth and slender thighs exposed.

Normally, there are very few girls who wear this kind of swimsuit because they are shy, and most of them are because this kind of swimsuit has a significant effect on improving the curve of the buttocks.

Subconsciously grabbed it.

Well, the buttocks are quite straight.


Nanakusa Mayumi, who flung herself into Kushima Mitsunobu's arms to enjoy the warmth of her lover, was shocked by the sudden attack and let out a coquettish cry.

"Guangxuan-jun, it's really H!"

Nanakusa Mayumi who raised her head from her arms didn't show a shy expression. After all, they had done such intimate actions in the middle of the nine school battles when they were deeply in love.

Just being touched on the bottom, she is not shy at all.

"Hands just fit right there."

He would never admit to things that were not intentional by him. His two hands were only there to hold Nanakusa Mayumi, what if she fell off his body and hurt herself.

"It doesn't matter if it's true or not!"

"How about my swimsuit!"

Nanakusa Mayumi, who got off Mitsunobu Kushima, turned around in a circle, and the corners of her skirt flew up with her movements. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is a summer elf with her perfect face and matching swimsuit.

"Oh, very nice!

Under eyes full of love, Mitsunobu Kushima praised from the bottom of his heart.

"Really, it's the same evaluation every time."

Nanakusa Mayumi said with a little reluctance, every time she asked Mitsunobu Kushima how she felt about her clothes, she always said that she was very beautiful. She was very happy when she heard it for the first time, and she always gave the same evaluation after she heard it. She couldn't help but wonder if Mitsunobu Kushima was perfunctory to her.

Mitsunobu Kushima also has his own way of dealing with this kind of scene, which he also learned during the Nine Schools Battle.

Holding Nanakusa Mayumi's fragrant shoulders with both hands, she lowered her head slightly and printed her lips on Nanakusa Mayumi's lips.

It was just a kiss like a dragonfly touching water, but it also made Nanakusa Mayumi, who hadn't blushed for a long time, the temperature on her face rose rapidly, from her white neck to her small ears were dyed a faint blush.

"Guangxuan, you have found a way to deal with me!"

Because there is a big gap between her own height and Mitsunobu Kushima, she can only raise her head if she wants to see Mitsunobu Kushima in this posture.

The small face was raised up hard, and the slender neck was also tensed. The most important thing was that her swollen face was like a puffer fish that exploded with anger.

"No! The reason why there is only such a sentence every time is because Mayumi is very beautiful in itself, and your beauty does not need clothes to set it off."

Mitsunobu Kushima said seriously.

"Guangxuan, you are really getting better at talking about love now."

Nanakusa Mayumi broke free from Mitsunobu Kushima's hands that were fastening her shoulders, shook her little head lightly and said suspiciously.

"This isn't a love story, it's the truth!"

"Okay, stop talking!"

Nanakusa Mayumi now feels that her chest is about to explode. Obviously, these are not touching love words but just Mitsunobu Kushima's inner words, but she already thinks that her magic resistance is quite high, and her heart beats so fast.

"Let me put on sunscreen for you!"

Nanakusa Mayumi felt that if Mitsunobu Kushima said something like this again, her legs would no longer be able to stand up, so she quickly ended the topic.

She pushed out the beach chair under the sun umbrella, and then took out the beach cloth that Mitsunobu Kushima had prepared.

"I think you've got it wrong, I should be the one who proposed to put sunscreen on you!"

Mitsunobu Kushima looked at Nanakusa Mayumi who was trying to spread the beach cloth evenly.

"Hey, does Guangxuan want to put sunscreen on me?"

"That's a pity! I don't need to paint my back because of the swimsuit, so I finished it when I was in the room."

Nanakusa Mayumi patted the beach cloth that had been laid flat, and then took out a bottle of tan sunscreen from there as if by magic.

"Come and lie down, I'll put on sunscreen for you."

"I don't want my boyfriend to turn into a charcoal."

Although Nanakusa Mayumi doesn't have any objections to boys with dark skin, she still likes Mitsunobu Kushima's white appearance.


Although it doesn't matter to him whether he wears sunscreen or not, Nanakusa Mayumi said so, and he honestly took off his beach short sleeves.

ps: Chapter 6

Chapter 71 There Are Muscles 【Subscription】

Mitsunobu Kushima, who took off his shirt, exposed his muscular upper body.

In a word, it should be the type that looks thinner when you take off your clothes.

"There are muscles!"

Nanakusa Mayumi exhaled subconsciously.

Just as men usually like to look at girls with beautiful bodies and good figures, boys with handsome figures will attract women's attention.

The muscles on Kushima Mitsunobu's body are not the kind of big muscles that are deliberately exercised by eating eggs. Although some girls like that kind of muscles, they are inexplicably disgusting in Nanakusa Mayumi's eyes.

His muscles are the kind that are not obvious at first glance, but sharp-edged when you look closely.

Nanakusa Mayumi unscrewed the cap of the lubricating oil directly, and poured the slippery and cold liquid inside directly on Mitsunobu Kushima's body.

He rubbed his little hands vigorously and then groped on Kushima Mitsunobu's back.

"so hard!"

"And the skin is so white!"

Nanakusa Mayumi expressed her own feelings while applying sunscreen.

"Mayumi, you're a bit of an idiot..."

Mitsunobu Kushima, who had been lying on his stomach all the time, said with black lines all over his head,

"Okay, the back is finished, wipe the rest yourself!"

Although Nanakusa Mayumi said so, she was a little shy to express her feelings about boys' skin so selflessly.

"Really, since you say you want to help, help to the end!"

Mitsunobu Kushima, who got up directly, did not see Nanakusa Mayumi's shy expression because he was applying the remaining part of the sunscreen that had not been applied.

"Okay, let's go straight into the water too!"

Mitsunobu Kushima took a deep breath and floated freely with the waves.

Nanakusa Mayumi who entered the water was like a fish swimming in the sea, swimming freely in the sea, and she also floated to the surface from time to time to confirm the position of Mitsunobu Kushima.

"Gudong Gudong Gudong!"

Mitsunobu Kushima, who was enjoying the sunbathing, suddenly felt a strong force coming from under him and directly dragged him into the sea.

"What are you doing!"

Mitsunobu Kushima, who had resurfaced, knew who did this without even thinking about it.

Nanakusa Mayumi also poked her head out of the sparkling water, muttering with her small mouth.

"Who told you to lie down after going into the sea!"

"Shouldn't you be swimming with me!"

Hearing what Nanakusa Mayumi said, Mitsunobu Kushima would of course satisfy her request.

"That's right! Then I'll play with you!"

Mitsunobu Kushima turned over and dived into the sea with a diving leap. His swimming skills have also been specially trained, so it is not a problem to dive without equipment.

Nanakusa Mayumi, who was still floating on the water, suddenly felt her little feet being caught by a big hand, followed by an itching feeling in her heart.

The two of them played with each other for a while, and then went back to the villa to prepare the ingredients for the evening barbecue.

Nanakusa Izumi, Kasumi, Watanabe Mori and her boyfriend, who didn't know where to play while they were preparing, all returned to the villa.

The fiery red sun gradually approached the sea level, and the snow-white clouds also showed a burnt sugar color under the sun's reflection.

The grill has long been placed on the white sandy beach by Mitsunobu Kushima, and the ingredients are handled by Mitsunobu Kushima and Mori Watanabe, who are excellent knives.

After all, it is not realistic to expect the Nanakusa twins and Chiba Shuji to come.

Although Nanakusa Mayumi can cook now, but her knife skills are only barely good, so she can't be used for much.

But the four of them didn't do nothing. Miscellaneous things like burning charcoal, setting the table, preparing tableware, and preparing drinks were all handed over to these four people.

After Jiudao Mitsunobu and the others processed all the ingredients, Nanakusa Mayumi and the others had also completed all the external preparations.

A large white table is placed not far from the grill, and six stools are neatly placed beside the table.

Since all the people present except Shuji Chiba were minors, the drink of choice was naturally non-alcoholic champagne, so that minors like them could also experience the summer atmosphere of drinking and eating barbecue by the sea.

After everything was ready, everyone didn't rush to start grilling immediately, but sat at the table and poured a glass of champagne each.

"Then I hope you all have fun these two days, cheers!"

As the initiator of the event, Nanakusa Mayumi stood up and held up the goblet and drank the champagne in a very heroic gulp.

Everyone smiled knowingly, then also held up the champagne in their hands and collided together.


After the opening speech, it was naturally the much-anticipated barbecue session.

Due to Nanakusa Mayumi's strong request, Mitsunobu Kushima and Watanabe Mori put down the skewers in their hands and turned to watch Mayumi Nanakusa with the others, watching her operate.

Nanakusa Mayumi was humming a song while flipping the meat skewers on the grill, she was quite proficient just by looking at the movements.

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