"Molly, I remember Nanakusa-san doesn't know how to cook!"

It was Mori Watanabe's boyfriend, Shuji Chiba who asked this question.

He naturally knew Nanakusa Mayumi, and he was even the chairman of the discipline committee when Mori Watanabe and the others entered the first grade.

Although he and Watanabe Mori have known each other for a long time, the two of them still fell in love only at that time.

"It shouldn't be a problem! After all, Mayumi brought lunch boxes to Kushima before."

Watanabe Mori looked at Mitsunobu Kushima with a questioning look.

"At least the lunch that Mayumi brought me that day was of a good standard, and it's just a barbecue. As long as it's cooked, it shouldn't be too difficult."

Kushima Mitsunobu replied affirmatively to Watanabe Mori, at least he didn't think Nanakusa Mayumi would mess up a simple barbecue.

"Hmph! Even if you have vision!"

Nanakuo Kasumi, who has been looking at Mitsunobu Kudo not pleasing to the eye, is already preparing. If Mitsunobu Kushima dares to say that his sister's cooking is not good, he is ready to teach him how to behave with a thunderbolt kick.

"Don't worry! My sister has already practiced well at home."

Qicao Quanmei said with a strong face and a smile. Now that she thinks about the days when her sister forced her to eat the experimental dishes, she still has a stomachache. She is obviously full, but she still has to swallow it.

"All right."

Nanakusa Mayumi cleverly assembled the skewers on the grill onto two plates, picked them up and placed them on the dining table.

"OK OK."

"Come and taste it!"

Nanakusa Mayumi waved her hand to the people who were still standing still. She was looking forward to their reaction after eating her barbecue.

ps: Thanks to @云见雪 for sending 20 salted fish spurs

Thank you @93年有马志 for sending me a fat time

Thanks to @BSG75 for sending me a fat time

Thanks @原初太阳飞环境于风@阿拉达卡曼格@松桐梁天下第一天无无夜@有情狗走成养纱@雪球黄泉我鸟眉如画镜第[-]机@白龙爱吃糖品@ The key of the apocalypse @尤羽星空 MUTE A tip from Jian Xinchen

Regarding the record of outstanding rewards, it will be settled together next Friday, and then I will pay back

Thank you for your continued support, there are still two chapters left before your favorite scene

The first update started today, ask for tickets, ask for subscription

Chapter 72 Where do you want to take my sister

"Well, very tender beef."

This is Watanabe Mori's impression after eating.

"The gravy in the meat is quite rich."

This is Chiba Shuji's thoughts.

"What! Don't you all evaluate the ingredients themselves! The important thing is the heat, the heat!"

Nanakusa Mayumi yelled unwillingly as she watched the pair of men and women with a high degree of tacit understanding, and then she turned her gaze to Mitsunobu Kushima and her sisters.

"Sister, the roast is delicious!"

The younger sisters still praised her elder sister quite a lot. In order to prove that what she said was true, Nanakusa Kasumi ate it all in one bite, regardless of the hotness of the meat skewers.

"It was delicious."

Mitsunobu Kushima also answered from the heart, besides, Nanakusa Mayumi did not fail the meat test, but it was not as delicious as she boasted.

"Then I'll bake some more!"

The comments from her younger sister and Mitsunobu Kushima immediately gave Nanakusa Mayumi great confidence, and she rolled up her sleeves with great interest, as if preparing for a big fight.

"No need, let's do the rest together!"

Mitsunobu Kushima sighed helplessly, and then pressed Nanakusa Mayumi's body as she was about to stand up with her hand.

"After all, everyone is here to have fun. Of course, the barbecue can only be enjoyed if everyone roasts together. How about letting you roast it all!"

Nanakusa Mayumi froze for a moment, then smiled. "That's right! Let's bake together!"

After finishing speaking, everyone nodded in agreement and stood in front of the grill with their favorite ingredients.

The table that was deliberately moved out did not serve any purpose at all.

"Ah! Quanmei, your meat skewers are mushy!"

"Kasumi, it's time to turn yours over."


When everyone was baking by themselves, these three guys who usually don't go into the kitchen at all started to make trouble everywhere. After successfully destroying half of the ingredients, Mitsunobu Kushima finally couldn't bear to drive the three guys who enjoyed it. off the grill.

"Brother-in-law, I want meat skewers."

Out of resentment at being forcibly driven away from the grill by Mitsunobu Kushima, the little angel Izumi, who has been assisting Mitsunobu Kushima and Mayumi Nanakusa, is now constantly driving Mitsunobu Kushima to do labor.

Obviously there are two people who are in charge of the barbecue now, but the three sisters of Nanakusa's family are all staring at him, not allowing him any time to rest.

The meat skewers in my hand have just been tested, and another order will be added immediately.

Jiu Dao Mitsunobu brushed each meat skewer on the grill with just the right amount of sauce with his hands and feet, and then put it on the plate with a fairly fast hand speed.

"I said, don't you usually pay attention to your figure?"

"I ate so much in a day today, be careful to go back and gain weight!"

Mitsunobu Kushima said with black lines all over his head.

It's only been 10 minutes since the last plate of barbecue was finished, what the hell is going on with this clean plate.

"It's just because of it, it doesn't matter!"

Nanakusa really didn't care about Mitsunobu Kushima's weight threat, picked up the freshly grilled meat skewers and continued to eat.

"Why, do you have any opinions on letting you serve us!"

After Nanakusa Kasumi lightly bit off a piece of meat, she stared at Mitsunobu Kushima with warning eyes.

"Add another lobster, brother-in-law, hurry up."

Nanakusa Izumi, who had turned into a ruthless cooking machine, urged again.

"Yes Yes Yes Yes!"

Mitsunobu Jiudao weakly raised his hands. Two of them are his sister-in-law and the other is his girlfriend. Of course, he only has to work hard.

The barbecue time for dinner lasted quite a while.

The people who had already eaten and drank had no intention of cleaning the battlefield at all, and they all lay on the deck chairs on the beach, chatting casually while enjoying the slightly caressing sea breeze.

"I prepared some things temporarily when I came here, Guangxuan, can you move with me?"

"Are you talking about those two big black boxes you carried? They are really heavy."

When Chiba Shuji said this suddenly, Watanabe Mori immediately recalled the two big boxes that Chiba Shuji was pushing when he came out of the airport.

She also asked him why he only came to play for two or three days, and why he brought so many things, but Chiba Xiuji just told her to find out in the evening.

It wasn't until an hour or so later that they returned to the beach.

"What are you doing, things?"

Looking at the two empty-handed Nanakusa Mayumi drew a question mark on her face, she thought the two were preparing some kind of surprise, but it turned out that there was nothing?

"Well! You'll find out later."

There was a mysterious smile on the corner of Mitsunobu Kushima's mouth, even he had to admire Chiba Shuji's thoughtfulness in preparation, this time he had borrowed all.

"But you go somewhere with me first."

He took Nanakusa Mayumi's little hand and pulled her up from the beach chair as if running to the side of the forest.

"Hey, where do you want to take my sister?"

Nanakusa Kasumi just wanted to chase after Nanakusa Izumi, who lost her anger, and hugged Nanakusa Kasumi tightly.


Nanakusa Mayumi was half-bent, her pink mouth slightly parted, panting.

Long-distance running without using magic is quite tiring for a magician like Nanakusa Mayumi who hardly does endurance training.

"What are we doing here!"

The place where the two of them are standing now is in the cliff forest on the edge of the beach. From their position, they can just see Nanakusa Kasumi and the others on the beach.

"Just watch carefully."

The fire that soared into the sky cut through the night in an instant, and the sound like a sharp bird song simultaneously broke the silence of the forest at night.

Nanakusa Mayumi couldn't help raising her small head to follow the direction of the voice.

That was the other end of the beach where Nanakusa Izumi and the others were located.

next second.


The flash of fire exploded in the dark night, turning into countless streams of sparks of different colors and rushing to the surroundings.

Beautiful fireworks balls bloom in the air, but disappear quickly.

in the next moment.


"Bang - -1"

With the sound of several firecrackers one after another, several fireworks are scrambling to fly towards the sky, as if competing to bloom.

The wine-red pupils are like mirrors reflecting the colorful clusters in the air.

"What a nice view!"

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