William nodded and agreed directly, although he himself is proficient in the spear skills of the Nine Islands style.

But he would never be arrogant and think that the Jiudao family's spear skills can be said to be perfect.

Finn, who can become the head of the Loki family, definitely has his own uniqueness in spear skills.


Hearing this strange term suddenly, Finn was also taken aback.

"Any questions?"

Seeing Finn's stunned expression, William thought his title was a bit abrupt.

"It's okay, let's call it this."

Finn agreed directly, but he had never formally accepted an apprentice before.

When teaching regiment members who also use guns, they also call themselves captains.

So the term master is still a little novel to him.

"Isn't that nice, Finn."

In fact, Loki's final decision just now also wanted to achieve this meaning.

There are two advantages to doing this.

One can allow William to grow up quickly under Finn's careful teaching.

The second is that William, who has grown up, can repay Finn's most important reputation.

"However, what should a magician who can use spear skills be called?"

Loki stretched, and suddenly asked an irrelevant question.

"Indeed! Most of the people who used magic and melee weapons at the same time were swords and daggers."

"This is indeed the first time an adventurer who shares guns and magic has appeared."

Finn was unexpectedly interested in this topic.

"Why don't you call it Magic Gunner!"

Finn came up with a shitty name.

This name also caused William to shake his head frequently, it was absolutely impossible for him to accept it.

"Then William, do you have any good ideas yourself?"

Seeing that William did not agree with his suggestion, Finn was a little disappointed.

William held his chin, thought for a while and said.

"How about calling it a Battle Mage!"

"not bad!"

"Not to mention that all mages who like to use magic and melee weapons at the same time are suitable for this title!"

Loki's eyes lit up when she heard this name, she felt that this title was really good, and it was much nicer than the dregs of the magic swordsman.

"Really good!"

Finn also had to admit that William's name was much better than his own.

"Very well, that's it!"

"Let me propose the name change at the next God meeting! It seems very interesting."

A happy smile appeared on Loki's face again, for the gods who had been lowered because of boredom.

Fresh and interesting things can arouse their interest the most.

Otherwise, why would this group of gods hold frequent god meetings every time they named adventurers?

How can I change the job name without giving it to Loki!

ps: second update

Chapter 85 Misunderstanding caused by chest peace 【Subscribe】

"Then, let's welcome the new team members."


The scarlet-haired Lord God stood on the dining table without any image, holding up a glass full of beer in his hands.


Cheers x n

The canteen of the Loki family is not too small, with four slender tables extending from the main seat to the entrance of the gate.

But even with so many seats, the group members are still full. It can be said that except for the group members who are still exploring the dungeon, the rest of the people are already sitting here.

Looking at the team members celebrating their joining, William looked at the beer in his hand full of hesitation.

To be reasonable, although the combined age of his two worlds is not too young.

But because he didn't reach adulthood every time, and he didn't have much interest in alcohol, a drink that would paralyze his nerves, so he didn't drink alcohol secretly.

But it is different in this world, regardless of gender, as long as they are 14 years old, they are considered adults, and drinking is of course allowed.

In addition, adventurers are a job that licks blood on the tip of a knife every day. Alcohol, which can paralyze their tired body and nerves, is the most popular among them.

"What's the matter, boy, haven't you had a drink?"

The person who said this was one of the three giants of the Loki family, [Chongjie] the strong dwarf Grace.

His face was covered with brown hair and beard, and he was drinking happily with a large barrel of beer in his hand.

"As an adventurer, it's okay if you don't know how to drink!"


Looking around, the situation is indeed true.

All the members, regardless of gender, were drinking beer, even the elf women in the family were also sipping the beer in their glasses gracefully.


William picked up the cup in his hand, imitating the way the elves drink, and took a sip lightly.

"How about it?"

"The wine tastes very good!"

While talking, Grace wiped the wine beads on his beard with his sleeve.

William nodded in agreement, he had never drunk wine from other worlds, at least beer from this world was definitely a drink that could be rated high in his eyes.

Although there is a slight bitterness at the beginning of drinking, but after a fine aftertaste, there is a strong aroma of wheat.

"Hmph, savage dwarves!"

Rivilia, who was sitting on the other side of the table, watched Grace's movements, frowned and said quite disdainfully.

It can be said that Grace didn't care about the verbal attacks from his fellow family members, because he often said that Rivilia was putting on airs.

Over the years, this has become a unique way of communicating between the three of them.

"Refia! Is your Opie a little bigger?"

While William was chatting with Grace, who was sitting beside him, their lord of the family had run up behind a beautiful elf girl at some point, and began to attack her.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

The girl named Lefia screamed loudly, shaking her body constantly, trying to throw off the main god who was hugging her tightly.

It's just that none of the companions sitting next to Refiya stepped forward to help, and they all acted as if they had nothing to do with them.

"Captain, this is not good!"

"If people don't want it, isn't it appropriate for the Lord God to do so?"

William frowned and looked at the scene in front of him, and said to Finn.

"No way, Loki has been like this since we joined the group, and even Rivilia has been harassed by her."

Finn was also quite helpless about the appearance of his master god, and said with a wry smile.

"This means that Loki is the same sex as us, otherwise I would have quit this family long ago."

Rivilia also sighed and said that beating Loki for so many years could not change her sexuality, and she had already given up.

The female members of the family have already honed their methods to fight Loki. Only Lefia, a silly elf girl, never knows how to avoid and resist, and she is always caught by Loki.

"That's it!"


"Miss Riveria, what did you say, you said that Loki and you are the same sex?"

William patted his ears vigorously, as if he didn't hear Rivilia's words clearly.

"Yeah, what's the matter?"

The elf royal family looked at William with some puzzlement, wondering why he was so surprised by his own words.

"Isn't Loki a man?"

William slapped the table directly, and the words he shouted and the sound of slapping on the table resounded through the noisy cafeteria.

After all, in the mythology, Loki has always existed as a man. Although Loki was wearing feminine clothes when we first met.

But that mediocre chest didn't make William have the slightest doubt about Loki's gender, but he complained in his heart that the main god is a pervert with transvestism.

The noise of the adventurers in the cafeteria suddenly fell silent, and Loki, who was attacking Lefia, froze all of a sudden, and Lefia also took advantage of this gap to escape directly.


After a brief silence, an eruption broke out in the cafeteria.

Whether it was dwarves, orcs, elves, or humans, all the family members laughed loudly. Even the elves who usually pay the most attention to their appearance and posture, some couldn't care about their own image at all, and lay on the table with their stomachs covered.

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