"Loki, the new member says you're a man!"

The werewolf Burt stepped on the table, mocking Loki wantonly.

"This is the reason why the chest is peaceful!"

The Amazon woman Tione looked at the endless plain on Loki's chest, and shook her own magnificence by the way, showing her pride as a woman.

Sitting next to him, his younger sister Diona, while her sister was talking, also touched her own chest that was almost the same as Loki's with a regretful expression.

"Hey! William, what did you just say, can you tell me again?"

Loki didn't know when he had already stood behind William, and at the same time, an astonishing black air was emitted from his body.

It's been a long time since a god dared to tease her gender, and she couldn't remember the last time she dared to tease her gender god.

She only remembered that she kicked his third leg directly, then stripped him naked and hung him on the city wall of Olalie for three days before allowing his family members to take the male god with him. go back.

I didn't expect to hear this kind of words again, it turned out to be a kid who just joined my family.

Now she has to think about how to punish this brat and let him know what a sin it is to tease her breasts.

ps: the third update

Chapter 86 She is too tired【Subscription】

After a while, the blackness on Loki's face finally dissipated, and he left behind William contentedly and went back to the elf to continue his big business.

William also successfully signed a series of contracts with Rocky, one of which is that when William has money, all of Rocky's wine money will be handed over to William.

Prior to this, all of Rocky's drinking money was borne by Riveria.

But just like this, every time Loki wants to drink, he has to stalk Rivilia to succeed, so this time she found a new long-term money bag and was satisfied.

After all, he is his own child!Even when it comes to the pain of her life, she can't use force like she treats outsiders.

Of course, this is why Loki has no doubts about William becoming a first-level adventurer.

With that BUG-like skill, if anyone dares to say that William can't become a high-ranking adventurer, Loki can spit out his brains.

The ability to make money for a first-level adventurer is very strong. As long as you seriously go around the dungeon and come out with a loot worth hundreds of thousands of mana, it's just like playing.

"I didn't expect you to think that Loki was a man, no wonder your eyes were so weird at that time."

Finn, who has always been steady, couldn't help but laugh, after all, the scene just now was too funny.


The dignified and elegant Rivilia also covered her small mouth, and her trembling shoulders showed that she had worked very hard to maintain her appearance.

"Okay, what plans do you have for William tomorrow?"

After the simple joke, Finn asked about his apprentice's plans for tomorrow in detail.

"In the evening, I'm going to the library to look up the information about the dungeon. Tomorrow, I'll go to exchange some money and go to the dungeon to have a look!"

He had anticipated the monetary problem before coming, and bought a few pieces of gold.

Gold is not just a hard currency between countries, even in different worlds, gold is also a luxury in most worlds.

No matter what, at least these few pieces of gold can help him solve his early life problems.

"That's it!"

"By the way, William. You said you were better at using a gun, but I didn't see you carrying your own weapon."

"I can't go to the dungeon tomorrow without weapons."

"There are some weapons for training in the warehouse in the family. Although they are not good weapons, there is no problem in dealing with the monsters on the upper floor."

Finn, who said this, also decided what the first gift he would give to his apprentice was at the same time.

"I see!"

William nodded and said that his current magic power is not as good as before, and a handy weapon is still necessary.

Besides, he originally wanted to buy a long gun for novices after changing Farley.

"Explore the dungeon!"

Rivilia thought thoughtfully, and then she waved at the miserable elf girl Refia, signaling her to come to her side.

Seeing the call of the royal elves, Refia immediately pushed Loki away forcefully, and trotted all the way to this side.

At this time, her hair that was originally tied into a thick golden single ponytail had been completely loosened, and the pink dress she was wearing was also crumpled.

The thin ears like leaves are also raised, and the face is still flushed slightly.

I don't know if it was because he drank too much, or because he was molested by Loki.

"Refia, you have nothing to do tomorrow!"


With tears in her eyes, the elf girl stopped her little hands, which were arranging the folds of the dress, and answered Rivilia.

She was only focused on getting rid of Loki just now, but she completely forgot that it was Master Rivilia who greeted her.

Seeing Rivilia in such a disheveled state is really too rude for the elves.

"Then you will be in charge of waiting for William to exchange money and go to the dungeon for the first exploration tomorrow!"


Refia was delighted that Riveria didn't reprimand her for being ungroomed.

Although Refia is usually quite Rivilia, she is actually very afraid of Rivilia, because every time she is lazy and doesn't want to learn magic knowledge.

Rivilia always reprimanded her badly, and it was a real profit for her not to be reprimanded.

"Then I'll leave it to you tomorrow, Miss Refia."

Although his own strength is enough to move freely in the dungeon, there is no need for him to reject Rivilia's kindness.

And with a suitable guide, he can also explain to himself the information in the dungeon that is not recorded in the book.

This is also the reason why he is going to the library in the family tonight, no matter where he is, he believes that information is the most important.

"Please give me more advice tomorrow, Mr. William!"

The little elf bounced back to his seat, talking to the flat-chested Amazon girl next to him.

"William, there is something I want to ask you!"

Seeing Refia return to her seat, Rivilia suddenly said seriously to William.

"Please, Miss Riveria."

"Please show Lefia your non-chanting magic when you go to the dungeon tomorrow!"

Although William's panel information has not been released to all members of the family, after obtaining William's consent, Finn explained it to Riveria and Grace of the Big Three.

After a brief surprise, Rivilia asked Finn to let Refia take William to explore the dungeon for the first time.

"Ha, it doesn't matter."

Although it is a little unclear, it is not a big deal, and he has no intention of hiding his magic.

Although he wants to practice his spear skills more, there is no problem in showing off his magic.

"Well, I'll trouble you then."

After the family's welcome party was over, William plunged into the library in a slightly drunk state.

Inside Finn's office.

At this time, Finn was processing the unfinished documents left over from today, and said to Rivilia who was sitting on the sofa reading the magic book.

"Then can you tell me now, why not let Raul take William, but let Refia take William?"

Rivilia closed the book and sighed slightly.

"I want that child, Lefiya, to feel a little nervous. Although this child is more talented than me, she is too tired."

"It's always lazy to learn magic. I hope she can feel a little bit of a sense of urgency after seeing William's non-chanting magic."

Refia is the successor cultivated by Rivilia herself, and the relationship is the same as the master-student relationship between William and Finn.

Although Refiya is very talented, she has various minor problems, which have always caused her headaches.

"I knew it was so!"

Finn shook his head, picked up the pen in his hand and continued to process the document.

ps: Fourth update

Chapter 87 The Kind-hearted Elf 【Subscribe】

Inside the library of the Loki family, the golden sunlight shone on the man along the glass of the window.

The slight burning sensation from the eyelids caused William, who was still in a deep sleep, to slowly open his eyes.

"Did you fall asleep in the study yesterday!"

It should be said that it really deserves to be the leading family of Olari!The amount of books stored in the library was beyond his imagination.

The content of the book inside is also quite comprehensive, from the creation history of Orario to the introduction of the environment and monsters on each floor of the dungeon, to the evaluation of the combat power of each family and the detailed information of the high-level adventurers in each family. Everything is available.

William accidentally became fascinated by reading it last night, so he fell asleep in the library.

But because of this, he once again firmly believed in the correctness of joining the Loki Familia.

And he also learned last night that a metal in this world should be able to meet his needs.

Glancing at the wall clock on the wall, he is not going to dawdle anymore, he has a lot of things to do today.

After washing up, getting dressed and eating breakfast, the blond elf was already standing there waiting for him when he came to the courtyard of the family.

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