Bert grinned slightly, revealing his fangs.


Diona turned into a fist with her left hand, and turned into a palm with her right hand.

The others also agreed with Finn's suggestion, and the failure of two consecutive expeditions really made them breathe a sigh of relief.

"Okay, can Tione trouble you to take the medicinal items that the family got this time to the "Dean Kate family" for disposal?"

"Try to sell as high as possible!"

Finn said to Tiona with a smile.

"Yes, Captain!"

Diona was also as excited as if she had been injected with chicken blood, and the speed at which she stood up almost made the majesty on her chest lose control of the gravitational force and come out of the hood.

"I also want to exchange some old weapons in the family warehouse for supplies directly. Who can handle this?"

"Then leave it to me! I just happen to be planning to go to the "Ancient Platinum Knuckle Family"."

William raised his hand and said.

"Okay, then I'll leave this matter to you and Aisi!"

Finn frowned at William after saying this.

ps: Thank you for the reward sent by the original sun

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Chapter 110 2 Advance Investment【1 in [-] Subscription】

Passing through the noisy Street of Adventurers, and then walking into the intricate alleys, it should have been the actions of William and Aisi, but there was a little tail hanging behind them!

It is not appropriate to say that the tail is hanging!Tiona, who was walking in front, seemed to lead them forward again.

"hurry up!"

"I said Diona, are you really sad because of the damage of the first generation of "Ulga"?"

William, who was behind Tiona, said with some headaches, along the way, Tiona was like a sparrow that kept calling, buzzing in his ears all the time.

They are all stories about ancient heroes. Although he has studied these things because he wants to study history, he is really not very interested in heroes.

However, Tiona insisted on identifying him as a character like an ancient hero, and her persistence disturbed him a little.

What is a hero?

That is a person who can bet his life and burn all of himself for someone who has nothing to do with him, and has great love.

Of course, he personally doesn't hate this kind of person, and even maintains a respectful attitude towards this kind of person.

But to say that he is a hero would be ridiculous, and to expect him to do his best for strangers would be nonsense.

He is the kind of character that as long as he is his own relative, it doesn't matter if everyone else is dead.

"I'm so sad! But there's nothing I can do!"

"The old doesn't go and the new doesn't come."

Tiona put her hand on the handle of the iron door, twisted it hard and then pulled it back.

"I am coming again!"

"Nani! Head! The "Big Cut" is coming again!"

One of the blacksmiths shouted in horror to the head of the family who was inside.

"I said it all, don't call me this title, call me by my name!"

Tiona immediately yelled at the blacksmith, she hated her title of "Great Cut" very much, and usually did not allow members of the family to call her that.

"What are you doing here again? Didn't you just come here some time ago!"

The hand of the head of the family, Oss, holding the hammer trembled slightly, for fear that Diona would suddenly tell him something he didn't want to know.

"Ah! Sorry it melted!"

Facing Oss's question, Tiona supported her left cheek with one hand, and slightly stuck out her tongue to act cute.

"Nani? N"

Tiona's adorable appearance is indeed cute, but the blacksmiths are not in the mood to appreciate the scenery at all, because their screams have started to loop.

"very pitiful!"

But William could also understand why these burly men of eight feet would weep for building a weapon.

It is said that "Urga" is a super-heavy weapon made entirely of super-hard metal "hard steel". This metal is difficult to melt. Forged.

But for a weapon as big as "Urga", only one blacksmith is completely overwhelmed, and at least five blacksmiths who are proficient in "forging" are required to swing their hammers non-stop for five days.

"Diona, Ace and I will go in first!"

After William talked to Tiona who was still arguing with the blacksmiths, he took Ais into the inner room and saw the strong old god again.

"You guys are here! 'Flash Thunder' and 'Sword Fairy'."

"Hello, Mr. Gu Boniu, please call me William from now on!"

William shook his head and said in a distressed tone.

"What's the matter, don't you like the title 'Thunder'?"

With a playful smile in his tone, the old god stroked his soft long white beard with his hand.

"Stop talking anymore, I'm already a little desperate for Loki!"

Fortunately, he thought Loki could give him titles like "Sword Fairy" from Ace, "Brave" from Finn, and "Nine Magic Princess" from Rivilia. He agreed and went out with two bottles of Soma wine.

The result was this mediocre title. I knew that he would not even promise a bottle of divine wine.

In his eyes, this title is just a little better than the shameful title of the gods.

"Okay! Then what is the purpose of your coming today?"

"One is to accompany Aisi to repair her "Sword of Despair", and the other is to show you my gun and thank you for the magic workshop carefully built."

"That's it! That 'Sword Fairy', give me your sword!"

The old god stretched out his hand. Although he wanted to see William's gun first, after a short thought, he decided to put what he was looking forward to at the end.

After taking Aisi's weapon, the old god pulled out the blade from the scabbard and looked at it carefully.

The more you observe carefully, the deeper the old god's brows become, and at the end he sighed helplessly.

"I said 'Sword Girl', are you the one who went to chop mountains with that knife? Armaments with indestructible attributes will be worn down by you to the point that their attributes are almost broken."

The old god doesn't want to say anything more now, as a forging god, he is the same as an ordinary blacksmith.

He treats every weapon he forges as his own child.

But since he made weapons for Ais, he sighed more and more times. To be honest, if he didn't have a good relationship with Loki, he really didn't want to give weapons to someone like Ais who doesn't care about weapons. Build equipment.

"Sorry, because I chopped a worm with a very strong internal corrosion ability."

Aisi directly bowed and apologized. She knew very well that the old man didn't like the way she used weapons.

"Forget it, I'm used to it!"

The old god waved his hand, then put Aisi's sword aside.

"Because the wear and tear is too serious, you can come back to pick up the sword after five days!"

"What is the maintenance fee?"

Ai Si asked cautiously, she is completely in debt now, and she doesn't want to increase her debt amount.

"300 million!"

Ai Si breathed a sigh of relief, this amount of money was still within her tolerance, if it was more, she would really want to cry without tears.

"Okay, the next thing is your gun, leave it to me!"

After solving the problem on Aisi's side, the old god immediately stretched out his hand to William impatiently.

After he made his promise to William last time, he thought that William would be eager to get the gun the next day!

As a result, he waited and waited, but he didn't wait for William to come to the door. After such a long time, he almost thought that the promise of making weapons by himself was no longer attractive to adventurers.

"To you!"

William untied the white cloth wrapped around the spear, and carefully placed it on the old god's table.

The old god also checked it very carefully. It took less than 10 minutes to check Aisi's sword, but it took a full half an hour to check the gun.

"Very well, it looks like you took good care of this weapon when you used it."

"However, I still want to ask a question, do you have the same additional magic as "Sword Fairy"?"

The old god's expression was slightly surprised, but more of a satisfied expression.


William nodded!

"Well, how much money do you have now?"

The speed at which the old god's words changed made William stunned for a moment, and then he understood what Gu Bo button meant.

"I only have about 2000 million assets now!"

William smiled wryly and said that although he was already working hard to save money, buying mental power medicine every time he went to the dungeon was also a big expense.

"That's it!"

The old god closed his eyes slightly and thought for a while.

"Forget it, although you are not a first-level adventurer, you are still allowed to pay the debt first!"

Normally, the "Ancient Platinum Knob Familia" is allowed to build weapons in debt only to the first-level adventurers of Orario, because there is no need to doubt the earning ability of the first-level adventurers.

The remaining low-level adventurers will not receive such high-end treatment at all.

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