William received special permission this time because of his own talent, which made it impossible to doubt that he could not reach the first level of adventurers.

But what's more, Gu Boniu couldn't restrain himself from building weapons for William himself.

"Thank you very much!"

"Not only is the workshop so perfect, but it also helped me build weapons in advance. Thank you very much!"

William expressed his thanks in the same gesture as Ais before.

"It's okay, it's okay! I haven't met a young man with such potential as you for a long time, so I think it's my investment in advance!"

Gu Bo Niu waved his hand, telling William not to be so polite.

What the lower realms of the gods pursue is to make themselves happy, and now building weapons for William, the future star, is something that can make him happy.

"By the way! Lord God Gu Bo Niu, our family also wants to sell the goods from this expedition to you!"

William, who stood up straight, said the last thing he did when he came here, and untied the backpack he was carrying on his body.

"Let the old man take a good look at it!"

Mentioning this ancient platinum button is also exciting. The mineral resources of the "Loki Familia" are almost handed over to them after each expedition, and most of the raw materials for their weapons are also relied on by the "Loki Familia".

Opening the zipper of the backpack, various colors of gold, silver, and pure jet black appeared in the eye sockets of the ancient platinum button in an instant.

"Oh! The quality is quite high this time!"

Gu Boniu was quite shocked and said that it was rare for him to see minerals with such a high purity.

"Yes, this time I happened to discover a new cave room on the 47th floor, which is full of minerals of this purity!"

William also said with some gratitude that if they hadn't accidentally discovered this cave on the way back, they would have paid more for this family expedition.

"8000 million! How about it!"

Gu Boniu's vision is very sharp, and he doesn't need to weigh it specially, he can calculate the weight of this bag of ore just by opening his eyes.

"Okay! That's it!"

William directly nodded in response. The price given by Gu Boniu can be said to be very fair, and it can already be regarded as the top price in the market.

In addition, he has already taken a lot of advantage, so he is too embarrassed to raise the price again.

Gu Bo button took down a knife and a gun from the wall behind them, and handed them to William and Ais respectively.

"Use these two weapons for self-defense first! Although they don't have indestructible attributes, their sharpness is guaranteed!"

"Then William, your new gun and the 'Sword Princess' will be available in five days!"


"Huh? Where did you and William's weapons come from?"

Diona, who also negotiated with the blacksmiths on the price of the second-generation Urga and the time to pick up the knife, was staring suspiciously at the weapons in the hands of Ais and William.

"This? It's a spare weapon lent to us by Lord Gu Bo Niu!"

When William spoke, he flicked his fingers on the barrel of the silver gun, and the crisp sound also aroused Tiona's dissatisfaction.

"Then why didn't I!"

"No, I have to go back and ask for a spare weapon!"

Tiona was quite dissatisfied with this kind of differential treatment, and she didn't even bother to say goodbye to William and Ace, she turned around and ran in the opposite direction.

"How about it, there is still a lot of time before Loki's banquet at night!"

William turned his head and said to Ais who was observing the blade beside him.

"I don't know, what does William want to do?"

Aisi put the knife back into the sheath, raised her white neck and stared at William.

"Why don't you go eat your favorite potato balls, I haven't eaten them for a long time!"

"it is good!"

Ai Si's eyes lit up all of a sudden. Speaking of which, there are two most important things in her life, one is to take revenge on the monster and the other is to eat fried potato balls.


"Welcome, what flavor of fried potato balls do you want?"

The voice is a goddess with loli appearance and beautiful appearance, her waist-length black hair is tied into a double ponytail, but the most eye-catching thing is her breasts that can be called fouls!

However, William and Essie didn't have any surprise expressions on the fact that migrant workers are goddesses. After all, there are many gods who live in difficulties in Olalie, and it's nothing surprising to come out to work.

"Two fried potato balls with red bean filling, please!"


The goddess with childlike face and big breasts quickly packs William and Ace. Just by looking at this technique, you can tell that this goddess has definitely been working for a long time.

"Master Shangshen, I'm back, are you still working?"

A familiar voice sounded from behind William, and William couldn't help turning his head to look behind him.

"Is it you?"

"It's you?"

The girl with white hair and red eyes looked like a frightened rabbit, she couldn't help but took a few steps back.

"William, an acquaintance?"

"Belle, is this someone you know?"

When Ai Si raised her head to ask, the goddess Lolita also came out from behind the booth and said to Belle.

The inquiry from the god at home also brought Belle back to his senses all of a sudden, and he walked directly in front of William over his own god.

"Thank you for your rescue last time, I'm sorry for not thanking you immediately!"

ps: Thanks @原初阳光@书客83682962993 for the tip

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Chapter 110 The eighth chapter, the old lady directly grabs it by herself 【2 and 1 ask for subscription】

Dungeon, No.20 fifth floor

The two ferocious dragon heads sprayed blue dragon flames, which radiated in a straight line like the blond female swordsman in the front.

"Ais! Come on, it's the last blow."

Ai Si turned sideways slightly, avoiding Long Yan's beam of light, and did not respond to the man behind her.

"[Wake up (Tempest!)] - "Princess Revenge""

next moment!

The violent wind flow directly swept across the whole body of the blond female swordsman, and the strong spiral wind howled in Aisi's ears, but the usually noble and elegant green flow was now stained with deep blackness.

As if feeling a fatal crisis, the two-headed dragon on the opposite side took a few steps back instinctively.

The pitch-black air flow continued to surge, and the escaping wind blades were like precious knives that could be broken by blowing hairs. Whether it was the green weed under the feet or the bushes beside them, they were all cut into residue without exception.

"Revenge Princess"

Ace's only skill, but it is this skill that Loki called O'Larry's strongest output skill since thousands of years.

This is a special skill for killing monsters. When monsters are the enemy, the attack power is greatly improved, and it can be super-strengthened when dealing with monsters in the form of dragons.

This is the skill that Aisi developed out of her abhorrence of monsters taking her parents!


Aisi just bent her knees slightly, and the ground under her feet turned into powder in an instant, forming a big deep pit.

Uh ah ah ah ah!

The huge dragon body trembled uncontrollably, and for the first time, an emotion similar to fear arose in the heart of "Amphis Pina".

The terrifying dragon flames once again condensed and compressed from the mouths of the two-headed evil dragons. Even though they were far apart, William seemed to be able to feel the determination of "Amphis Pina" to pour all of himself into this blow.


The flames released from the mouths of the two dragons, even the space seemed to be distorted by the terrifying temperature.


Leaving the shattered rock fragments behind her, Aisi brought the black wind that seemed to annihilate everything, and slammed into the dragon flame of "Amphis Pina".

There was no violent collision as expected!

The majestic Longyan was easily split into two by the figure wrapped in the stormy air.

Ai Si covered a distance of hundreds of meters in an instant against the berserk dragon flames.

Under the aftermath of the attack of the two, the green lawn has become a wasteland. As Ai Si continues to advance, the land behind her is like a trench dug during the war, forming a slender and Deep aisle.

The ferocious two-headed dragon was right in front of Aisi.

Sensing the life-and-death crisis, "Amphis Pina" resolutely gave up the practice of continuing to maintain the useless dragon flames, opened its mouth full of fangs and bit Aisi.

With a slight turn, Aisi was like a dancing dark elf, her light posture perfectly avoided the left and right pincers of the two dragon heads.

Desperately hitting the missing "Amphis Pina", the scarlet dragon's eyes looked at the figure that had jumped into the air with fear.

Ah ah ah ah ah!

Ai Si let out a roar, adjusted her position in the air, and then her feet seemed to be stepping on the ground, and she flew straight to the connection between the two dragon heads.

The destructive airflow that could tear everything apart was poured into the pale tip of the "Sword of Despair" by Aisi.

Hard dragon scales!

Tight muscles!

Thick dragon bones!

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