"It must be a pity that you cannot wear this dress yourself."


"Amber, have you... misunderstood something?"

"Master Otto, you don't need to explain! I will pretend that I didn't hear anything about today's incident! Please rest assured! I'm also sorry! As your secretary, I didn't find out about this in the first place!"

"No...you listen to my sophistry, ah, no, explain."

Before Otto could finish her sentence, Amber hung up the phone on her own initiative, and a dialog box flickered slightly on the other side of her computer...

The next day, in the morning, because he had mentioned about the medical examination last night, Xiao Chen specially gave all the employees a half-day holiday.Let them move freely, but get everything done as quickly as possible.

Otto just went to meet Amber at the agreed place, and changed into the equipment he thought of when he was bored before - a special soul steel prosthetic body for Judas, and stored the memory of what happened yesterday for him.

Because Walter, the Herrscher of Reason, suffered from Judas' gloves in the previous generation, he designed this soul steel body.

It's just because this body has only a little effect on Judas, and it doesn't work at all in other aspects. In the end, it was shelved and placed in the Destiny Warehouse, and it was able to see the light of day again today.

Otto didn't expect that he would get this body one day.

When changing bodies, although Otto wanted to explain yesterday's incident to Amber, the whole process was very hasty. Before he could say a few words, Xiao Chen started to move, and Otto could only proceed according to last night's plan.

He asked Amber to use the physical examination as an excuse to deceive Xiao Chen's body information, and the reason why he proposed to give everyone a physical examination was just to cover up his intentions.

Of course, he also guessed that Xiao Chen might not accept the physical examination, and at this time they need to carry out their current plan!

First, Otto pretended to run into Xiao Chen on the street.

Then Otto induced Xiao Chen to go to the blood donation car where Amber was, and Amber appeared in front of the two of them pretending to change shifts, so that Xiao Chen would definitely be attracted by Amber's appearance!

In order to get close to Kohaber, it is reasonable for him to donate blood!

This is like, you see a good-looking girl in a store, buy something in order to pursue the girl, and then pretend that you can't scan WeChat, and then ask the girl for a QR code!

Plan pass!

Please call me Otto, the master of emotions and the analyst of human nature!

Otto smiled confidently while pretending to meet Xiao Chen at the corner, and greeted him.

"Director, what a coincidence, you are also shopping."

Xiao Chen glanced at Otto with his sunglasses on, and said, "Isn't this Europe? I'm looking for a woman who is suitable to play Kallen."

Isn't this just a coincidence!

Otto was overjoyed and offered to go with Xiao Chen, and the latter agreed after thinking about it for no reason to refuse.

Then, under the suspicious guidance of Otto, Xiao Chen followed Otto to the blood donation station where Amber was.

This is not because of how good Otto's skills are, but because the whole street is owned by Otto, he directly blocked the intersection by people, Xiao Chen had no purpose and could only take the small road with few people.

At the place he designed, Xiao Chen also logically saw Hu Po who 'just happened' to change shifts and walked onto the blood donation vehicle. After seeing Hu Po's appearance, Xiao Chen was a little surprised and said: "It would be great if he could come to Karen." .”

It's all in my Otto's plan!

Otto suppressed a smile when he heard Xiao Chen's speech, and said with excitement on his face: "Director! It's better to act than to be moved! It's better to catch up and ask the other party if he has this intention."

Xiao Chen looked at Otto in surprise, and said, "You are so active, why don't you do me a favor."

"Director, don't you want me to donate blood? No, I just had an operation last month, and I can't see blood yet." Otto had already thought that Xiao Chen might make this request, and said immediately.

"What operation? Appendix? But I don't think you have any incision on your body."


014-14 The assassination of the bishop blocked the audience!

14 The assassination of the bishop blocked the audience!

"What operation? Appendix? But I don't think you have any incision on your body."


It can be said that in order to deceive Xiao Chen, Otto also went all out.

After hearing Otto's answer, Xiao Chen gave Otto a look of pity, and patted Otto's shoulder with his hand.

Looking at Xiao Chen's expression, Ao Tuo secretly thought in his heart.

In this way, you are always embarrassed to let me go up to donate blood!

But what surprised Otto was that Xiao Chen didn't intend to get in the car, but stood still and touched his chin, and suddenly asked: "Do you think the blood donation car has the function of blood transfusion?"

"Should there be?" Although Otto didn't know why Xiao Chen asked this question, he still answered subconsciously, and then saw Xiao Chen's eyes suddenly turn to himself, and asked.

"You said that if I suddenly stab you now, will the people on the blood donation cart come down and give you blood transfusion?"

Otto thought he could play with human nature in his hands, but he didn't expect Xiao Chen to be a human being at all!

As long as he has a little human element, he can't say such words!

"Director, don't be joking. If you really wanted to stab me, you would be taken away by the police. How can you talk to him?"

"Well, so be conscious."


Ning Zhen is worthy of being a lawyer.

I used to think that Honkai would have no effect on you, but now I was wrong, the brainwashing of Honkai was very successful, and the idea of ​​Honkai has been deeply ingrained!They even bloomed!

Seeing Otto's reaction, Xiao Chen suddenly laughed, and said: "I'm just kidding, you are my important employee. At this critical moment, how can I have the heart to let you get hurt? After all, I have to squeeze... ..I have to count on you."


Did you mean to say squeeze?

Otto didn't care about Xiao Chen's slip of the tongue, after all, he had already seen through who he was.

"Then boss, you might as well go up and draw some blood."

Xiao Chen said very simply: "I am dizzy from needles."

"It's okay, blood was drawn by mistake."


You're starting to be a bad person too, aren't you?

Xiao Chen opened his mouth and said: "I'm dizzy, how can I persuade her to join the crew."

"I can help you."

"Then I think the original plan was good."

it is good!Since you are not a human being, don't blame me for being ruthless!


"But you said you couldn't hurt me?"

"Have you forgotten our profession? Have you never seen the blood bag used for acting?"

I saw Xiao Chen took out a bag of blood from his clothes, and said.

"Why do you carry this kind of thing with you???"

"Occupational habits?"

"What career did you do before becoming a director??"

"Warehouse Manager."

Are you responsible for managing the things in the warehouse into your own pockets? ? ?

Seeing Xiao Chen approaching him little by little in the dark, Otto also stepped back a little bit, and said: "Wait, what excuses do you use? Why is there bleeding? It's impossible to bleed when there is even a sign of bleeding in the street, right???"

"Because he just finished hemorrhoid surgery and wants to perform high-altitude splits on the street, causing hemorrhoids to crack and bleed profusely?" Xiao Chen quickly made the settings for Otto.

"Then why don't you do it yourself?" Otto continued.

"? I don't have hemorrhoids." Xiao Chen replied naturally.

Even if Otto's body didn't have this kind of hidden disease, he still felt a ton of critical blows at this moment.

He never expected to be fooled by his own settings.

The setting I put forward with the death of the society was used by the other party. Is this the Herrscher of Restraint?So scary!

"Stop talking nonsense! Look at the trick!" When Otto was in a daze, Xiao Chen threw the broken blood bag he had prepared.

I escape!

Otto just wanted to dodge, but just in the middle of the escape movement, the whole person was stunned for a moment, maintaining the splitting movement, just in time to be perfectly hit by the blood bag...

When Otto realized that everything had already happened, Xiao Chen seemed to have unconsciously activated the power of the Herrscher of Restraint, and this body was indeed resistant to the power of restraint.

At least... Otto didn't fall directly to the ground, he was just stunned for a moment, but it usually only takes a moment for a tragedy to happen.


I saw Xiao Chen went up to hug the stiff Otto, and threw him to the ground in a daze, but it looked like he fell to the ground and was caught by Xiao Chen.

"Help! It's bleeding!"

After Otto fell to the ground, Xiao Chen first shouted loudly, and then whispered something in Otto's ear.

"It's time to show off your acting skills!"


Otto wanted to die at this time. In order to be able to grasp the situation at any time, the pedestrians around him were basically entrusted by him, and they were basically people of destiny, but at this time he would rather they were not...

What does it mean to lift a rock and shoot yourself in the foot? Otto has seen it today.

Amber on the blood donation cart watched Otto bleeding, and almost said——

"The bishop was assassinated! The entire venue is blocked!"

But if you think about it carefully, Otto uses soul steel and his body won't bleed, so where does the blood on his body come from?And the place where the bleeding is so weird, is this amount of bleeding definitely not from the palace? ? ?

Could it be that the Bishop finally wanted to open the door to a new world, starting with Soul Steel's body to get used to it?

However, this is too sudden, right? ? ?

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