Although she didn't know what was going on, Amber came to the scene immediately in order to cover Otto.

"How is the patient doing now?"

As Amber spoke, she carried Otto into the car, and Xiao Chen also got into the car together, but she didn't wait for Otto's reaction.

Xiao Chen just grabbed Hu Po's hand, and said: "I don't know what's going on! But my friend suddenly started to bleed profusely! It can't be stopped! Don't give him a blood transfusion! He might die! Doctor, you have to save him!"


It's okay to transfuse soul steel's body with blood, but I'm afraid of mixed electricity.

However, she was very relieved to see someone so sad for the Bishop.

Although the Bishop spoke so badly about this man, it can be seen that he still cares about Lord Otto!

"Doctor! Why don't you talk? My friend is dying! You have to save my friend! His greatest last wish in life is to find a beautiful white-haired girl to play the heroine in his play! Before you find it , even if he dies, he can’t rest in peace! How can I find a white-haired heroine at this time!”

Amber finally realized that something was wrong, and turned her head to Otto's face as if asking what Otto meant.

At this time, Otto was looking at the roof of the car with a loveless expression, and a sentence stood out on that expression.

Destroy it, hurry up!

015-15 Come!Change some pants for the Bishop!

15 Come on!Change some pants for the Bishop!

Can't read it! ! !

Amber looked at Otto's expression and couldn't see any information under his despairing expression. In desperation, she could only turn her head to look at Xiao Chen, and said: "The patient's condition is critical now, please ask relatives and friends to wait outside."

Precarious but okay.

Xiao Chen casually complained in his heart, and before he could say a few more words, Hu Po drove him off the blood donation vehicle.

After getting off the car, he looked at the blood donation car that was drifting away, blinking his eyes slightly as he watched the blood donation car leave, feeling a little puzzled in his heart.

Can a blood donation car be used as an ambulance? ? ?

However, why can the blood donation car drive so fast?

Is it possible...that is not a blood donation car at all!It's Chaldea's disguise to find the Master among the people!

I actually traveled to the fgo world! ! !

Leaving aside Xiao Chen's doomed fantasy, Otto got up from the ambulance without pretending to be pulled away by the blood donation vehicle, and at the same time said with a gloomy face, "Amber, do you have any extra clothes?"

"Yes, it's just a women's dress for camouflage."


"let it go."

Otto said with a headache.

"Oh." Amber replied with some disappointment, and then asked Otto: "Then what do you plan to do next, Mr. Otto? He seems to have no intention of donating blood at all."

What can I do, I am also desperate!

As the king of destiny ideas, the man behind everything, and the self-proclaimed master of humanity, he really has nothing to do now.

Although I really didn't want to admit it, all my plots were broken by this man who appeared suddenly.

I, Otto, admit that you are the best in the battle of wits right now!

But accepting my funding is doomed to your defeat!

Originally, I wanted to collect a fresh blood sample, but now I have changed my mind!

Since you let the pretend bleed, I'll make you bleed!

Although technological equipment is ineffective for you, the simpler the trap, the weaker your restraint ability will be!

As long as I prepare in advance for the filming scene, it's not easy to let you bleed a little!

If you want to blame, blame you for being too smart!

If you obediently draw blood for a physical examination, you won't have such a result!

A sinister smile appeared on Otto's face, then he looked at Amber next to him and ordered, "Have someone go to the venue in the afternoon to make arrangements, I must see his blood today!"

"I see, Lord Otto, so what shall we do next?"

Amber asked.

"Change my pants first...then we'll go back."

Otto said softly.

"Come here, change some pants for Master Otto!"

"Don't talk about this kind of thing! I can change it myself!"


On the other side, Xiao Chen was thinking about whether there is really any special organization in this world. Otto and Amber had already arrived at the hotel where everyone was staying.

When he walked back slowly, the staff in charge of personnel ran over excitedly and said, "Director, we have found an actor suitable to play Kallen!"

"Oh? Did the other party come back with Otto?" Xiao Chen asked back.

"Director, are you really amazing? How do you know?" the employee said in surprise.

"Well, it seems that Otto's persuasion succeeded." Xiao Chen nodded, although he was also curious about how Otto tricked the other party into the crew, but the most important thing now is to prepare for the newcomer's interview.

Although the other party does look very similar to Kallen, if Xiao Chen's request is not met, he will not let the other party play such an important role as Kallen.

"The other party is waiting in the hotel room. The director finally found such a suitable actor. Is there still a need for an interview?" The employee in charge of personnel asked.

"Of course, am I such a casual person?" Xiao Chen said as a matter of course.


"I'm casual, but my play can't be casual! Hurry up and take me there."

After getting an affirmative answer from the other party, Xiao Chen was not surprised, after all, he knew exactly what kind of role he was in the hearts of these employees, and immediately urged the other party to quickly lead him the way.


"The director is in this room."


Amber in the room listened to the conversation outside the door and looked up at the door, then heard a knock on the door, and Xiao Chen's familiar yet unfamiliar voice came from outside the door.

It is familiar because Hu Po has heard Xiao Chen's voice in the blood donation car, and it is unfamiliar because Xiao Chen's voice now is too different from the voice in the car.

The voice in the car is sad yet full of a sense of humor, while the voice outside the door is full of magnetism, it is hard to imagine that the two voices are from the same person.

The last time Amber felt this kind of disobedience was... when she cooperated with Otto in acting.

She finally understood why this person gave him a sense of familiarity, because he was very similar to Otto-sama...

"May I come inside?"

Xiao Chen's voice awakened Hu Po from her thoughts, and after hearing Xiao Chen's question, Hu Po replied subconsciously: "Of course."

After hearing Hu Po's answer, Xiao Chen opened the door and walked in, holding Hu Po's materials at the same time, said.

"Amber Kaslana, Occupation, Nurse, 23 years old, European, is this correct in the resume?"

"That's right, Mr. Director."

It was only when Hu Po opened his mouth that he realized that something was wrong. The similar temperament of Xiao Chen and Otto made him subconsciously add an adult after the address.

"Master Director? It doesn't matter if you want to call me that. However, I'm not a great person." Although Xiao Chen was a little surprised when he heard Hu Po's address, he didn't pay much attention to it, and looked at Hu Po carefully.

I saw that the other party looked at him with some embarrassment, his expression was slightly uneasy, and there was an inexplicable shyness amidst the uneasiness, Xiao Chen didn't know where that shyness came from, maybe it was because he was so handsome, right?

Well, maybe the reason why the other party accepted Otto's persuasion to come to the set was because he fell in love with him!It must be so!

Hey, popular men are troubled.

Xiao Chen's narcissism is not without reason, because he is indeed handsome, even Otto, who is a handsome man, can only be regarded as handsome compared to him.

Although the sunglasses sealed part of his appearance, they still couldn't cover his face. So far, several actors have confessed to him in the few films he has filmed before.

It's just that they were all rejected by him. He doesn't like to have personal affairs involved in his work, which makes him feel like an unspoken rule, and he has a grudge against this in his heart.

However, at this moment, when he didn't care about this point, Xiao Chen quickly settled his mood and asked, "What do you think of Lily?"

"Does lily mean flower?"

016-16 Have you found the actor who plays Yae Sakura?

16 Have you found the actor who plays Yae Sakura?

Under Xiao Chen's preliminary inspection, Hu Po was only on the pass line.

Although the appearance is definitely 100% clear, but Amber's temperament is a big minus point.

As a bionic person, Amber naturally doesn't have too much emotion, and she is basically expressionless at ordinary times, and she is completely different from the lively Kallen.Because a little misunderstanding before made her a little shy and embarrassed after seeing Xiao Chen.

However, this is actually a plus.

Because Kallen, who Amber will play, is in a period of confusion about destiny and belief.

Fu Hua's words made her think about what exactly she wanted to protect, and she began to feel confused about Tianming's behavior and what she was going to do next.

Amber's current reaction is very suitable to play the confused Kallen!

So now there is only one problem left.

"What do you think of Lily?"

After all, Kallen is a lily. He wants to confirm whether Amber can perform the feeling of sealing the loved one with tears when acting in the scene of Yae Village. As for the actor of Yae Sakura, he has already settled down in his heart. up.

"Does lily mean flower?" Amber put away a little bit of shyness in her heart, and asked curiously.

While the two were talking, Otto, who had just changed his pants, quietly came to the door. After hearing the word Lily, Otto couldn't help but thumped, almost rushing in.

"Of course not. I'm asking you what you think of Lily and the love between women." Xiao Chen asked without hesitation, spreading his hands.

What are you going to do to my amber!

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