After the director's name was played, Ulandal and Rita showed a complacent smile on their faces, as if they personally directed the filming of this movie...

When Shi Yuqiluo saw the name, she also showed a somewhat surprised expression, and said, "Huh? Xiao Chen? When I was away, did he become a director?"

After hearing Shi Yuqiluo's speech just now, the two of them turned their vigilant eyes to Shiyu Qiluo at the same time.

Shi Yuqiluo felt the slightly murderous gaze from the side, she couldn't help turning around subconsciously, and said, "What are you doing looking at me like that! I thought I was being targeted by the Herrscher!"

"Senior Shi Yu Qi Luo... Judging from your tone, you seem to know Xiao Chen...?" Rita spoke first.

"Of course I know." Shi Yuqiluo admitted with some puzzlement.

After hearing Shi Yuqiluo's speech, the two of them immediately approached, and said in a dangerous tone: "How did you know Xiao Chen?"

"Don't look at me like that!" Shi Yuqiluo leaned back and said, "It's true that I know him! But he probably doesn't know me!"

"What do you mean? Can I trouble you to explain, senior?" Rita asked persistently.

"Okay, okay! I said it's okay!" Shi Yuqiluo waved her hand and said.

"Ahem, cough, before becoming a Valkyrie, my dream was to become an idol, do you know?"

The two nodded, and it was a bit funny to say this.

Shigure Qiluo had no intention of becoming a Valkyrie at first.She wanted to participate in the recruitment of trainee idols, but she unexpectedly met Salome, known as the "genius dancer".

Shi Yuqiluo couldn't figure out why Salome, who was already quite famous, wanted to become a trainee idol.In order not to show timidity in front of the other party, Shi Yuqiluo gritted her teeth and followed Salome to complete the difficult test!

So far, she still can't remember what the instructor said to her when she passed the assessment.

"Congratulations, you are already a member of the Valkyries of Destiny."

Destiny? ? ?

Valkyries? ? ?what is that?Didn't I come to participate in Idol?Why did she suddenly become a Valkyrie?

Later, she found out that the activity of being an idol trainee was over...but she insisted on completing the assessment of the Valkyrie with Salome right after the end.

"My dream at the time was always to be an idol. When I had this dream, it was also when he was most famous. He has already become a qualified actor at the same age as me, and he has become an idol in the eyes of others. Idol. Acted in movies, appeared on TV shows, released albums..." Shi Yuqiluo said a little sourly.

In fact, Shi Yu Qiluo was tone deaf since she was a child, and after she became a Valkyrie, some people even wanted to use her singing voice to develop sonic weapons... So she was very envious of Xiao Chen, an all-round hexagonal warrior.

"What happened next?" Rita and Orandal asked curiously.

"Later, I heard that he gave up the comfortable environment at home and went abroad to develop. After that, the second collapse happened...I don't know the rest." Shi Yuqiluo shook her head , a little surprised: "I didn't expect him to choose to be a director in the end. If there is a chance, I really want to cooperate with him once! Even if it's not the heroine!"

Rita smiled when she heard Shi Yuqiluo's speech, and said: "Senior Shiyu Qiluo, don't worry, there will definitely be a chance."

173-173 Vision is the furthest distance (Otto: ?)

173 Longing is the furthest distance (Otto:?)

"Really?" After hearing Rita's speech, Shigure Qiluo said excitedly, her eyes sparkled, as if seeing a former idol and target little fan girl.

Rita smiled and responded to Shi Yuqiluo's question: "This movie was funded by Tianming. During the mission of the bishop, I also met Xiao Chen by coincidence. I will recommend it for you, and I will definitely give you one." Nice role."

Wait until the second Honkai starts filming!You can play Shi Yu Qi Luo now!

I helped Xiao Chen abduct an actor!He will definitely praise me as a capable woman if he knows!Can those little girls do it!First score!

Rita gave herself a thumbs up for her wit in her heart.

On the other side, Ulandelle hinted at Rita with his eyes and asked.

Do you still think that there are not enough girls around Xiao Chen!

Aren't you looking for enemies for yourself again!

Rita!Rita!I thought you were smart all along!Why are you confused at such a crucial point!

Rita also responded with her eyes.

You don't understand this!

The character Xiao Chen wants to use for filming!The Bishop will get Senior Shi Yu Qi Luo over sooner or later!Now I'm just pulling senior Shi Yuqiluo over ahead of time!This seems to have added an enemy to himself!But in fact, he has taken the initiative!

Besides, Shi Yu Qiluo's feelings for Xiao Chen are just yearning!

The furthest distance in this world... is the distance of longing.

(Otto: Whip me, right? Take me as a negative lesson, right? Isn’t that a bit too much?)

After communicating with Rita with his eyes, Ulandal could only reluctantly accept Rita's statement.

However, after hearing Shi Yu Qi Luo's speech, she suddenly thought of a question and asked: "Senior Shi Yu Qi Luo, you said that Xiao Chen was very famous in your era?"

"That's right? Is there any problem?" Shi Yuqiluo nodded and asked.

"Senior Shiyu Qiluo, how old are you this year?" Youlandelle asked curiously.

"This question... Even if you are my lovely junior, I can't tell you, the age of idols and the age of girls is a secret! I am a girl and an idol! My age is the secret of secrets!" Shigure Qiluo put on a Ciallo~(∠・ω<)一☆ expression and said.

Rita shook her head and complained in her heart.

Doesn't your Valkyrie profile say so?Even if you falsify the records of Mandate of Heaven and lie about your age, your age is still obvious...

"However, you can guess a little bit." Shigure Qiluo put a finger to her mouth, and said: "I am a few years younger than Sir Cecilia."

Cecilia was 24 years old when she died, and there are still about two years before the main line, so everyone's actual age is not very old.

However, Ulandell is much bigger than the record of Destiny...

"Thirty?" Ulandelle asked tentatively.

"Wrong!" Shi Yuqiluo reached out and tapped You Landel's head, and said, "It's... zero xxx months!"

Rita saw Shi Yuqiluo's file and knew that she was less than [-] this year, so she immediately asked the question in her heart for Youlandale: "I think Lord Youlandell wants to ask Xiao Chen's age."

"Oh? Are you asking this?" Shi Yuqiluo tilted her head slightly with a pensive expression, and said: "I also said this question before, the idol's age is a secret. I don't know his exact age, but He should be under 30 years old, right?"

"It's a pity that he looks very young." Youlandelle said with some surprise.

"Maybe it's because he's been well maintained? This is also a must-have skill for an idol!" Shi Yuqiluo nodded and said, "Do you have a picture of him?"

"I have it here," Rita said.

Ulandelle glanced at Rita sideways and thought in his heart.

You actually took a photo of him secretly!

Ah, I also sneaked!That's fine.

Fortunately, I did not speak!Otherwise, I will be exposed first!

"Let me be healthy~" Shi Yushuo took Rita's mobile phone and looked at Xiao Chen's photo, and said in surprise, "Is this his previous photo? He still wears a pair of sunglasses? It's because I haven't collected any photos yet." Is it? No, I should have all his photos?!"

...Girl, have you exposed something?

After hearing Shigure Qiluo's dangerous speech, Youlandelle and Rita really showed vigilant expressions on their faces this time.

As for Xiao Chen's age, the two of them don't care much anymore.


On the other side, Raiden Mei directly hung up Kiana's phone and continued to recall the past.Although she doesn't remember the big brother in the fantasy, she vaguely remembers him, but she remembers that he is very tall, and should be about twice her age... It's not surprising that he is more or less.She was seven or eight years old at the time, and he was like a brother with children.

(For Xiao Chen, it's more like taking care of a younger brother. I've said this before.)

When Leiden Mei was thinking about this question, another self in her body suddenly said, "I didn't expect you to find out."

"You!" Lei Dian Mei was taken aback by Herrscher Mei who suddenly spoke, and said, "You are finally willing to speak."

"Since you've confirmed it, it doesn't make sense for me to keep silent." Herrscher Mei said lightly.

"Why didn't you tell me such an important matter earlier?" Lei Dian Mei said with some reproach.

"Would you believe me if I told you earlier? Based on your impression of Xiao Chen and your attitude towards me at that time? You will only reject him even more..." Herrscher Yai continued: "And! At that time I only have that white hair in my heart! Forget about Xiao Chen! Don’t think that I forgive you! At that time, I saw that you were crying so much that I handed over the initiative of my body to let Xiao Chen comfort you! I didn’t expect you to forget everything! How do you hate my existence! Want to forget me! I don't even care! But you actually forgot him! You traitor!"

"I'm sorry..." Mei Lei said when he heard another roar from himself.

"Forget it, I don't want to talk about the past, let's talk about the present."

"Now? What's going on now?"

"Of course it's about Xiao Chen!" Herrscher Yai said with a bit of hatred for iron and steel: "However, before that, you should get rid of that annoying phone call. If there is no response from you, that white hair will probably Keep hitting."

Mei Lei nodded, and asked another question before answering the phone, "Then what should I tell her?"

"Do you want me to teach you this kind of thing?" Herrscher Mei thought for a moment, then smiled in her heart and said, "N just told her like this..."

174-174 Thank you!Otto!

174 Thank you!Otto!

"Is it really good to do this?"

After listening to Herrscher Mei's plan, Leiden Mei said hesitantly.

"What's wrong? She betrayed you first! Don't you want revenge?" Herrscher Mei asked.

"But...our purpose is not to take revenge on Qiyana...but to take Xiao Chen back from Qiyana, isn't it?" Lei Dian Mei asked.

"I didn't expect such words to come from your mouth." Herrscher Mei was a little surprised when she heard Lei Dian Mei.

hateful!I didn't expect her awareness to be so high!Is it possible that I am going to be surpassed by myself? !

Just when Herrscher Mei thought so, Leiden Mei continued to speak.

"But... anyway! Taking Xiao Chen away is indeed the greatest punishment for her! Please tell me how to do it!"


It turns out there is still resentment!

Lawrence Yai was complaining when she heard the words.

However, she also really wanted to see Qiyana's expression at that time... that puppy's expression was abandoned by its owner!

"I see, since you have this determination, then I wish you a helping hand! The two of us will definitely win Xiao Chen over together! Make Qiyana fall out of favor!"


However, the two of them seemed to have forgotten one thing in the plan. It was Qiyana's goal to get her in touch with Xiao Chen...

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