It's like two people made a plan, and then jumped into someone else's plan first.

When Qiyana was thinking about how to persuade Raiden Mei to join the crew, she didn't know that the other party had already jumped in, and she didn't even need to ask herself to speak... Maybe this is the so-called mental calculation without intention?


At this time, Xiao Chen, who was in the center of the vortex, didn't know what was going on outside, and was still sleeping on Fu Hua's lap.

After the 24-hour voice harassment in a day without the collapse, he just felt extremely relaxed, making him want to put everything down and go to sleep like this... It's a bit too much to go to sleep, why don't you just lie down and sleep for three days Three nights!

Fu Hua on the other side had nothing to do, after confirming the surrounding scenery, his eyes returned to Xiao Chen's face.

Well, it's still eye-catching.

Even knowing that Xiao Chen is the Herrscher of Constraint and the Herrscher of Corrosion, the fact that he is good-looking will not change...

After staring at Xiao Chen's sleeping face and reading Xiao Chen's information, Fu Hua couldn't help thinking about a question.

Why did Xiao Chen become a lawyer?

After contacting Xiao Chen, she immediately asked Otto for Xiao Chen's information.

Then Ao Tuo gave her Xiao Chen's birth date...Jing said solemnly.

"I've calculated your birthdays! You are very suitable."

"Wood grows in the water, fire burns in the wood, earth is in the fire, gold is buried in the earth, and water is filled in the gold! The two of you have given birth to the five elements! It's so suitable!"


At that time, Fu Hua had a little argument with Otto.

After all, Otto, as a bishop of destiny, does this kind of carpet fortune-telling part-time, which really doesn't fit his image!

As the Valkyrie under her command, Fu Hua felt that she was in charge!At least persuasion!

Immediately, she said, "Bishop Otto! You are a priest after all! If you count it, you count it as a constellation! What the hell are you counting the five elements!"

After she asked this sentence, Otto took out a copy of "Book of Changes" from under the table and said, "Isn't this doing as the Romans do? My old friend, you, and my best friend are both from China. I also I have no choice but to absorb the culture of China! Do the math! After all, I am also a clergyman! Let the two of you do the math! It’s reasonable!"

After seeing the Book of Changes in Otto's hand, Fu Hua couldn't hold back anymore, and said: "Okay! Then you have a heart! But! I have to popularize science for you! "Book of Changes" has been used for a long time. "Divination". "Divination" is to predict the development of future events! "Book of Changes" is a book that summarizes the laws and theories of these predictions. If you want to count weddings and funerals! If you count births and horoscopes! There are more systems! More Professional book!"

"I got it, I will definitely do it next time." Otto nodded.

Fu Hua looked at Otto's attitude and couldn't help but shook his head, and said, "I almost got caught by you! Did you forget a little bit! I'm still suffering from amnesia! I don't even know what year I was born! Where are you?" Here comes my birthday horoscope!"

"I saw this when I peeked at the memory."

Anyway, Otto will say he has seen it or not...

"Okay!" Fu Hua continued: "And I am from the last era! I am not an ancient! I don't believe this! Thank you!"

"To me, you are an ancient man." Otto said relentlessly.

"It doesn't take you, a person over 500 years old, to say it!" Fu Hua gritted his teeth and replied.

"Are we really going to talk about age? My old friend?" Otto said leisurely after hearing the words.

Fu Hua could only remain silent when he heard this question.

Otto Jianbao took the initiative to say: "Besides, if you really don't believe this set, how do you know about the "Book of Changes"?"

Fu Hua raised his brows when he heard the words: "Okay! I believe it! But even if I have lost my memory, I know what you said is outrageous, okay! What... wood grows in water, fire burns in wood, and there is soil in the fire. There is gold buried in the soil, and water on top of the gold! How can two people's destiny bring out all the five elements!"

After hearing this question, Otto replied calmly, "It's possible, I'm talking about you, not just the two of you..."

After hearing what Ao Tuo said, Fu Hua only felt that she was about to die of anger. She seriously suspected that Ao Tuo had accumulated too much pressure at Xiao Chen's place!

It's just... one Siegfried isn't enough for him to decompress!

When she was thinking this way, Otto said something very seriously, and said, "I've done the math, your fates are really suitable when you get together, you have all the gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

"So you plan to find four wives for him?" Fu Hua complained angrily, and then saw Otto shook his head and said.

"I think what you said before is right. After all, I am a Westerner, and the constellation must also be counted."

At that time, Fu Hua had no other thoughts, but sympathized with Xiao Chen's next encounter... Eleven! ! !It's a person...ah, he's a Herrscher, that's fine.

No, even if he is a lawyer, he can't stand it!

Is this the method you use to hit the Herrscher!Otto!

How despicable!

"Are you trying to exhaust him to death? You say you are a close friend! But you still want to do this? You still haven't changed! Otto!"

After Fu Hua said this, Otto said with some dissatisfaction.

"How can you question my friendship! Besides! Isn't there still black abyss and white flowers?"

stop!Heiyuan Baihua is not used in this way!

175-175 Otto teaches you to fight against the Herrscher of the Covenant!

175 Otto teaches you to fight against the Herrscher of the Covenant!

As the key of creation, Heiyuan White Flower can instantly repair the injuries of the human body, even inhibit the spread of the human body's collapse, and even increase the basic lifespan of the human body.

Otto used Heiyuan Baihua to prolong his life, and after dealing with the affairs in Europe, he took Karen's body and ran to Shenzhou to ask Fu Hua for help.

At that time, he didn't use a mechanical body, but his appearance didn't change even after decades.

These are all because of the power of Heiyuan Baihua.

It's just that I later found it more convenient to have a mechanical body, so I used a mechanical body.

In the plot, the limit of Heiyuan Baihua is not clear for the time being, how long people can keep alive.

It's just... one thing, both Einstein and Tesla lived from the first Honkai to the post Honkai because Joyce simulated the power of the black abyss and white flowers.

He probably looks like he's 90 years old...but his appearance hasn't changed much.

The black abyss and white flowers mimicked by Joyce have such abilities.

It can be seen how useful the power of Heiyuan Baihua is to ordinary humans.

Don't say let Xiao Chen have unlimited energy!Even on the basis of 11 people!It is not a problem to add a few more!It is not a problem to solve it overnight!

Otto even made a special count.

Raiden Mei, Herrscher Mei, Lei Movie, Kiana, Sirin, Ulandal, Yae Miko, Yae Sakura, Fu Hua, Rita, Wuliangta Himeko, Bronya is still young but it will be a matter of time !Xiao Chen also adopted a girl named Xi'er, which is also counted!

(One of them is missing, I won't say who it is.)

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11! 12! 13!

Hiss—the number of people is a little too high.

Just when Otto was thinking this way, he suddenly remembered that among them, Raiden Mei and Herrscher Mei, Kiana and Sirin, Yae Miko and Yae Sakura, these three people share the same body.

When Otto was thinking about this question, the treasure hadn't appeared yet, so he wasn't included in the calculation.

Then you have to subtract one less!

no!I have to add it to him!


(The one missing is Teresa! Who else doesn’t have a personal PV, don’t you think so? The head of the academy?)

Forget this!my granddaughter...


This looks exactly like Kallen growing up!Forget it!

Oh!And Fu Hua's disciple and grandson!Li Sushang is still frozen!

In some respects, she has surpassed Fu Hua too much... She stands out among the many Valkyries!

However, don't worry!

Keep this last person first!

I heard from Xiao Chen that there are world snakes!Reserve this spot for World Snake!

Besides, it may not be eleven people!

In addition to the twelve constellations, there can be Ophiuchus!

On the other hand, Fu Hua couldn't help complaining wildly in his heart when he heard that the weapons of the last era were going to be used by Otto in this way.

If Dr. Mei knew that the weapon he made was actually used by people in this era, he would probably jump out of it, right?

I give you the God's Key so that you can fight against Honkai!

Look what you're up against!

At that moment, Fu Hua reprimanded righteously: "Master Bishop, please don't make such a joke! The God's Key is not used in this way! The God's Key is the crystallization of the civilization of the last era! Please use it on the right way! It should appear in the On the battlefield against the collapse!"

Otto glanced at Fu Hua, and asked back, "Why isn't this a battlefield against Honkai?"

He retorted with the same argument: "Think about who Xiao Chen is? Xiao Chen is the Herrscher! Who is the Herrscher? He is the apostle of the collapse! Use the black abyss and white flowers on Xiao Chen ! Why is it not a fight against Honkai!"

As soon as Fu Hua's words came to his lips, he was choked back by Otto's words.

You said what Otto said is right... there seems to be something wrong.

You said he was wrong, but it seems that doing so has indeed contained the Honkai... It's just that this method is a bit strange.

Although Fu Hua was about to be persuaded by Otto, he still couldn't help but said, "I don't think this is a battlefield..."

"Okay! Then you take the black abyss and white flowers and bring Xiao Chen to the real battlefield! Constraint + erosion! You do what you want!" Otto said, stuffing the Book of Changes into Fu Hua's arms.

Fu Hua passed again.

(Dr. Mei covered his own coffin after seeing it...)

(Heiyuanbaihua? What is that?! It’s just a sex toy?! Can’t our flame-chasing moth business be extensive!)

"Old friend, I think you should understand what I mean, the way to solve the Herrscher of Restraints without fighting...that is to completely corrupt the Herrscher of Restraints! Use power! Use money! Use beauty to defeat him! Let He will always be living in a dream! Don't let him have any possibility of awakening!"

Although what Otto said was a bit unreasonable and even selfish...but Fu Hua admitted that there was really no other better way.

"It's just that you know it too! These Valkyries are all children! They're too coy!"

"You are an old man! You have to take the lead!"

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