"I know you have sacrificed a lot to fight against Honkai! Only this time! Only one bloodshed is enough!"

After hearing the bleeding, Fu Hua was stunned for a moment, then realized that he almost kicked Otto's soul steel knee, but was dodged by Otto, said.

"No matter what you think, all I want to say is this... I will give you Xiao Chen's information, it's up to you to choose, old friend."

Otto's words echoed in Fu Hua's mind now...

At the moment, Fu Hua looked at Xiao Chen with complicated eyes.

For her, falling in love is something that has nothing to do with her.

To fight against Honkai, protecting Shenzhou is everything in her life.

Now, in order to fight against Honkai, she chooses to fall in love with someone. Although it sounds bizarre, it doesn't seem to be an unacceptable thing...

But, for some reason, Fu Hua felt that this kind of thing shouldn't be like this...Liking is not someone's request, nor is it a duty.

It was a feeling she hadn't experienced before, and she couldn't control her choice on this point, but she thought she could try it.

Start by getting to know the person in front of you...

Even if it's not for the world, even if it's not for Honkai.

She just wants to try to like someone...

"Will you be the one I like?"

Fu Hua opened his mouth and lowered his head towards Xiao Chen's face, just when their foreheads were about to touch each other, Xiao Chen...

176-176 "Saint Kallen ()" is now in theaters...!

176 "Saint Kallen ()" is now in theaters...!


When Fu Hua's head was about to touch Xiao Chen's, the cell phone in Xiao Chen's pocket suddenly rang.

The sound of the alarm bell for waking up made Xiao Chen wake up instantly from his drowsy state.

This reaction like a conditioned reflex frightened Fu Hua, but fortunately she reacted quickly and quickly raised her head to look at the unchanging scenery around her as if nothing had happened.

Xiao Chen sat up from Fu Hua's lap, subconsciously took out his mobile phone, and asked in a somewhat confused voice: "Who is it?"

"Why don't you even recognize my number?"

Listening to the familiar number, Xiao Chen instantly woke up from his deep sleep, and said, "Mom, why did you call me? What's the matter?"

"Why can't I call you when I have nothing to do? It's because you haven't called me all the time."

Xiao Chen felt aggrieved and said, "But I just called you last week..."

"Then it won't work if I call this week!"

"Okay! You can say whatever you want!"

"You despise me for being old?!"

"Mom... I'm going to hang up if you're here."

"Damn, isn't this a joke to you?" After hearing Xiao Chen's threatening speech, Xiao's mother said seriously: "How is your life doing well recently? Did you eat on time? I know you I'm busy, but don't eat takeaway all the time, I have to cook some by myself..."

"Mmmmmmmmmmmm, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

Xiao Chen knew that this was just an appetizer, as if he was serious about dealing with the situation in front of him, it would be troublesome to face the next real attack...

Just when he thought so.Mother Xiao finally said, "Right? Did you find a girlfriend?"

"Not yet, I've been busy with work recently."

"I'm busy with work and I can't help but find a girlfriend. Are you in Changkong City recently? I still have a few acquaintances over there..."

The reason why I don't want to call is because of this!I hid in Europe and she couldn't reach her!Now in Changkong City, she will definitely arrange for me to go on a blind date!

"I'm really busy recently! The movie I made has been released! Now there are a lot of things waiting for me to deal with!"

"It's released? How fast?! Is it available in Shenzhou? I'll go and see!"


What is this inexplicable sense of shame...

"No, there still needs to be reviewed over there. I'm showing it in Europe now." Xiao Chen said.

"Then I'll let your dad buy a plane ticket! It just so happens that we've wanted to travel to Europe for a long time!"

"As long as you are always happy..."

When Xiao Chen heard this, he also knew that he couldn't stop it, so he could only smile wryly and said.

"Ah, by the way, since the filming of this movie is over, the blind date after that..."

"Hey! Ah, do you need me to guide this plot? All right! I'll come right away!" Xiao Chen snorted into the empty air beside him, and then said to his mother on the other side of the phone: "Mom, over there Someone called me! I’ll go and have a look first! Go to Europe and remember to keep warm! Call me if you have anything to do! I’ll go to work first!”

After finishing speaking, Xiao Chen hung up the phone and heaved a sigh of relief.

Anyway, cancel the blind date!Still avoiding the worst!

Just when he was thinking this way, he turned around and looked at Fu Hua's eyes, and a somewhat awkward atmosphere spread between the two of them...

On the other side, Otto saw the scene just now through the drone, and at the same time showed a smile on his face.

Blind date... This can be arranged!

Arrange the Valkyries under his command, even if he is unsuccessful, he can test Xiao Chen's preferences.

Then the real killer move!in Europe!

However, there are many Valkyries in Europe now!Even Rita and Ulandal are in Europe!

Just take advantage of this opportunity!It can also bring Ulandal and Rita back together!

Otto had an expression of planning, and then suddenly thought of a question that he had been ignoring before.

That's why they all go to Europe for vacation?

But just came back from Europe?

Is there anything going on in Europe right now?

It was only at this moment that Otto finally realized that something was wrong...

Isn't "Saint Kallen" just released in Europe!


However, Ulandelle should really go to see the saint Kallen, not for anything else.

As expected of the talents I cultivated!

There are no bad people who worship Kallen!

When Youlandelle comes back, I will definitely give her a raise!

Arrange her next to Xiao Chen first!

Let Xiao Chen hurry up and shoot the second Honkai plot!

You can also ask Youlandelle to dress up as Cecilia with Xiao Chen...and then take pictures for Siegfried!It really kills two birds with one stone!I believe Siegfried will be very happy knowing his daughter's current situation!

Otto didn't know that his most important Ulandal had betrayed him, maybe this is the so-called karma...

Although he knew that Youlandelle had asked for leave to go to Europe, but he didn't know that the other Valkyries had also asked for leave to go to Europe to watch "Saint Kallen (Otto's Dress)".


At this time, in European cinemas, as long as "Saint Kallen" is shown, they are basically crowded with Valkyries from all over the world.

Occasionally, there are some researchers of destiny mixed with anti-entropy people, but the number is relatively small compared to the Valkyries.

Because of Xiao Chen's ultra-wide-area divine grace enchantment, under the blessing of the Herrscher of Corrosion, basically as long as there is civilization, Honkai will be weakened, and experiments on Honkai cannot be done.

The Valkyries and researchers ushered in the longest vacation in history. The Valkyries, who had nothing to do, asked for leave and rushed to Europe to participate in the The release of the movie!

If it wasn't for the fact that Xiao Chen was in a hurry, I'm afraid Teresa would be on the plane to Europe now...

Although she is really angry with Otto now!But this should not mistake her for Otto's women's clothing!

As Otto's secretary, Kohaku also helped the Valkyries hide their reasons for asking for leave. It just explained that a large number of Valkyries asked for leave because of the weakening of the Honkai.

Basically all the Valkyries are fully armed in the cinema, and at the same time, various high-definition shooting, recording devices, and photography equipment are prepared to perfectly record the heroic appearance of Bishop Otto!

This is especially true in the cinema where Ulandale and Rita are. Ulandale looked at the Valkyries who moved out of the camera before the movie started... Can't help but sigh that the saint Kallen (Otto's female costume) is worthy of the saint Kallen lotus!There are still so many fans after 500 years!

ps: Guess who will be the first to have a blind date with Xiao Chen!

177-177 Cecilia's Secret and Xiao Chenjiang!I am your fan!

177 Cecilia's Secret and Xiao Chenjiang!I am your fan!

When Youlandal lamented the fans of the saint Kallen, Rita was still torturing Shi Yuqiluo what she thought of Xiao Chen... Shiyu Qiluo covered up her idol's secret, but she still couldn't stand Rita's torture.

After paying for a whole set of collectible photos and peripherals, Rita stopped torturing Shigure Qiluo.

Shiyu Qiluo itself also has three sets for collection, for personal use, and for missionary use.

As for why it was used for collection by Rita... that's because the missionary ones have been tortured away by Ulandell... Now she only keeps the ones she uses.

These are basically things that were produced several years ago and have long since ceased production.

However, Xiao Chen himself has taken too many photos, but someone asked him to do a fashion magazine, and his manager at the time (Yae Miko's Anko) contacted the photographer who took the photos.

Originally, Yae Miko planned to use it herself, but later she bought a series that was very popular, and she simply made a series, and she also kept dozens of sets at home.

Shi Yu Qiluo was one of the victims...

Originally, I just bought Xiao Chen's photo, CD, and peripherals with the mentality of studying the opponent.

After all, the two are about the same age, so there must be some secret behind the other's popularity!

Then, Shi Yuqiluo studied, studied herself and fell into it...

What method did not learn, but lost a lot of money.

Later, this gradually became Shi Yuqiluo's daily task every time he came back from playing Honkai, buying peripherals to go to the concert.Even the members of the Snow Wolf Team, because of Shi Yuqiluo's relationship, "more or less" knew that there was Xiao Chen...

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