179 Otto, I will definitely let your women's clothing spread all over the country

The bishop actually planned to do it himself!It seems that the situation has developed very seriously!

But who is it that can attract so much attention from the Bishop!

Just when Rita was thinking this, Otto said slowly, "I just received the news."

Did you just receive the information?What the hell is that?

"Xiao Chen..."

Did something happen to Xiao Chen? ? ?

"Xiao Chen's parents are coming to Europe to watch a movie...!"


Ah this.

How should I react at this time?

That's it?

Not right either!This is indeed a very important thing!

But my lord bishop, can't you learn how to speak well!What you said before shocked me!

At that moment, Rita breathed a sigh of relief but said seriously: "That is indeed a very important matter. What is the specific time?"

"Probably tomorrow." Otto said, and then asked: "Where are you now? What are you doing? Are you asleep at the hotel?"

At the cinema...seeing your women's clothing...

Rita looked at the part of Otto's women's clothing on the screen and coughed a few times, and said, "Yes, that's right! We are in the hotel!"

"Then your next step is to see the saint Kallen?" Otto asked.

"Yes..." Rita said with a guilty conscience.

"Okay, then you have to drag Youlandelle no matter what, and let her watch the same scene with Xiao Chen's parents tomorrow as the saint Kallen! And make a good impression on the two of them during the movie! I don't need it Say you should also understand! I will assist you in the front row or the back row!"

Got it, I'm looking at your women's clothing, right?

"I understand!" Rita nodded solemnly and said.

"Okay, I will be in charge of preparing your movie tickets tomorrow... In order to prevent accidents in tomorrow's action, let all the Valkyries in the vicinity of Europe occupy the seats first! After Xiao Chen's parents have made a choice, you are talking to the nearby Valkyrie Change places."

Otto said seriously, this time he really spent all his money, for the sake of his brother, facing the problem of social death in front of countless Valkyries.

Of course, he still insisted!As long as he doesn't say it!Then no one will know that it is your own women's clothing!Does the stand-in understand?

Of course, he didn't know that his most trusted Ulandal had betrayed him...

Rita gasped after hearing the task assigned by Otto.

Hiss what is this?Looking at women's clothing by order?

And still with Bishop Otto?

This, this is too exciting for those Valkyries, right?

I want to tell the exciting news to the sisters present!

"Okay, that's all there is to it." Otto glanced at the time and said, "I'll have someone contact Xiao Chen first, and let investors find an excuse to ask Xiao Chen to call someone to come to Europe, so that I can Excuse me to leave. Go to the summoned Valkyrie first, for this task, the other Valkyries will be handled as B-level tasks."

"Understood!" Rita replied with some excitement.

After hanging up the phone, he said directly to the Valkyries around him: "Sisters, Bishop Otto will also come to see Saint Kallen tomorrow."

After hearing the news, the surrounding Valkyries let out a scream.

"Oh? Then we can't see it anymore?"

After all, that is the bishop!

Lord!Ladies himself!He's here, so these Valkyries can't be blatantly looking at Otto's women's clothing!

"It's okay! The bishop has issued a mission! B-level Valkyrie mission! Call the nearby Valkyrie to watch Saint Kallen together! Everyone can reserve seats in advance! Although I don't know which cinema to watch tomorrow! But if you are lucky, everyone You can watch the saint Kallen together with Bishop Otto! All the actions of this mission will be reimbursed by the destiny!"

What is this task?That's great too, isn't it?Watching his dresses in a movie theater with Bishop Otto?Still have money?

Praise the Herrscher of Restraint!

The surrounding Valkyries cheered!


While cheering and celebrating at Valkyrie's side, Xiao Chen also received a call from Europe after talking with his mother on the phone. After all, this is the movie's premiere box office, so I need to be notified.

It's just that after hearing the box office, Xiao Chen pinched his thigh in disbelief.

Although he admits that Saint Kallen is a good work, it is only a good work, and it is still different from a masterpiece.

To be able to sell such a box office, he even wondered if the investors behind it deliberately sold the box office.

However, you can know these by looking at the follow-up box office.

The other party asked someone to go to Europe to discuss the follow-up matters, Xiao Chen agreed without thinking too much.

After thinking about it, only Otto can do it.

After all, Otto is a local, so there is no need to worry about translation, and a certain amount of knowledge is required in this area.

Moreover, the plot of the third Honkai escape from Changkong City did not have the opportunity for Otto to appear.

On the set here, he and the person in charge can handle it.

At that moment, he called Otto and said, "Hello, Otto? The investor asked the crew to send someone to Europe. Do you have time recently?"

"Of course there is!"

"Oh, then let Amber go to Europe."

After hearing Otto's excited answer, Xiao Chen stopped whispering Honkai in his ears, and subconsciously made a joke.


Why don't you play your cards according to the routine?

"Ha, I'm just kidding." Xiao Chen laughed a little heartily, then thought of something and said: "By the way, your purpose of joining the film crew is to find someone, right now Saint Kallen is only showing in Europe, but I also Can you tell investors about holding a handshake meeting? In this way, if the person you are looking for wants to meet you, as long as she is in Europe, she will attend, right?"

Does he still remember this incident?

Otto shook his head a little moved when he heard the words, with a bitter smile on his face, and said.

"Thank you, director, for your kindness. If she was in Europe, I would have found her long ago. I think she must have gone to a farther place..."

It's also possible that she doesn't want to see you...

Xiao Chen complained in his heart, but he didn't say it directly. After all, things don't necessarily develop in the worst situation (it will only develop in a worse situation)...

At the moment, he spoke.

"Well, I'm going to work hard to promote the movie."

"Then thank you, director."

Just hurry up and let me know how to save Kallen!

Otto complained in his heart, and then he heard Xiao Chen speak.

"Don't worry! I will definitely let your women's clothing spread all over the world!"


People are hard to tear down!Thanks!

180-180 Otto: Siegfried, I'm not lying!

180 Otto: Siegfried, I'm not lying!

After making a few jokes casually, Xiao Chen hung up the phone again, and when he turned his head to look at Fu Hua, he found that she was pretending to look at the scenery beside him... He was about to say something to ease the embarrassing atmosphere, and then The phone rang again.

"Who is it?"

Xiao Chen said something a little uncomfortable, but still connected the phone.

He heard Qiyana's excited voice the first second the bell went off.

"Director! Mei promised me to join the crew!"

"Then you are awesome~" Xiao Chen couldn't help shaking his head when he heard Qiyana's excited voice, and complained.

In case you don't know, Raiden Mei has already joined the crew.

"Hey hey hey! You are praising me!" Kiyana said with a smirk, and then continued: "However, Mei has one condition."

"Huh?" Xiao Chen asked curiously when he heard the words, and said, "What conditions?"

"Mei said that in order to take care of me conveniently, she will live with us actors."

Leiden Mei said this in order to monitor Qiyana not to sneak away first, and at the same time increase the distance between Xiao Chen and Xiao Chen.

Of course, her plan is much more than that.

"No problem." Xiao Chen nodded.

This matter is nothing, and although he can cook, he is too lazy to do it in most cases. It can save a lot of trouble to have someone who can cook by his side.

He still doesn't know what it means to make this decision now...

After chatting with Qiyana for a few words, Xiao Chen hung up the phone again.

It's just that after hanging up the phone this time, he waited for a few seconds to confirm that there was no call coming before putting down the phone, and said to Fu Hua, "Let's go see how the group performance is going."

"Hmm..." Hearing this, Fu Hua withdrew his face pretending to look at the scenery, but his eyes were a little dodged when he looked at Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen didn't know why Fu Hua changed so much before and after.

This was the first time he fell asleep lying on someone else's lap, and it was a woman who was several years younger than him, especially since he slept peacefully... Could it be that he has some special hobbies?That's not right, I usually read books that are all about restraint and binding... Why do you feel so at ease because of a knee pillow?

Xiao Chen was a little thirsty from the wind blowing outside, he licked his lips subconsciously, Fu Hua's face turned redder after seeing his actions, and he kept muttering in his heart.

He wouldn't have found out!

But that was an accident!I don't want to take advantage of him either!

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