The two of them were in this demolished community one after the other, and the casualties who passed by occasionally bowed their heads to greet their boss.

After Xiao Chen confirmed the video and specially filmed a few scenes, he and Fu Hua took the car back to St. Freya College. It was already afternoon when the work here was over.


On the other side, under the arrangement of Yae Seed, Gray Snake returned with Yae Ling, also known as Fei Yuwan.

Along the way, he always felt that he had forgotten something.

It's just that he is more worried about whether this pet (emergency food) can really enter the Paradise of the Dead normally?This worry made him forget what he had neglected.

When he arrived at the World Snake Headquarters, a contact reminded him of something he had forgotten.

"Hello? Gray Snake? I'm in Changkong City now. Where are you? Where am I going to meet you?"


Gray Snake looked at Raven's message to him and finally remembered what he forgot!

He forgot to contact other people and removed the addition!

Because he was afraid that his electronic equipment would be discovered, he threw away the equipment he usually used to communicate when he fled.After recovering the communication, he forgot the previous contact again because of Yae Ling.

However, saying that I don't need to increase my staff now is a bit of an afterthought, and it will damage my image in the world all along!

Now that Raven has arrived in Changkong City, let her continue to investigate.

He predicted that the Herrscher was definitely going to cause trouble in this city!It's good to have someone stay there to observe the situation at any time!

This dangerous matter should be handed over to fighters like Raven!Just let her be careful that the Herrscher of Consciousness (Xiao Chen) does not leak information about the World Snake.

After thinking about Xiao Chen's matter, Gray Snake couldn't help feeling a headache again, and the Herrscher of Knowledge added a fusion fighter suspected of being the Herrscher of Ice or Rock.

There is also a Herrscher of Restraint who hides in the dark and does not know whether it is an enemy or a friend.

In the current situation, there must be one person in charge of the overall situation!

This person must be Master Mebius!

Now the raven is gone!By now!You can only let this little pet enter the pure land of the past.

Tell any lord that the Herrscher of Constraint, the Herrscher of Knowledge, and the former Yingjie Fu Hua have also become Herrschers!

(Mebius: What hell difficulty?)

Other things will wait for an adult to come out.

At present, Gray Snake contacted Raven, and Xiao Chen is the Herrscher of Knowledge, and the fusion warrior of the last era may become a Herrscher.

After hearing the news, Raven was so frightened that she almost bought a return ticket, but Gray Snake just said a number, and she restrained herself from placing the order...

no way!Although this mission is the most dangerous of all her missions!But Gray Snake gave too much!

Raven still decided to grit her teeth and squat in this place for a while, if there was any danger, she would just run away!


On the other side, Otto finally edited his latest work before leaving.

He had promised Siegfried's work before, but he hadn't finished it yet. Before he left today, he finally finished editing this video!

He called it the fall of the Kaslana family!

The time span of this episode is also relatively long.

In the process of editing, he also adopted the method of suppressing first and then raising!

At the beginning of the video, it tells how Kiana met Raiden Mei, and made up her mind to abide by her agreement with Siegfried to protect her beloved!

Then it tells about Qiyana getting to know Xiao Chen, falling under Xiao Chen's methods little by little, and finally dedicating her true love to him!

The Kaslana family is known as knights!

Knights exist to protect others!

Is there anything that surrenders the object of protection to the more depraved betrayal of evil?No!

Of course, Otto knew the details of Yae Miko's plan.

But Siegfried doesn't know!

In order to stimulate Siegfried, he also marked it on the video. This video is a misunderstanding MV processed by art, which is different from the reality.

It's just that Siegfried won't believe it!


"Siegfried, I'm not lying."

181-181 The third collapse

181 The third collapse? Escape from Changkong City before filming starts!

the next day……

After a short preparation.

The third collapse, Escape from Changkong City officially started filming——

The plot of the third Honkai manga is very short, and it only has seven chapters including the unnecessary prologue, but because the scene is relatively large, it takes a long time to prepare.

Fortunately, it was almost ready for the anti-entropy invasion.

For example, group performances, such as the block bought by Otto, these preparations were completed in just a few days under the power of destiny.

As for Otto himself, he boarded a plane to Europe last night.

At this time, he was probably already in Europe, following Xiao Chen's parents not far away, personally confirming which movie theater they chose...

Leaving aside the matter of Otto in Europe, for the sake of efficiency, Xiao Chen is divided into two pairs to shoot in different places.

On one side, the person in charge led a group of extras, and they were on the street Xiao Chen visited yesterday with Qiyana, Leiden Mei, and Bronya.

I was responsible for filming the process of the three girls abandoning the streets and fleeing when the Houkai broke out, which was nothing at all.

Before the one-hour team, Xiao Chen found the person in charge and explained to him about the team.The latter nodded without thinking too much, and asked, "Although this is very efficient, aren't you usually in charge of the protagonist team? Why did you go to the branch scene this time?"

Xiao Chen showed a somewhat embarrassed smile when he heard the person in charge's question, and said: "It's not about the script this time... There is a kissing scene."

In the early Honkai III comics, when the third Honkai happened, Jizi Wuliangta was dating someone else... Xiao Chen could only follow the original work because he couldn't think of any good plot.

It's just that he must discuss this matter with Wuliangta Jizi in advance.

After Xiao Chen told the plot, Wuliangta Jizi readily agreed, but she also put forward a condition.

That is, she can only accept Xiao Chen acting in this scene with herself...

Xiao Chen also thought that she would make such a request, but since he made the request first.Then, facing Wuliangta Jizi's request, he had no way to refuse, so he could only agree.

Of course, he also said that it's fine just to put on a show, and there's no need to actually kiss.

It's just that after he finished saying this, Wuliangta Jizi's expression was obviously a little disappointed...

Therefore, he went there not only to direct filming, but also to work as a part-time actor.

However, the information about this role will definitely not appear in the cast list...

Although he played Siegfried in the Anti-Entropy Invasion chapter, at that time he had silver hair and older makeup.

Just change your hair color, change your clothes, and if you look a little younger, no one will notice!

After hearing Xiao Chen's explanation, the person in charge showed a wry smile on his face and said that he would keep this matter a secret.

Especially for Bronya.

It's true that Xiao Chen is an actor, but he rarely acts in this kind of love story.Because when it was packaged, it was single as a selling point... so naturally I have no experience in filming kissing scenes.

Bronya always felt that God was helping her. If she knew that Xiao Chen's first kiss might be lost, she would definitely be depressed in such a place, right?

(Although it was recently taken away by a Shenzhou tablet...)

While watching Xiao Chen leave and waiting for others to arrive at the destination.

The person in charge discovered a very critical problem.

A very fatal problem...

The person in charge looked at the dead men with a demented expression before getting off the truck, as well as the three or four-story Honkai Beast... He took the script to the ground and said, "How do I command these dead men! Lao Tzu Just an ordinary person! What does it mean to leave it all to me! Please find some normal extras for me!"

"No one told me that I would use real zombies to act!"

"Don't pursue indifferent realism in this kind of place!"


On the other hand, the time in Europe is different from here.

It was probably daytime now, after a little jet lag at the hotel, Xiao Chen's parents also chose a nearby movie theater.

Otto has already booked all the nearby movie theaters, and now all the movie theater staff have been replaced by the Valkyries of Destiny.

As long as the two elders buy tickets, they can only buy seats one seat apart!

And between the two of them must be Youlandelle!

He had observed beforehand on the plane that if the two were allocated different seats, the two elders would naturally propose to change seats!

With Youlandal's character, he will never refuse!

In this way, you can give the two old people a good impression!

Everything works flawlessly!All that's left is for the actors to enter!

Xiao Chen!My best friend!Let me be a director too!Give you a wonderful marriage!

Hiss—maybe eleven marriages!Comes with a handful of black abyss and white flowers!It can be regarded as the dowry for marrying Youlandelle...

Anyway, with Siegfried's character, it is impossible to get a decent dowry.

However, I am not a devil.

Before leaving, he thoughtfully prepared a gift for Siegfried... In order to celebrate Youlandal's marriage, I believe he must really wish for this gift!


On the other side, Amber looked at the USB flash drive on Otto's desk... There was a piece of paper under the USB flash drive, with Otto's self-portrait in Q version and a message on it.

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