After hearing these words, Siegfried first made a few question marks slowly, and then thought to himself.

Why is it a lawyer again?Could it be possible that the Herrschers still attract each other?

Just as Siegfried was thinking this, Kiyana continued to speak in the screen.

"Mei and the world! I will protect them all!"

"Okay! This is my Siegfried daughter!" Siegfried gave a thumbs up to Qiyana in the picture.

Just as he was thinking this way, the picture on the display suddenly blurred, and a white snowflake suddenly appeared on the entire screen.

Um?What's up with this Otto?Do you want to repair the Tianming equipment even if it is like this?

Just as he was thinking this way, Kiyana appeared on the screen again...

ah?good again!Just as Siegfried was looking forward to the next plot, he saw Xiao Chen and Qiyana in a dim room.

Kiyana showed a life-sacrificing expression on her face, and said, "As long as I sign this, will you let Mei go?"

This is the scene of Qiyana and Xiao Chen in the police station before, but it was slightly modified by Otto.

From Siegfried's point of view, it was Xiao Chen who forced Qiyana to sign some unharmonious contracts!

But he still has a little comfort in his heart!

At least, my daughter signed that contract to protect her beloved!She did not violate the agreement with me!

She has always been my complacent daughter!

188-188 Entering the Paradise of the Dead for the first time, Mei's Raiders

188 Entering the Paradise of the Dead for the First Time, Mei's Raiders

On a rooftop not far from Kiana and the others, Joyce simulated that the Star of Eden suppressed the raven with a gravity field.Because all actions are moved by gravity, the raven didn't hear any footsteps, and only saw him slowly floating out of the darkness.

"Sure enough, after Gray Snake left, did World Snake send someone again?"

Although Yae Shenzi temporarily fooled Gray Snake, she did not let down her vigilance against World Snake.

Always stare at the inside of the World Snake with the power of the Corrosion Herrscher.

In order to prevent the World Snake from causing trouble, Yae Miko specially asked the anti-entropy people to protect Qiyana and others in secret.

After all, Joyce's role was basically over when Anti-Entropy invaded.

There is at most one month of the film, and there is a plot where Bronya uses the power of the Herrscher of Reason to create the Moonlight Throne, and finally shows her face.

It can be said that he is a proper marginal figure.

As for Joyce's personal biography, the anti-entropy people have almost filmed it...

Although the existence of Houkai has not been exposed, the plot has not changed much.

Raven also showed a surprised expression after seeing Joyce, and said, "Is it a copy of the Herrscher of Reason? Was it really Cocolia who betrayed us?"

"Huh? Replica?" Joyce raised his brows when he heard this name.

"Hmph! Poor guy doesn't even know that he is a clone?" Raven said while lying on the ground.

But I'm really the body.

An awkward smile appeared on Joyce's face... This means that if he had a good temper, others would think that Raven would inevitably be beaten up.

Gray Snake also noticed the loss of Raven's signal at this time.

As the Herrscher of Reason, how could Joyce not know the importance of machinery, and destroyed the machinery on her body as soon as he controlled Raven.

Now Gray Snake only hoped that Raven would die directly and not be caught by the Herrscher of Knowledge!Although it is cruel!But that's the world snake!Everything can be sacrificed for the ideal!

At this time, Yae Ling also came through the clothes similar to the school uniform, before the scary masked man...

She should have known Qianjie before, but 5... [-] years of time eroded by Honkai caused her to lose most of her memories.

When she saw Qian Jie, she could no longer recognize the person in front of her.


But before she could open her mouth, Qian Jie turned around and spoke halfway when she felt the aura of the Herrscher restraining her, but after seeing Ling's familiar face, he gave the next cruel words to her. swallowed...

It's Ling!That's all right!


After the person in charge of the control made a phone call, Zhibao released the control and deleted that memory.

And hinted that he continued to film, let him ignore those discordant memories.

At that moment, after the halftime ended, the person in charge clapped his hands in fear and said.

'Okay, okay girls, we're going to start filming! "

Kiana and the others looked at each other and nodded, and Mei Raiden returned to the logistics position.After returning to the logistics position, she suddenly thought of a question, and said: "Then, since these dead soldiers are all under Xiao Chen's control, why can the Mr. Responsible person still direct their actions?"

The Herrscher Mei in her heart answered for her: "To be precise, it wasn't that person who controlled the dead man, but the gray-haired man... or the Herrscher."

"Grey hair??? You mean Fu Hua?" Lei Dian Mei asked in surprise.

"I don't know if she can still be called Fu Hua. However, she is in a strange state now. Sometimes she exudes the breath of a Herrscher, and sometimes she is like an ordinary human being. If the law emanating from her Judging from the aura of the master, she is indeed the Herrscher of Knowledge, and it is not surprising that she can control the dead."

Lei Dian Mei thought of another question when she heard the words, and said, "Then Kiyana called the dead man just now, and the other party responded."

"Maybe... because she is also a Herrscher?" Mei Herrscher said with some uncertainty.

Leiden Mei's intuition as a woman tells her that things are not that simple!

Since it is said that those dead men and Honkai Beasts were manipulated by Xiao Chen.

Then they must have something to do with Xiao Chen being able to control the dead!

She had suspected that Fu Hua was cheating before!Needless to say, Qiyana probably sneaked away long ago!

Could it be... I can't do it alone?

Immediately, he opened his mouth and asked Herrscher Mei: "Then you can see if you can order these dead men."

Herrscher Mei also noticed that Leiden Mei's worry directly controlled Leiden Mei's body, and ordered to a dead man next to him.

"come over."


The dead man stood beside him motionless.

"come over!"

Herrscher Mei repeated it again.

The dead man turned his head and gave her a blank look, then continued to stand there in a daze.

And the dead man's reaction convinced Leiden Mei and Herrscher Mei that... Fu Hua and Qiyana really had something to do with Xiao Chen!

What's going on... this feeling that only I'm left out!

Leiden Mei felt a strong sense of threat, and she asked the other self in her heart.

"What are we going to do next?"

Herrscher Yai hesitated for a while, and couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said, "How about! Let's add medicine to the dishes!"

The most advanced strategy often only needs the most simple method.jpg


Kiyana, my daughter!

You really still remember the promise you made with your father!

Child, when you were born, the entire battleship of Destiny whispered your name: "Qiana Kaslana!"

Child, I am proud to watch you grow up day by day and become the embodiment of justice!

One day, my life will come to an end, and you, will be crowned king and save the world instead of me!

Just when Siegfried was thinking this way, when Kiana made up her mind to protect Raiden Mei, the screen suddenly stopped one by one.

Then there was a snowflake screen again, but this time it was accompanied by non-stop snowflake screens. The pictures that he had seen before, such as taking medicine, feeding apples, etc., kept flashing and hitting Siegfried. heart...

Like the collapse of reality and fantasy...

no!I have seen the growth of women!I will not be hit by this kind of scene for a second time!

Just as Siegfried comforted himself.

The picture freezes at the scene where Qiyana swoops and hugs Xiao Chen.

"I like you the most! Director!"

Then Kiyana showed a smile with a somewhat dark background, and said slowly: "I want to discuss something with you...can you let Mei join the crew?"

Siegfried: I want you to be crowned king?But isn't the color of your crown not quite right? ? ?

189-189 The fall of the world snake, the end of the raven

189 The Fall of the World Snake, the End of the Raven

"Drugs??? Is this not good???"

After hearing Herrscher Mei's bold plan, Leiden Mei said hesitantly.

"What's wrong?"

Herrscher Mei said nonchalantly: "They have done so many things behind your back! Why can't we use some despicable methods?!"


Leiden Mei’s expression was still a little hesitant, Herrscher Mei said: “But what?! But! You are so hesitant! Others may have tried third base and even started to play other plays, you stay where you are Stepping!"

After hearing this sentence, Leiden Mei couldn't hold back anymore, and immediately said: "Done! Just do it!"

'it is good!You really are not the coward you used to be! "The Herrscher Yai praised.

After the two were excited for a while, Leiden Mei suddenly thought of a question and asked, "But...where can that kind of medicine be sold?"

Leiden Mei has always been a good girl, that is to say, she has learned some things under the leadership of Yae Shenzi, but she still looks like a noob. Naturally, it is impossible to know where this medicine will be bought...even this kind It is uncertain whether the drug exists or not.

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